General Discussion

General DiscussionDo i deserve winning in MMR with heroes like.....

Do i deserve winning in MMR with heroes like..... in General Discussion

    So do i deserve winning mmr games if all i pick are Slark, Void, Ursa, TA, Viper, and storm? or some other op heroes?

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        If they can't counter your picks, do they deserve to lose?


          not rly; just take off around 500 (at least)

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            Unless you're abusing a glitch/bug, a win is a win. Just don't expect to mantain your mmr when you pick other heroes.

            Kamado Kun

              i guess you can abuse anything really just discover what works for you,im winning a lot with windrunner for some god forsaken reason, 6.81 brew was way to go for me, and i always sucked with the "noob" heroes : drow slark huskar


                the system doesn't care

                naturally if you play more of a particular hero your rating will be skewed towards that hero so as to better reflect your overall average level of play


                  Yes but there is no such thing as op hero, as there is a counter for each one. Gl if you think spamming one hero = easy mmr


                    no you dont deserve to win games. go eat a d ick.


                      Abusing ability to max strength is what dota2 is all about.

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                        @sir smurf slayer
                        All heroes are equal, but some are more equal than others ;)


                          TA is easily counterable by an urn now (at least her refraction)



                            and blink.


                              @iWin4Arka would you like to tell me who is more equal than others :p. One hero I can think of that is op/gay right now to play against is Panda. To the op, don't worry about whether you deserve to win with op heroes or not in mmr. You're only high skill :P, so these "op" heroes are not working for you.

                              Na midu hueva, idi farmi les

                                If u just pick viper or slark every game - no, u dont deserve.


                                  hahahah I win4farka its so funny becuase i was about to say that exact sentence :D


                                    ok thanks for the input guys. It's just these heroes fit my playstyle a lot better... picking off lonesome enemy heroes then proceed to snowball and still have good carry potential in late game. I'm not saying i'm a great carry but my support play is really bad and i can't seem to win games when i'm support most of the time. lol.


                                      Depends on heros. Some were just too broken after a patch.

                                      - Earth spirit after he came out
                                      - Cent after he came out ( he had like 70% winrate)
                                      - Drow with global push aura

                                      Current patch no hero is that fucking broken.


                                        drow is not broken she's trash...


                                          As long as you win, who cares.

                                          Paid actor

                                            looks kinda strange to me but i never succeded with the "op trend" heroes, ive managed quite well with qop till now idk why most of ppl think she is weak or "there r other heroes that can do what she does better" and to be honest im kinda happy that shes not in the op bandwagon coz at least im picking her coz i like the playstyle not the results i get with her.

                                            ICE SKULL

                                              Current patch no hero is that fucking broken.Current patch no hero is that fucking broken.


                                              ICE SKULL

                                                insert any late game hero impossible to kill here


                                                  Most* of the heroes are impossible to kill if given the right farm and in the hands of a good player.
                                                  Terror blade can can dangerous with his illusions.
                                                  Phantom Lancer with his cancer.
                                                  Bloodseeker+Zeus= Bloodseeker vroom vroom

                                                  List goes on.


                                                    im sure void gives 1k more mmr than the player deserves if u pick that hero every game. after patch might be 700-800.

                                                    if ur 5k mmr with mass void games ur rly 4k i think.

                                                    6k = 5k

                                                    Von Darkmoor

                                                      Embera some patch ago was incredible imba also pretty new so much ezy points to be made.