General Discussion

General DiscussionMini-guide on pub mentality.

Mini-guide on pub mentality. in General Discussion

    I see too many whine threads on uncooperative/bad teammates and its getting on my nerves how these people probably caused it or could have easily avoided it.

    For example, you're 12-2-3 and your team score is 22-11. The game drags and your teammates keep solo farming and getting picked off and slowly you realize you're starting to lose. You then proceed to flame your teammates "I gave you guys so much space wtf you doing blablabla". You made 2 mistakes: 1. you're a fucking retard for not initiating objective play, nobody is going to ignore it when the guy with a monster kill streak says all mid or tell a specific support to buy ward/smoke. 2. blaming your teammates when things start going bad is only going to affect them negatively.

    Theres also the reverse, you have fucking imbeciles who are feeding 0-4-1 barking at their teammates. "Wtf can you buy wards fuck" being said by the team scrub makes the supports NOT want to listen. These guys blame any bad play on their part onto their teammates, basically creating dissonance in their team.

    There is also the 'commander', basically this little player who has the exact same MMR as everyone and has probably been at that MMR at 100+ games, tells everyone what to do. "Come here, go there, do this, do that". Dude shut the fuck up who the hell do you think you are? You must have really horrible EQ.

    I've turned trolls into proper players midway through games before. People will always be persuaded by the polite and better skilled player, theres no reason not to. Btw, don't do the 'fake nice'.

    tl;dr in points

    - be kind and people will listen
    - be skilled and people will respect
    - suggest, not order
    - do not constantly tell people what to do
    - when you're playing the worst, shutup when people scold you
    - finding an excuse after dying is retarded "why no wards", sir you knew there were no wards yet you overextended.
    - finding some smart ass comment after you die is retarded "why you farm so slow", shutup, you died.


      No, just mute everyone who is distracting you and play your own game.


        How 2 win at dota. A guide by dacheat.

        1. Pick Mirana
        2. Miss arrows
        3. Cliff jungle with QB
        4. Flame team for not ganking jungle
        5. Wait for enemy to push
        6. Throw arrows, wait for one to hit.
        7. The hit enemy is now known as the "retard magnet"
        8. Watch your teammates
        9. If they jump into 5 in an attempt to kill the retard magnet, mute them.
        10. You may need to repeat 5-9 several times
        11. "GG no wards/GG mid no gank/GG carry no farm/etc." in all chat
        12. Sit back and think about how great you are at dota while your ancient falls

        आप गे क्यों

          dont create a whiny "have my advice, no one asked me for" thread about whiny stuff

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            so far the best way is to find friends and play with them. even if you are just a 3 man stack, it's easier to play and win.

            or just try to initiate the fights in which you think your team can win even if you die in the process. when they are the ones getting the kill, they somehow play better and with that you could feed and still win. hahaha


              It is amazing how few people care/appreciate that keeping the rest of your team motivated and working together is at least as important as any mechanic. Just learning to use Well Played! in a non-sarcastic manner is worth 200MMR.

              Paid actor

                Lol nice try brah, if u r polite and respectful ppl will have no reason not to listen, wtf where do u que bro so i can que there as well, its mostly like "tb pls can u reconsider rushing radiance without boots?" and it was followed up by "st fu trashcan scrub, the day ill take advices from 4k trashes ill decide to abandon this game!" he was the same mmr as all the others and kept pretending he came from the 5k bracket after a day that he was drunk (lost on purpose) and now was skyrockting to 5k again...i met him again after 1 week in the same mmr XD

                and yea i know this was 1 case, but its mostly like this, if things go well ppl listen and r friendly but if shit goes on fire better hit dat mute button imo.

                Miku Plays

                  Step 1 : Last Pick Support
                  Step 2 : Go with Carry at safelane
                  Step 3: Make sure you stack and pull, denying most exp from the enemy offlaner
                  Step 4: Rotate Offlane
                  Step 5: watch as your carry flames you cause u feed
                  Step 6: 30 mins in-gma time, look at your carry farm

                  kanye went to uni

                    step 1: use chat wheel, dont say shit in game.

                    no other steps


                      OP's psychology is top-notch. Would you listen to the guy who is 0-4-1 raging at you for not buying wards? And would you listen to the guy on a monster-kill streak telling you to go down mid? Think about it.

                      If you have anger management issues, don't. Legitimately – just don't say fuck you over the Internet. The most I go when scolding teammates (on the basis that I'm playing better), is simply telling them what they did wrong politely. If they accept it (Chinese people often do), I just say "It's all right, already happened, try not to do it again". In the off chance they flame me, I just ignore them.

                      waku waku

                        i once went 0-5-2 as crystal maiden before i could get boots
                        what would that make me?


                          "There is also the 'commander', basically this little player who has the exact same MMR as everyone and has probably been at that MMR at 100+ games, tells everyone what to do. "Come here, go there, do this, do that". Dude shut the fuck up who the hell do you think you are? You must have really horrible EQ. "

                          I probably am one of those, especially since patch 6.82 where I have to remember my mates to get the runes every 2 minutes. I'm also one of those who goes for a gank and then actually tell my mates what I'm about to do and who to focuse, who stuns first and so on. Someone has to take the lead in every situation .
                          If there is just one guy that doesn't want to listen (probably you) because HE thinks HE is to good to follow some decent orders, you'll have a hard time winning the game.

                          Also, skill has nothing to do with your k/d/a, especially not if it's only for a specific game....



                            Your guide it's unusefull and fake.

                            Enjoi it


                              Most of all, u are right, but u shoul be a reeeealy calm and patient person=))

                              Dire Wolf

                                Sometimes flaming works. Match from last night, everyone was dead but with about ~10 seconds to resurrect except for bloodseeker. Entire enemy team on our mid rax. Enemy lion dives bloodseeker I don't know why but blood wasted his aoe nuke/silencer thing on a solo lion when the entire rest of team was stacked on our tower. 2 seconds later we all res'd, fought them off but lost like two people and two of theirs got away. Had blood not wasted his insanely powerful aoe nuke on one solo squishy support we'd have wiped em easily. I tore him a new one. Next big team fight as rosh pit he got off a perfect silence and we wiped them easily. So I don't know, maybe he listened to me lol. But he was also jungling bloodseeker so not that smart to begin with.


                                  guide on pub mentality

                                  tell ur team to stop fucking flaming each other, then mute them all


                                    If someone says "Stop feed!" mute him. He has no idea what happens on map anyway.

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