General Discussion

General DiscussionI will never leave 2k bracket

I will never leave 2k bracket in General Discussion

    I unistalled doto, join me plz


      wtf is this game how did u lost this shit hahahahaha

      Primordial Soup





            Pl shadowblade 53 min only Dedalus, Diffusal and Shadowblade


            Crimson + Malestorm on ember. CRIMSON FIRST ITEM


            The only good player was clock.


              MMR shows ur skill. If u cant leave 2k mmr, that means u are 2k mmr player. There is no reason to whine and blame anyone. 1 game doesnt show anything. Keep calm and learn ur mistakes and try not make them, etc and u will grow


                My last 5 games:
       roaming more then pudge and help all to do easy kills almost all good players
       carry a game, no team help everytime i ask for sentryes on the fucking ground "Omg sniper shut up"
       even i did firstblood, we had a no blink = no kills templar assassin, carry windranger, feeder void, carry enchantress. Ward and sentry placed everytime.
       Farmed and easy won game. Typical Anti-Fun game.
       One of the low time used spectre, a normal game.



                  All your games you have shit TD, shit HD (e.g. you're not hitting ennemies AND you're not split pushing) and shit KDA. You belong where you are. And most of your wins you got carried by someone.


                    what do u want lol just get someone to boost you to an mmr u think u deserve and continue playing if ure that unhappy with ur current teammates


                      I think you spend more time looking at your team and blaming them than playing, based on your HD and TD.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi


                        845 TD vs 40k HD, this game is called "defence of the ancients" for a reason you know.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          @FanofEnVy sorry i'm not this much n00b

                          @6.82 cool story bro but i don't play cod style. Farm over kills if you have to risk to die beacouse no teamplay. Tower damage with support isn't this much easy. HD not lowe than 15k with carryes.


                            ^Mate I'm not trying to flame but you need to realise in many games you are the worst player in your team. If you were even decent at this game 2k matches would be a fucking joke even 1v9. Stop blaming your team and maybe you'll get out.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi



                                Seems like you got teamwiped while there's a Prophet,Warlock and DP. = Bye Bye Base


                                  Lower you are, easier it is to win the game. Because it's YOU + 4 feeders vs 5 feeders.


                                    windranger can carry, dunno why ur complainin about that


                                      So sad, and it's only 2k. Wait until you get to 3k it's even harder to leave. Without even watching the reply, you took a beating from rat dota. Kill score doesn't mean all in this game.


                                        Amh, actualy i'm 2900. But i love to say i'm 2k for see people who can't realy say nothing only about "Look i'm dending around i pubstomp anyone".

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          Look i went from 2.1 to 3k in the last couple of months so you can take it from me the only way you can get better and get out of 2k is to see were you went wrong. Most 2k player have at least one thing that they really suck at (e.g i was really bad at not carrying tps and being out of position in team fights). People at 3k are not that much better at the game but you need to be good at the basics of the game if you really want to get out of 2k, watch your replays and see what you can do better. However if you just had a sucky game and want to convince yourself that it is all your team fault well have fun with that.

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            You should do replay commentaries on Youtube and tell us why you lost these unwinnable games.



                                              You are 2K trash tier garbage.

                                                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                  Are you sure you want to leave 2k MMR? It seems like you enjoy killing heroes rather than winning the game.

                                                  Your stats for this game:
                                                  Hero dmg 39.8k Tower dmg 854???

                                                  Clearly you didn't really try to win.

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                  Welt aus Eis


                                                    go kill urself

                                                      just pick axe

                                                      ❀❀ Jade Illusion ❀❀

                                                        I'm 2k and as long as you pick last its easy wins. I either end up as a solo support witchdoctor and captain the team, or just pick mid and snowball easily because people at 2k are clueless.

