General Discussion

General DiscussionAbuse Bloodseeker as much as possible now

Abuse Bloodseeker as much as possible now in General Discussion

    Booys, gotto take advantage of that shit

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      Lorenzo VI

        Blood seeker was fine before patch, now hes just broken op... they are gonna make him s*** to work in their unneeded rework :(


          what skill build you guys using with him?

          Quick maffs

            Go watch sing stream, the hero is solo killing his entire team



              So since his ability gives him extra damage to others does that mean if he uses blademail it does more damage or no?

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                  how exactly he is op?


                    His 40% damage increase works on globals and aoe spells... and stacks with itself if you use it on an enemy.

                    You can do aghs zeus ulti with blood rage on for example for absolutely obscene amounts of damage, and since the duration is 12 and cooldown is 6, you can push it to 80% extra damage on a specific target if bloodseeker uses it on an enemy.

                    or ya know... use zeus ulti and aghs ulti with them both blood raged at the same time.

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                        @Concede it's actually a 96% extra damage on a specific target because it's a 1.4*1.4 multiplier which makes the bonus damage 1.96 instead of 1.8


                          Bloodrage aghs refreaher zeus and aghs refresher prophet.


                            you push it to +96%

                            increase spellcaster's damage by 40%
                            Increase target damage suffering by 40%

                            damage = (spell*1.4)*1.4 = spell*1.96

                            me, government hooker

                              bloodseeker dagon?



                                I CAN'T EVEN THINK HOW VIABLE THAT IS NOW!


                                  Seeker is op in 1v1, but he himself kinda fells off in big teamfights. But if you have some Zeus to buff, on the other hand...


                                    well i now hate this bitchseeker.... i think i must abuse some broken picks...

                                    Quick maffs

                                      Btw his lanning is better than before, at lvl 1 one creep kill heals so much ( i think it heals for 125 not sure )


                                        so jungle bs is legit now?

                                        Quick maffs

                                          I think so allison but i didnt tested so i am probably wrong


                                            One point in bloodrage and one - in bloodthrist and his laning is unparalleled.


                                              6.82 in a nutshell.



                                                Removed from CM for a reason, though try it with lina, instagib is the best

                                                waku waku

                                                  i just tried it but the bloodseeker was retarded and only kept using it on himself all the time so it did not work out
                                                  i guess i'm in too low of a bracket to try something as easy as that and have to learn how to win 1 vs 5 *sob*
                                                  at least they're retarded enough to stand in his second skill

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                    bs + skywrath gg

                                                    Harry hamburgerryg

                                                      When will 6,82 be out?


                                                        what do u skill on bs now


                                                          Had a try this morning while waiting for something, had only time for one game. I played HORRIBLY cause I just wanted to try build and didn't want to do it in a lobby game (only 1 game). My conclusion (and trust me I played like 2k):

                                                          Jungle only viable if you use chockepoints perfectly and get good camps (thx ogre wolf centaur). Can't do hard camp at lvl 1. Very slow. Better to lane him.
                                                          New AOE silence + bloodrage = VERY good farming skill for stacks and big clusters of creeps.
                                                          Dagon combo is completely op: bloodrage urself, rupture so they stop moving, aoe silence, bloodrage them, dagon them as silence expires. THEY RE DEAD.

                                                          For build I was jungling so went Q E E W E R E W W W but I think it sucks dick. I think I should have maxed Q (but heal doesn't change whereas dmg does and i didnt wanted to get fucked by the camps).

                                                          waku waku

                                                            shocking how his winrate actually went so far down this patch, i did not know so many people playing dota actually don't think about winning


                                                              idk but that ritual 2nd spell seems very bad imo


                                                                yeah op. use 3 skills and a dagon, to kill a hero. holy shit what op strat.

                                                                one and half gun

                                                                  how is it bad, its literally a spammable aoe that silences anyone in it and enemy cant see the ritual if you click it in the fog or in trees (its a bug i guess)


                                                                    Xan: you're right actually, I got a bit overexcited. But dagon + double bloodrage is still a 1200 dmg nuke after resistance.


                                                                      "how is it bad, its literally a spammable aoe that silences anyone in it and enemy cant see the ritual if you click it in the fog or in trees (its a bug i guess) "
                                                                      EMP does the same thing doesn't it?

                                                                      As for builds...if you're going dagon, max the q first...otherwise...
                                                                      QWW then either value point the E or take a second Q, WRW, (value point e now if you didn't before) max q or e based on teamfight level of the game(e over q if it's heavy).

                                                             least that's my preliminary assumption. You might just get the Q to level 2(permanence) and forget about it until the other skills are maxed as well /shrug


                                                                        I go QEWEEREWWWRQQQ+R. Then I lose the game, 'cuz after 25 minutes of wtfpwning everything, I or my teammates die, and we get roflstomped by WK.

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                          We had the discussion yesterday:

                                                                          The new BS is ok.

                                                                          I think I need to get used to him. His laningpresence is decreased, his teamfightpotential is increased big time, his sologankpotential is slightly decreased. His teamgankpotential is increased.

                                                                          Overall he is more teamfriendly, less selfish. For pubgames (9v1 games) I liked the selfish bs more. But I need a few more games on him. What really pisses me of: The -10 MS.

                                                                          Radiance is no longer an option. It was sometimes nice to have on him, if you can get it arround min 15.

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            Man you just use Q on yourself turn blademail on and run at people

                                                                            They die

                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                              Why would they hit you? Then can just stun you since you no longer have a silence, use BKB or just TP out. He is really overrated atm, new Bloodrage is only good when people are theory-crafting about it all day. It's like saying MoM is OP because it gives you 100 AS and %30 MS for 1900 (1800 now) only.


                                                                                Rngesus Ogre makes seeker cry :'(

                                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                                  I just think that his W is a really good spell for fights, i am not saying that he is going to stomp everygame but he seems way better than old bloodseeker.



                                                                                    Somehow, my feeling about him is polary opposite. Old BS could snowball and carry his whole team easily, new is a master of pick-offs.
                                                                                    Maybe it's just me, but his laning presence has become absurdly good. I rarely feel a need of extra sustain, and I can harass and kill opponents easily.

                                                                                    -10 MS gets compensated as soon as you pick at least one level in bloodthrist. And why do you think Radiance is no longer an option? It's great for canceling Blink Daggers and boosting your movement speed in fights and chases.

                                                                                    btw he can stop TP now.

                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                      ^ how does he stop TPs now? what am I missing?


                                                                                        His silence stops TP when it hits. I can be crazy, thought, but it worked for me more than once.


                                                                                          it shouldnt.

                                                                                          although there was a bug a while back where silences cancelled all channeling, including teleports.


                                                                                            It might be intended. It has 3 seconds delay after all.


                                                                                              His laning is so freaking strong right now, it's unreal. And his W is borderline broken, i mean pure damage, really?
                                                                                              Also, pro tip: if you're going for an enemy that is fleeing and not attacking you, it's better to put bloodrage on him.

                                                                                              btw, wtf is up with sven? dude had 1.5k health lv 11 with only an ogre club and a bracer.

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