General Discussion

General DiscussionThoughts on new PL?

Thoughts on new PL? in General Discussion

    1) Laning?
    2) Items?
    3) Playstyle?

    I played 2 games of new PL and he seems like a mediocre hero who doesn't excel at anything; a bit of splitpushing, pseudo-escape mechanism & some chasing power. Has anyone had success?

    Aeon Jib (Eli Copter co-p...

      He has amazing chase power and is a bit slippery but I don't think he's so strong. His illusions hit very soft without diffusal and even now with new diffusal its only 25 mana burn... I think you lane him like you used to but you buy more early game focused items like Aquila->Treads->(Drums)->Diffusal. From there you can go for other standard PL items depending on what you need.

        the hero sucks, its not a splitpusher anymore. its a teamfight hero :sadface:


          You need to abuse item slot to make pl work imo

          --> diffu + life leech
          diffu in top left slot, drop it take it back (after you bought life leech -warning need to redo this everytime you upgrade the leech item-)

          So this way you can stay in middle of the fight, and illu keep mana burning

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            Matrice, you sure you can do that in D2? I know about slot priority mechanics in DotA 1, but do they exist in DotA 2?


              yes they do


                vlads early transition into skadi + satanic late

                mandatory diffusal stacking

                here's how it works - illusions have their items created from left to right and top to bottom, so if diffusal is created first they will have that orb effect by default

                meanwhile on your main hero the orb effect which has been longer will take priority, so drop your diffusal and pick it up again to stack Skadi+Lifesteal and get mana burn on illusions at the same time


                  He is fucking strong, you can lane him everywhere, in the early to mid game he can kill people like a beast, dive towers and whatnot. Diffblade into manta (so you can focus one target and burst him really fast in teamfights), than i would go skadi, bfly, whatever...
                  He can't splitpush very well tho, but can kill towers with manta.

                  Ego complex

                    Zenoth lol what? Is there any video that explains that, i wanna learn that, but i dont get it.


                      ^ Let me explain:

                      When illusions are created, their orb effect is determined by item priority. Item priority is as follows: (1) Top to bottom, (2) Left to Right. The top-left most item is considered the highest priority; the bottom-right most item is considered the lowest item priority. Whatever orb effect is slotted in the highest priority (if you have more than one) is applied to illusions.

                      The orb effect for the hero itself is slightly different. It is determined by the oldest orb effect in your inventory. Example: you buy a Morbid Mask and then later buy a Diffusal Blade. Because the Morbid Mask was purchased first, you only get Lifesteal. However, by dropping both items and then picking them back up in a certain order, you can "fool" your hero into thinking that one item was acquired before the other.

                      But what about your illusions? They can't Lifesteal but they may not use Feedback if Diffusal Blade is in a lower item priority slot than the Morbid Mask. To give them Feedback, change your item order so that Diffusal Blade is now higher priority than the Morbid Mask.

                      "What if I buy a Diffusal Blade first, and then buy an Eye of Skadi in the late game? How do I ensure that I use Cold Attack and my illusions use Feedback?"

                      Here's what you do:

                      (1) Drop both items
                      (2) Pick up Eye of Skadi first (this is now the hero's "oldest" orb effect)
                      (3) Pick up Diffusal Blade
                      (4) Re-arrange your inventory so that Diffusal Blade is in a higher item priority slot (this is now the illusions' "oldest" orb effect)
                      (5) ???
                      (6) Profit

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                      Dire Wolf

                        They should just change the interface so you select the orb effects you want on your hero and illusions.


                          "They should just change the interface so you select the orb effects you want on your hero and illusions."
                          That would change the game so fundamentally hard @.@ Not quite sure you realize how much that would change it :x

                          As to the topic...I love his ability to disjoint every 10 seconds, absolutely amazing, but his E is just...ugh...really wish that cooldown was lower at lower ranks, or applied a snare, or...something! Wouldn't mind the illusions he generates lasting a bit longer too, maybe not to the point that you can use them to split push with, but damn, you can't even get them from 1 camp to another in current form :\

                          As for his viability...I think he still has a few too many issues to see mainstream play.


                            Also, he should have the ability to disable his both passiv.

                            Wasting his rush in lane cause you wanted to aggro creep is so sad
                            Being mandatory to create 1 billion illusions when you farm, and there's a shaker against you is also insanly idiot

                            Ego complex

                              @stinkoman ty mate, that makes it Understandable.


                                Oh god yes. I hate blowing the E on a creep :\ maybe change it to be a manual cast with a toggle :x (EDIT: with illusions keeping current form)

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                Dire Wolf

                                  What do you mean it would change it so fundamentally? I don't see why, it's essentially picking them up in an order except instead of having to drop them from inventory you just right click em and hit make default orb or something. Same thing but more clear.


                                    Well, we already have a sily left click (instead of rick click followed by left click) to drag/move item, thus you can activate item by accident doing so, or for people that don't use short cut, can displace the item instead of activating it.

                                    All that allowing the sell bug near roshan pit before it moved (you could buy from rosh pit, but not sell)

                                    Now what would you do to add that order?
                                    If you were to follow dota behaviour, you'll just have to care about mega priority item then by order, could be changed simply in by order.
                                    But then you'd need a check about which orb doesn't work on illu, so diffu still work on them (what basically is in dota1, ieven if diffu is not your "main" orb, it could work (some special condition i don't remember). But well, valve is not exactly great to add "exeption".

                                    For example, hp removal, which was extremly failed implemented, universal, which were implemented wrongly (but with same behaviour)
                                    Armor, which is symetrical instead of asymetrical (around 0) etc...

                                    Imo, if they were to put a refined system of the war3 one for orb, we would finish with some random orb working on illu, or at the very least, ranged illu manaburning.

                                    (I totally agree that we should use a refined version of the war3 orb priority, but i don't expect valve to do it correctly)


                                      What do you guys think about PL as a mid hero now?


                                        pointless mid.


                                          @Barber, both times I went mid with him I was able to get decent farm 50-60cs in 10 minutes but it wasn't enough. He needs much more.


                                            you'd better go offlane than mid i think



                                                I had trouble understanding your image Arka so I fixed it :P



                                                The BBcode struggle is real

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  without dots, also direct link to image so it has the .jpg ending

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                    [.im.g.][./] without dot

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      thank you!


                                                        PL was nerfed. That's it.


                                                          Fucking awful now :( GIEF OLD PL!!