                                                        Unity Chan

                                                          sad things is people make mistakes which is why game is lost just like my last game in my 4k mmr account a spectre went in by herself when team was miles away lol and he was like i have buy back and by the time he died he needed 500gold more to bb and lost us the game sad life


                                                            chillax, i came from 2k mmr too. Calibrated 2k when i first started. Now i'm 3.7k! Its okay just keep playing :D


                                                              You don't want to leave, 3500-4200 contains the most toxic nerds in the universe


                                                                what he said.
                                                                I calibrated at 3k and regretted that i climbed so far.


                                                                  Dota games are won by killing towers. Everything else --- the lasthits, the kills, the xp, the items, taking roshan, whatever it is... everything else only matters if it sets up you taking a tower and getting closer to the real objective of destroying the opposing teams ancient.


                                                                  In my last game we lost the ealy laning, we lost the cs, we lost nearly all the teamfights, our teamwork and communication were terrible most of the game. We were down massively on the XP nearly the whole game. But it didn't matter because we took towers, so our carries eventually caught up and as soon as they had the power to do it we killed their base instead of giving them a chance to come back.


                                                                  I'm really quite bad at Terrorblade. I have never played him before dota 2. I start slow, miss lots of cs, and feed. But I basically understand that the only important thing for TB to do is tower damage, so I have won every game since I first began to learn the hero.

                                                                  My tower damage in the last 5 games => 6.9k, 6.8k, 8.6k, 9.7k, 9.3k. In every one of these games I think I played badly, got very weak early cs, and fed kills. But I just kept making images and pushing every time the enemy rotated away, and I put my full dps into a tower every time I got close to one.

                                                                  Your team needs to kill 7.7k hp worth of towers to get to the ancient at a minimum. If you are not getting a large share of that done with the carry hero, then you have failed your primary responsibility. If you are relying on creeps to do your tower dmg, you can expect to lose.


                                                                    4 carries and a ganker, no support.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      Windranger carry is legit but she did it completely wrong. You need maelstrom -> mjollnir + aghs. Orchid when there's no enemy worth silencing and linkins when they have no targeted stuns. WTF.


                                                                        Happens sometimes xd


                                                                          SUP GUYS, I DID IT AGAIN!

                                                                          BTW damaging tower discussion: Isn't so much easy after a teamfight when you run out of mana/hp to push Deal with it.

                                                                          inb4: shield, bottle and shit
                                                                          Sure bro, enough regen 100% pro legit shit

                                                                          Dire Wolf


                                                                            Your sniper build blows. Max headshot, first point in shrapnel at level 10. MKB and daedulus over mjollnirs? Bkb is not needed vs those heroes but two of them have blade mail so probably a good pickup. There's a consistency between all these losses and it is lack of tower dmg. To do 1k on sniper in a 57 min game is downright terrible.

                                                                            It reminds me of this recent match:

                                                                            First glance our sniper has most farm on the team but if you watch the replay his was solo mid vs void. He should have absolutely crushed that lane and killed the tower in far under 10 mins. He didn't do any of that and our other lanes got pushed hard. Sniper could've easily turned the tide of that game by pushing more.

                                                                            This loss we got crushed and I still managed 6 cs/min and 1.7k tower dmg. In wins I usually get 3-6k on sniper depending on what my teammates do.

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                              You max concussive shot before ancient seal? Really? With that amount of CC in your team?

                                                                              Fuck me.

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                As you can see from the replay.. oh, who am i kidding ?

                                                                                All it's variable. I got a chaos knight in lane with Stun and rift. So the slow isn't realy necessary asap over the seal who buff my teammate magical damage and we don't realy need the slow since he can bring back enemy.

                                                                                min. 400 damage guaranteed.


                                                                                  You maxed THE SLOW. Concussive shot = the slow. If you have fucking lockdown everywhere (you have a clock ffs! + the ck stun), max ancient seal which amplifies your HUGE magic damage so you can KILL the enemy team instead of slowing them. Also, don't you think a 6 second silence vs. a qop and an enigma is worth it on its own?

