General Discussion

General Discussioninvoker stats vs invoker plays

invoker stats vs invoker plays in General Discussion

    just something i noticed.

    this guy here is like a 50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times better then invoker then me but got almost same stats as me.

    check out his awesome plays

    then checkout my stats and my "lame" playstyle (i just picked this since i uploaded it already, but it tells much about my relativly slow speed)

    i kinda feel bad for him, since this guy made me playing invoker and now i got a better KDA then him Oo

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      you're playing against worse players


        if he was playing against the players you play against, his stats would be better than the stats that you have


          well thats again a point since axial deserves cleary very high skill, but he is only high skill. i checked about 10 replays of his invoker games.

          simply one word: awesome. this guy plays on a skill level equal to grimorum or cook.


            Don't even compare him to the invoker god Grimorum just please don't.. You insulting him hard. Compare that invoker to dendi or iceiceoce .. Lol

            And Ye probably what Androgynous said he's playing in better skill bracket so he probably has more experience against tougher players

            King of Low Prio

              you make it seem like cherry picking matches and learning how to repeat a invoker combo is skills.....

              King of Low Prio

                It is always the invoker/tinker players that are delusional about their skill level


                  You play in the very lowest bracket and he in one step higher meaning youre both extremly noob tho. amazing really. sry no offence.




                    High, Very High




                      the guy you mention only play on high bracket, which is under 4k. no match with ferrari_430 or iceiceice, or even grimorum. ferrari is the best invoker i think

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi




                        among the pros: Dendi, Ferrari, IceIceIce, EternalEnvy, ddz, Black^, Resolut1on, FATA-, H4nn1, Scandal...

                        one and half gun


                          ayy lmao


                            idk, he seems to be a pretty good voker (and omni)


                              Satellizer dont forget the invoker god
                              Grimorum please

                              one and half gun

                                i dont know what cooks mmr is, but i doubt its any higher than 5.3k+


                                  people around here hate grimorum

                                  but yes, he is a really great invoker player


                                    Well it's pretty lame when he only plays 1 hero... Not even 5k IIRC

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      Grimorum invoker sucks deek. He'll probably go like 0-20 if he was playing against some 5k-6k players


                                        Are you alright bro? or you mad? or you jealous? cuz your invoker sucks so bad?
                                        and btw he is 5k and he said that and proved it ..

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        one and half gun

                                          who hates grimorum? i personally dont think any of his opponents seemed to be good, the fact he could just cold snap and kill any mid player is hilarious lol


                                            how do you know his opponents dont seem to be good? are you even 5k yet?

                                            one and half gun

                                              no im not even 4k


                                                exactly // then how can you judge people who play at higher skill brackets then yours..




                                                    KDA doesn't mean shit alone, I played with aweful Invoker with 6 or more KDA, all he did was being super safe and trying some kill steal with sunstrike. Played with an Invoker super agressive he carried us during the whole game with strong plays, checked his dotabuff and only 2.75 KDA.

                                                    kanye went to uni

                                                      if you bunch up vs fed late game voker you deserve to get shat on. thats like thinking vs invoker 101


                                                        Is this Kael guy mentally challenged? He seems to be as retarded as OP.

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                          Never said about k/ d did I? It's just that how he plays invoker and how many people like Grimorum,,, he has also played over 6000 matches with him which just means you can't get on his level..


                                                            So, yeah, you have mental issues.


                                                              Are you fucking kidding me OP?? he manages to kill 47-49% scrubs with so fail execution of spells?

                                                              is this video playing vs bots?? damn i feel so hurt when someone talks about invoker and dont have any idea about this hero.. well
                                                              look my main acc that i played not serious at all stacking all time with irl friends or playing for fun.


                                                              Check a sample gameplay from me:

                                                              AND REMEMBER... DONT POST ABOUT INVOKER AND MAKE CAIONAGANDAIA LAUGH

                                                                Paid actor

                                                                  ahhahaha :D
                                                                  "Kael: how do you know his opponents dont seem to be good? are you even 5k yet?
                                                                  Wave: no im not even 4k
                                                                  Kael: exactly // then how can you judge people who play at higher skill brackets then yours.."

                                                                  the next line should be some kind of sentence containing keywords #trash #autism #3kshitlord #6kmmr #smurfs.


                                                                    ^That was fucking golden xD.


                                                                      Hahah @Satellizer come back bro people really hate Grimorum here....
                                                                      And btw .. Fyyq who you showin that shtty invokers rampage to? I don't wanna see 1k views rampage please... Btw stop placing that 'sample' word after your video title. We ain't dealing drugs here.


                                                                        ^ well little Kael, sample = scene
                                                                        beware my next sample thread :D


                                                                          Wave = Not even 4k
                                                                          #trash #autism #3kshitlord #6kmmr #smurfs

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                            I doubt Cook even play dota2 pub anymore.
                                                                            He has over 100 matches with more than 60% winrate in competitive amater and professional league, so i guess he's good enough?
                                                                            I heard he tend towards street fighter IV rather than dota2.
                                                                            That's why he play a lot of invoker who involve in pressing combination of button and timing to land good special attack and combo.

                                                                            Gideon is good i think, but never seen him play anymore.

                                                                            I like grim because the fact that he's the only invoker who spent more time than the others to make guide.
                                                                            I read his guide and i found some tiny details that i didn't know about invoker.
                                                                            I'm sure he realised the fact that he is not the best invoker out there and i don't think he cares so much about it.