General Discussion

General DiscussionAre Techies good for Dota?

Are Techies good for Dota? in General Discussion

    Most people seem excited about Techies (standing ovation at Ti4 for example) except Dotabuff...

    I don't really care if they are OP or useless or anywhere inbetween I just think they mess with the gameplay too much.

    Having to de-mine so many locations is expensive for supports turning them more into ward bitches rather than roaming. Besides roaming is now pretty dangerous. In my opinion they lead to a less dynamic game because the non-Techie team has to be more cautious in travelling the map and the Techie team can't really push because it is 4v5.

    I'm not moaning about them being OP/imba just that they seem to be anti-fun (everyone else I play with seems to find them hilarious though)

    I think an item of 5 mines for 1000 gold would have been a better extension to the game myself.

    Am I missing the point of them?

    PS Yes, I know I can just ignore allpick forever. A "Only heroes in Captain's Mode" All Pick mode would be nice...


      Vision(gem, sentry) is not the solution vs techies.

      Picking hero with minion is.
      If the carry/core role picker are smart, they will keep picking hero like TA, NP, Brood, Lycan, Enigma, etc or you can just build necromicon3.

      Quick maffs

        You could do the same argument for broodmother


          remove techies from ranked, every ap game is lost and playing modes like captains draft/mode is pure suicide at 5.6k due to your team being 2k away from your level.


            I'd remove it from ranked and captains and leave it in normal matchmaking. It's a shitty ass hero tho, hate it.


              no its good for lol


                @Dorkly Don't really understand how brood is the same - what am I missing? She doesn't change the ganking/chasing dynamic does she? And although she isn't around for most teamfights she is at least split-pushing.

                Captain's Mode Hero Pool All Pick would be a simple solution to my problem :-)

                ham strokers ejacula

                  Techies isn't in anyway an issue and beyond getting a kill here and there when you walk over mines let him just do his thing. There is a finite amount of mines and chances are he's piled most of them in two spots so just dodge him and farm taking it late game where Techies becomes instantly food.

                  The hero is an annoyance and irritating but nothing more, either get an early gem and push or farm it out for late game and get BKB's , necros, and gem.


                    hero needs to be reworked imho.


                      leave him in

                      Bring -RD to ranked

                      They can't rework him, this is an OG hero for 10+ years and a big part of what made dota 1 so fun. If you can't handle it don't play allpick. If you can't handle no allpick, go play league.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                      Quick maffs

                        6 second stun though ....... i dont know i still think some crazy ideas are going to come out with techies


                          You can set up an 18 seconds Aoe stun with a refresher orb.

                          Dire Wolf

                            You do not need to sentry all the jungle. You just need wards and keep an eye on techies. Obviously don't go roaming into lanes past creeps or try to pickoff their ancients etc, but techies cannot ward up your own jungle paths without being seen going in there. If you have proper warding in the first place you'll see him coming.

                            ham strokers ejacula

                              Techies has just come into the game and some top dog will figure something out with that fucker, look at some of the heroes below..

                              > Terrorblade

                              People and namely some good players decided to storm farm with the wraith stacking and travels making him scary now, you leave him alone in a lane, you lose.

                              > Kunkka

                              Since !Attacker, people have been doing the xmarks and blink dagger stuff and while not everyone can execute it effectively it still makes the hero a lot more versitile than the shadowblade and stacking damage.

                              > Natures

                              Bone7 popularized that Null stacking with blademail for that early presence and fighting vs split pushing.

                              Even items have now moved onto other heroes, mekanism carriers are now much broader, blink daggers are super popular almost all heroes. It's only a matter of time till someone figures a good way to utilize techies....perhaps a blink statis trap, dunno.

                              Note: Dunno if people remember but when he used to place stuff he would phase shift much like puck and wouldn't be targetable when placing mines which would allow him to dodge stuff.


                                I'm sure there's cool combos with RP, chrono, BH etc.
                                Think Techies can be a great hero when played lke that - i.e. like a normal disabler.

                                @Havoc - that's kind of what I was saying - I'm not complaining that they are OP but, personally, I think Dota is a richer game when heroes can move around the map and Techies hampers that as far as I understand them. They don't break Dota but I think it is a worse game with them than without.

                                आप गे क्यों

                                  i dunno what op is talking about
                                  only about 4 people will ever complain about techies
                                  his own teammates
                                  everyone else loves him


                                    only thing that annoys me more than techies atm are the people referring to the techies as "are"
                                    you dont say are meepo imba. same shit you dont say are techies whatever.


                                      Just type "If you pick Techies I will feed" at the start.
                                      then pick zeus when the other team take techies


                                        It's all cool, but I don't understand what BKB has to do with Techies, since land mines goes through magic-im.

                                        It's impossible to stop good Techies. He will always have something that you won't expect.

                                        It's actually amazing how well he can farm, and how fast he can get money if he knows what's doing.

                                        And last but not least, the only way to counter techies is not to feed him.

                                        If game goes late, and he has decent team-mates, It's just so, so fucking hard to stop him.

                                        Of course, he Can't do much alone, but he's great when he has team-mates which are willing to wiN!

                                        But ofc, this all falls down, so so down, because people are not able to play him well.

                                        It's really high -skill cap hero.

                                        I'd like to see Techies removed from Ranked. Just because it's pretty much 4vs5 games 80% of the time

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          @xan where did you learn english? Techies is clearly the plural of Techie. You wouldn't say the cows is in the field would you?


                                            If there is anything in dota that needs a nerf, it is roaming. So Techies is great for that. And the hero is easy to counter, don't know why people whine about it. Like any other cheesy hero, Techie tends to be bad in average hands and fucking good in good player's.


                                              who cares if it's plural, it's one hero.
                                              you don't play them, you play him. that's all.

                                              kanye went to uni

                                                If the cow was called 'cows' then yes you would refer to it as the singular. The hero is called 'Techies', he is ONE hero that happens to have a model that shows three characters, thus you refer to him as one hero. That sort of pedanticism isn't just annoying, it's actually wrong.

                                                one and half gun

                                                  ive never seen a good techies player. i think ill play archeage or something until techies is removed from rmm

                                                  He's an A-star student, y...

                                                    thanks for reminding me of necronomicon, such a good item


                                                      No, THEY are one hero - Squee, Spleen and Spoon. You play THEM.

                                                      Feel free to correct THEIR wiki entry if you like.


                                                        Easy 100+ mmr per day since techies launch o.o

                                                        one and half gun

                                                          how the fuck do u have so many games in us west and eu


                                                            edit: whatever. i give up.

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                            kanye went to uni

                                                              Dude, do you control one hero or three? It doesn't matter, their lore could say they're the planet's combined population of ants and you'd still refer to it in the singular, because it's ONE HERO.

                                                              You're referring to a Wiki that is read by a tiny fraction of online users to back your point - no.

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