                                                                                  For someone who is so bad at this game I am impressed how fucking arrogant you are about your game knowledge. Heck I'm 1000+ mmr above you and I recognise I play terrible, but you somehow are pro enough to not listen to more seasoned players advice (in the very thread you created to that effect)?

                                                                                  Let me spell it out for you because I was 2k once upon a time and I know exactly what happens in the 2k bracket: you are 2k because you suck balls at dota: you farm badly, position badly, skill badly, itemise badly, and have awful game knowledge.


                                                                                    wow 2rude4me, now with these strong convictions your realy impressed me. Belive me, 100% legit.


                                                                                      Look if you and 2k and have been 2k for a long time the only person to blame is you and the only way you can start to get better is to understand that fact. Some people on here tried to help you but you just flame them.
                                                                                      i can watch your replays if you want but im not that much better than you are.

                                                                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                        time for new account.


                                                                                          Everytime i asked for help i got unusefull posts and blames posts who becaouse people don't realy care to help. Just 1-2 persons on dotabuff help if they have time. Others ? Nah.
                                                                                          Just here to say "hihi you have to stay in 2k bcs we pro lmaooo xdxdxd".

                                                                                          People acting like this isn't even a community. I could be arrogant, but there is people even worse then me ;)


                                                                                            Some of the replies on this thread ARE trying to help, you're just refusing to listen. Besides, the title isn't even asking for help, you're just posting stuff about how bad your team mates are. Even if we all agree that your team mates are shit, there's nothing you can do about it other than being the best in your team.

                                                                                            I'll summarize the replies on this thread: No matter how bad your team mates are, if you're good, you'll win the game for them. So, instead of trying to find a tactic on how to get better team mates, find a strategy on how to get better on the game.

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                              Fine, i will try to carry all alone 1vs5.
                                                                                              More damage towers ? I will try.


                                                                                                The "im gonna carry all alone 1v5" mindset only works if youre waaay above your teammates. If youre just better but not like.. 2k better, then what you should do is find the least bad player and stick with him. You have the lanig phase to determine whos gonna be your friend and help him. Try to find someone who is willing a communicate a little, at least reacts to pings like if you ping and go in, he goes in. And has slightly less retarded item builds or farm amount than others on your team. Thats your chance, work together, try to do stuff together. Dont force anything on anyone, but if you have an idea, let him know. Save him if you can, assist him if you can, and hope hes gonna help you at least once or twice in that game. Dont rely on anyone, but have some hope in someone, couse you wont be able to 1v5. If youre 2v5 thats not exactly 2v5 couse in that bracket enemy also has tons of retards. So you are most likely 2v(1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1), or worst case 2v2 and 3-3 retards runnin around the map cluelessly. So make the first move and stick with the least bad and win together. I quickly got couple hundred mmr (top of 2k to bottom of 3k) when i wanted to raise my solo a bit closer to my party (3.4-3.7 ish.) just by sticking with the least bad. Or even if I was drow split pushing all the time, communicate with that one person. But if I play a support like cm, i have to stick with someone to roam all game and destroy enemy's mood so even if they get some farm, theyll start to blame each other for the score and lose.

                                                                                                Also, if you arent playing the farming carry type hero, have a tp scroll and tp on any enemy diving other lanes, if you save their ass and even grab a kill, youre 2k retards will think youre a godlike player (only if they notice youre there, but at least that one lane youre save usually notices...). do it twice in one game and enjoy your commendtaions. :D I always stack with hiiiigher mmr players so im always the worst on my team, so can kinda count my solo ranked games played by counting my commendations.. :D

                                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                         Did here, stick in lane with CK. But keep feed without end and QoP ganks didn't help EVEN i warded and called help to pudge.
                                                                                                  But thanks vael, aprpeciated the help.


                                                                                                    lol suddenly shit happened...
                                                                                                    y that ember no BF? He's really ..... (fill with ur own word)