General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff Mods/Staffs - Why can't you take responsability instead of i...

Dotabuff Mods/Staffs - Why can't you take responsability instead of ignoring our problems? in General Discussion

    Okay, they deleted the thread without adding any further information.

    May you atleast provide any information of your thoughts, instead of going full volvdiretide


      Yeah honestly this is beyond ridiculous that you would prefer to cover your mistakes by deleting comments and topics rather than addressing the problems that valuable members of the community have requested you to do?


        hear hear


          Tinfoil hat status? On.


            Somehow I got banned for that thread being made LOL

            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

              clearly the solution is to ban sampson. Without him, Melody would post on topic, and wave wouldn't scream autism at everything. Look, I'm posting on topic already. Problem seems solved.

              Welt aus Eis

                What happened? Some people actually study/work and can't read this all day :p


                  It had to be done, nobody liked Sampson anyway


                    Dotabuff has moderators?



                      basically this happened:



                      I've seen moderation in term of banning and muting people, which I've experienced myself, along with many other such as Sampson (which respectively deserved it), however I don't understand why some people are allowed to post whatever they want, even though this is a _dota_ forum.

                      I'm assuming it's fine if people state it's off-topic in title, however posting pointless things that obviously will lead to flamewars, etc. aren't taken action against?

                      Everybody talks about the "Melody licks mods arse", but seriously.
                      My "step-brother" is autistic, however he's a very nice guy and I like him a lot.
                      Why is autism/autistic being used as an insult?

                      I'm not saying I don't talk bullshit, etc. but the moderation of this forum seems to be quite of the mark.

                      I remember when I first found dotabuff the threads and posts had a way higher quality, now it's just about autism and "omg zeus boosters".

                      Just a monthly blog, no hate towards anyone.

                      and a nice on-topic discussion started where pretty much everyone, but Melody was agreeing on the case and something should be done.


                      Ego complex
                        Yorum silindi

                          We're working on improving moderation on the forums. Thanks for letting us know. I moderated the other post because I had read it and it had turned unhelpful.


                            Please keep discussion on-topic and related to the game. Off-topic posts will get moderated.