General Discussion

General DiscussionNa'Vi is so bad

Na'Vi is so bad in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...

    Holy shit man, they are so retarded. I don't wanna sound like an asshole but they think they can win fights with just 1 good teamfight hero against a team of Void and DP. I don't even know what they are trying to do.


      o how the mighty have fallen

      freezing field OP


        I just saw that aswell them fails :S


          They went from top tier team to tier 2 cis team. Their main problem is that they're one trick pony, all they know is early over aggresion and if they fail at this, there's no back up.

          Von Darkmoor

            I thaught the draft sucked in TI4 cause of Puppey apperently Xvhost/Funnik and maybe Dendi (even tho i doubt it) arent capable of playing anything but Naix/Prophet etc allways same strat allways so much fail never anything new. So it was never ever Puppey<3's fault just Xvhost should get kicked.


              that xboct on lifestealer.. man-moding when they were pusing tier 1 radiant mid.. was so fail...


                See...told you kids that xboct can only play the 50 minute alchemist and was probably the prime reason the team was failing...but'vi is just saving strats for ti5 /eyeroll


                  They're incredibly inconsistent and they've been that way for years


                    Just bring back the old Nav'i Squad ----- XBOCT,DENDI,LOH,ARS-ART and Puppey and they will beat every team at TI5. WHy talk shit about them ? when you cant beat them... Look at yourself first before you talk about them. Dont forget the old days about them with their EPIC TEAM FIGHTS--

                    kanye went to uni

                      kael you should look at yourself before talking about people like op

                      see how stupid the 'get a sense of perspective' argument is? all you're doing is saying you can't think of a better counter-argument

                      go kill urself

                        Just bring back the old Nav'i Squad ----- XBOCT,DENDI,LOH,ARS-ART and Puppey and they will beat every team at TI5. WHy talk shit about them ? when you cant beat them... Look at yourself first before you talk about them. Dont forget the old days about them with their EPIC TEAM FIGHTS--

                        and this is why ur in normal skill

                        navi needs better drafting honestly. their gameplay is actually pretty good but they draft themselves into such a shithole that its often too hard to come back

                        like they probably would have gone to game 3 at least against newbee and beat lgd if their drafts were better


                          Yea let's analyze that...
                          First play: All Puppey and LoH
                          Second Play: Ars-Art, Xboct uses mana void to get the kill gold(would have died is this play a spotlight anyways...)
                          Third Play: Again, All Ars-Art, Xboct grabbing the kill with void. (also pay attention to how out of position burning is in this, he has no creeps, he's up against a full radiant creep wave + 2 heroes. This is more of a DK fail than a Na'Vi highlight...)
                          Fourth Play: Dendi and Puppey.
                          Fifth Play: Everyone but Xboct(he has a small impact, and quite frankly...I don't think he's even in control of his illusions in this fight. Yes even though he got the rampage, he did not nearly contribute as much as the rest of his team).
                          Sixth Play: Xboct feeding.
                          Seventh Play: 95% Dendi/LoH, 5% Xboct.
                          Eighth Play: Omg xboct reacted.
                          Ninth Play: (Skipping the blocks by puppey) Overfarmed carry doing overfarmed carry things while LoH does the initiating.
                          Tenth Play: Xboct literally does nothing but feed them an extra kill in this fight.
                          Eleventh Play: See last play.
                          Twelfth Play: Woo...jumping on supports. Real play is by Ars-Art.
                          Thirteenth Play: Xboct jumping on supports again. Huge hole by LoH.
                          Fourteenth Play: Xboct chomps down on bait and gets rescued by his team.
                          Fifteenth Play: LoH is man.
                          Sixteenth Play: AA is man at first.
                          Seventeenth Play: DEN DI!!!! xP
                          Eighteenth Play: I'll give xboct that the chrono probably saved his team, but what a cd to blow.
                          Nineteenth Play: Dendi is man again. Yay 3 man chrono, too bad caught his own teammate >.>
                          Twentieth Play: Dendi such reaction. Overfarmed carry cracking for healthbars.

                          Notice anything? It's usually not xboct making the big plays, and rather getting caught. Maybe you could say it's Na'Vi's strategy to use their hard carry as bair but...seriously? Who does that? And if that was/is indeed their strategy, why does no one else do it?


                            Kitrak... And? What you gonna do with my normal skill.. I'll play however I want y yu so mad?
                            Ihaveaname... Ouch! It really hurts when I said something to others ? I don't need to look at myself cuz I'm not judging people like them


                              You being normal bracket is a poke at you not knowing who Sam is(the op). Give you a hint, he has higher MMR than everyone on Na'Vi.


                                so litteraly, you should do plays with a carry who's only work is to farm, don't die, have observation of ganks and rightclik people. How can that be caught in a fucking video?
                                And i like how you used the word "just overfarmed carry" isn't it a good play if you as a carry are overfarmed?
                                And yeah i actually read you dipshit post to half.
                                I'm not defending XBOCT at all, i think he is the weakest link to the team since ever, but so many stupid posts like this make me ill.


                                  He can ONLY play from ahead on heavily farm dependent heroes. Look at his performance at TI4 where heroes that fall under his meta didn't apply to the meta at the time. He couldn't do ANYTHING but get caught out of position.

                                  "isn't it a good play if you as a carry are overfarmed?"
                                  No, it's an expected play. A good play would have been him using his mana void/omnislash to interrupt something big without necessarily scoring a kill. Anybody can do what he was doing in those matches, I mean most matches he was left alone for 20+ minutes to free farm the map. That's not any kind of display of skill.