General Discussion

General DiscussionEarth Spirit is some fcking broken shit srsly.

Earth Spirit is some fcking broken shit srsly. in General Discussion

    Jesus christ. its basically -apem mother fcking time and earth spirit is so fcking broken in this patch. easy mode ftw. fck this.

    Rofl. 0.1 sec push teammate away from fight SO BALANCED DUDE.

    Easy aim stun SO BALANCED DUDE. Its basically even stronger than the one where you drag the stun

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Not stronger than 6.79, but I still don't see why that hero would get buffed. My name doing the intented it seems.

      Pom Pom 🍕

        I don't really like the new point to kick on him. The old way is a lot faster and sometimes he kicks without the rock going anywhere. his level 1 grip damage went from 100 to 50 too, his allied grip feels much slower (more like 1.5s than 0.1s), and even remnant cast range was lowered by 300 which stops you from refreshing magentize again at an insane range. Only buffs he got were aghanim and magnetize search radius increase. His silence was nerfed too by a second. He's also a little better against void since you can stun him in chrono. Overall he feels worse though.


          Wut, i don't know wtf you're talking about dude. My eyes almost got cancer.

          Dude. The hero was so fucking overpowered even before the nerfs/buff, and now, they made it even more ridiculous by making him SO FUCKING EASY to play. All you have to do is to put down your fucking rock and just ground target click the enemy hero and it'll ALMOST ALWAYS HIT 100% if enemy is within like 600-1000 range, since the travel speed is REALLY FAST and you can't do shit and just die if ES is level 3. Before he got buffed, he needed to position himself which was cool, you needed to have skills to be able to use him. BUT NOW. ITS SOME FUCKING -APEM SHIT.


            37% winrate. Yeah, really overpowered.


              R u fcking dumb? Obviously the hero is not for noobs, any 5k/6k mmr++ will rekt your ass into submission with earth spirit. Now, even 4k retards can play earth spirit easily


                wisp 40% winrate, therefore pros are retarded for first banning him every game 6.78




                    i don't like the change aswell, they made the hero easier to play but weaker. Aghs is op


                      man if es is so fucking EZ KATKA, noob friendly mothafucka ez pts, you kno what you have to do?
                      play him and get like 50 - 0 every game, and maybe, MAY BE, icefag will fix him if he is so fucking OP. am i rite?


                        Lmao. Whats the fucking point? Wait till ES gets added into CM mode and look at how many teams first ban/pick him and icefrog will nerf that piece of shit. Same as TB, he's gonna get nerfed pretty soon.

                        And no, i don't play broken heroes like FV TB doom DP etc. free MMR is not my type of tea.


                          I don't mind to play heroes with which I will win ti8 with even when they get nerfed afterwards.
                          He is strong but he is nowhere near OP, since this one would include finishing the game on his own but the ONLY thing he can do is survive offlane and good at killing(countered by bkb completly).
                          Please stop posting anything regarding mmr or the strength of a hero other than asking and not actually contributing since you have nowhere near the experience that 99% of the people here have and therefor misguide other players in your biased point of view.
                          Nor are you capable of comprehending stats, how they are related to the pub scene, it's distribution and their influences.


                            @Cappucinnnno suit yourself dude :D, btw can't wait to see him in CM xDDD

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              Any person can check each others dotabuffs here. You must think people are incapable of forming their own opinions or you're just unable to make any counter-argument. But if you ask nicely I can spot you a tenner so you can buy yourself db+ so that maybe YOU can start "comprehending stats" and you won't have to ask others.

                              And by what data do you make that claim?
                              Where are the 4k+ players all railing to have him nerfed?
                              Why is playdota/youtube not plastered with threads/vids from 4k+ players saying how op he is?

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                If you have no idea about dota and you would read something that seems first reasonable (however is horribly wrong) you would take it for granted due to your lack of experience and thats what I try to avoid. When I started playing dota or any other game I do read a lot and since I didnt know the scene, I am neither aware who I am talking to nor how much truth is behind their words. And I just try to make you aware that people might copy your ideas which partially are misconceptions. I atleast have years of competitive experience and knowledge to back my Information up with and I like to inform or argue with people about it since it helps a lot in terms of understanding and you can ask everyone in here if they need help in regards of plays or my heroes I am well willing to take my time and help them and I also do tell them that even when I am experienced they shouldnt take me for granted either.

                                Also, since 1 thing marks a player for good am i right ?
                                I asked once for a number that I was unable to find or to see and now you are judging me upon that, good job my dear.

                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                  I love people who suck with earth spirit whining about how OP he is..


                                    that hero is stupidly OP in the right hands.... doubt he gets to CM anytime soon


                                      oh so he got buffed, thats why he seem fuckn op

                                      Eighty Shades of Yellow

                                        @ OP

                                        Dude, u only played earth spirit twice in the last 12 months and ur 1-10 and 4-21 on not sure if you even know how he works...

                                        Edit: its really funny when u urself went horribly negative with earth spirit and actually calls him op.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        Midi Prill

                                          Above comment made me LMAO


                                            That made my day. It happens every day. Someone gets owned by X hero and then proceed to whine about how X is OP and broken.

                                            Case closed.

                                              Yorum silindi
                                              Midi Prill

                                                What do 4k accs go for? a dime?


