General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win in this situation???

How to win in this situation??? in General Discussion
We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

    How did you lose?


      4v5 and you still lost? You simply had rat dota against you and got pinned to your base, you could of won if you defended your towers, rax early on. Spectre lacks mobility apart from her ulti and is weak vs bkb carriers. You could have killed the bloodseeker first instead of going for the Wraith king first. Tons and tons of ways you could have won, spectre is one of the hardest carry.


        But Weaver, veno, sven, so fucking bad... its not a 4v5 its a 4v2, and wait they helped the other team by feeding so its a 7v2


          then why do you ask? 4>2



            dumb skill build meant early game could have been better resulting in a late game advantage. having an urn + max dagger or hybrid dagger + desolate build lets you actually contribute early on.

            was the divine yours. if so, why are you getting divine on spectre whos agi gain is awful and is illusion based. if it wasn't, the weaver should have taken it

            illusions can crit but most of their damage isnt physical, it's from desolate or radiance burn (or feedback if you had diffusal), so getting crit doesn't really help them since your agi gain sucks and your only agi item is manta. so crit wasnt the way to go even if you have a divine. the attack speed from skadi would have given you a similar increase in terms of right click dps while also giving you much more survivability + dispersion damage

            your tower damage is extremely lacking despite having periods where your team has the advantage - which means you won fights but you didnt hit towers.


              or the sven should have taken the divine because he has more attack speed than you


                @Androgynous as soon as I picked up rapier the game ended, like half a second after. And I didn't trust anyone on my team with the rapier other than SK but sk rapier is worse than spec


                  "i dont trust my teammates"
                  elo hell, et cetera, i've heard all this crap before
                  im sure your teammates don't trust a spectre who maxes dispersion first

                  so that means you also went crit before you had divine. crit is useless in that regard because you're not going for a 'glass cannon' spectre build so-to speak, where you focus more on attack damage rather than dispersion e.g. drum + manta + diffusal.

                  if you want, i can watch your replay if you're serious about improving and knowing what you did wrong and if this is not just a rant thread bitching about bad teammates


                    How do you win? Oh, i don't know. Maybe with building fucking usefull items? God damn it, they have a freaking WK and you still don't have diffblade (nor skadi, insted of the crit ). And you wouldn't win anyway cause your teammates suck ass too.


                      @Kord1g dropped diffusal for the rapier

                        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                          @xd not enough money, game was about to end and i had like 2,5k gold and i wanted to look rich


                            How is it even possible to have 15 deaths with Weaver? He's one of the most elusive hero in the game?

                              Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                "How is it even possible to have 15 deaths with Weaver? He's one of the most elusive hero in the game?"
                                Everyone has a bad day. But here we can definitely look at the hilarious things that a Bloodseeker can do to counter Weaver-style gameplay. He has a don't move button, a don't cast spells button, and an I can see you passive. Meanwhile, he can actually run faster than weaver can shukuchi. I think that makes him a pretty good counterpick that can blow him up that many times in the game or more.