                                                  @Taz i bought this acc at 4k MMR you dumbshit. Learn to look at servers played before barking up the wrong tree. I'll rekt your ass with ES anyday.

                                                  Yeah, 4k MMR accounts are cheap as shit, just a few games played and i can sell for profit rofl.

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                    And what does being an account buyer say about the veracity of your statements in general?


                                                      It doesn't seem that i have to answer to someone who probably doesn't have more than 3k MMR i believe? Maybe you should grow a brain and then talk to me perhaps.

                                                      Player 53060762

                                                        What's a fun thread. U have no idea about Earth Spirit, if u think that he is overpowered.


                                                          Lmao. You obviously have no idea how to use that hero do you? Srsly. Can brainless nerds please stop giving your useless opinions? The world does not need them neither do I.


                                                            Lol at an account buyer getting high and mighty over MMR.
                                                            Talk about the pot and the keetle.


                                                              ROFL. I think you are either 1) Dumb beyond retardation or 2) Retarded beyond explaination.

                                                              I'm a account seller not a account buyer you dipshit. Holy fuck, i cant believe people like you actually exist. THEN AGAIN. Why did i expect 3k MMR to have brains? They obviously don't :D


                                                                Why are normal bracket people getting this cocky and allknowing when they are literally outclassed by the mayority of this forum


                                                                  ES is op as hell, given that every player in the game is fairly good atleast. The higher the level, the more broken this hero becomes.


                                                                    ^^ES fuck TA hard


                                                                      Myeah, even more so if he builds urn. Atleast it's not only TA he fucks over though :) Viper is always a nice ES counter if you get tired of the hero and wanna punish him tho!


                                                                        dont mention urn plss, we dont need more people know that urn fuck TA now..


                                                                          Quote: "@Taz i bought this acc at 4k MMR you dumbshit."
                                                                          Quote: "I'm a account seller not a account buyer you dipshit."

                                                                          Contradicting much?


                                                                            Haha. Omg, i'm literally laughing out irl right now. Do you realise how stupid you lowbies sound? I buy low MMR accounts and boost them to sell for profit. Holy shit, can't believe i actually explained to some braindead nerds. Go to school dudes. Are you kidding me, you lack common sense + IQ. Its funny how all the normal bracket jackass have the same kind of idiot mentality.


                                                                              es has been op ever since he got introduced. now with aghs introduction its even more versatile.
                                                                              hate to play vs good es pickers the most. right after brood picks, coz, well, coz brood is obnoxious hero.


                                                                                or just get a silence for him, like skywrath or silencer , dont be a kid

                                                                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                  In summary:

                                                                                  OP Can't play earth spirit and is here to whine at him.

                                                                                  Filing this in the player #1,721,999 who whined about a hero they suck with.

                                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies


                                                                                    Even yourself only 43% win rate on earth spirit.....

                                                                                    Someone also said highly versatile when talking earth...isn't that a good thing in a game of this type. He does a lot of things very good but nothing godlike at.


                                                                                      ofc its a good thing. hero has a high skill cap. which doesnt mean he isnt op.
                                                                                      he simply has everything, a stun, a slow, aoe nukes, escape, you name it. someone who practice the hero a lot and has the tools to back it up he can be super efficient with it, and so annoying for the other team to deal with.

                                                                                      simply said, the impact he can have in the game is a bit too much. playing vs jerax or that keemerah dude can be so frustrating you have no idea.


                                                                                        xan why are u playing on US E


                                                                                          played with a friend (dingding) then forgot to change the servers back. played one game with 133 ms but people were bad so it didnt matter.


                                                                                            Idk why they changed him, he was fairly OP and in exchange you had to pull of the combos, they weren't hard but now is easy mode indeed.

                                                                                            But afterall, its mostly magical dmg, wich in this meta of longer gamers, falls off pretty quickly.


                                                                                              "I buy low MMR accounts and boost them to sell for profit. Holy shit, can't believe i actually explained to some braindead nerds."
                                                                                              Then this is good news for you. Boost using Earth spirit and you get done faster because he's so OP.

                                                                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                                ^-----DING DING DING WINNING


                                                                                                  "i don't play broken heroes like FV TB doom DP etc. free MMR is not my type of tea." --->
                                                                                                  "I buy low MMR accounts and boost them to sell for profit. Holy shit, can't believe i actually explained to some braindead nerds."

                                                                                                  Contradict much? (again)

                                                                                                  This thread has brought so much amusement. It's like a train wreck OP keeps crashing again and again.


                                                                                                    Rofllllllll it's really amusing how much IQ is co-related to your skill-level.

                                                                                                    Hahha, i can't help myself but to check all the people who claim shit about ES not being OP have winrate less than 50% and plays in high/normal brackets ROFL. You can't even break 3k mmr and want to talk shit? dude. Are you fucking serious? Go grab a mirror and look at your nerdy face dudes. You need to get a life, maybe you'll get better at dota after that. :D

                                                                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                                      Tell you what. Boost one account to 4k mmr with earth spirit or forever stfu.

                                                                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                                                                        what the fuck xan

                                                                                                        what the FUCK u said ping is a problem but u have 130 ms in us east

                                                                                                        i have that in eu w LOL