General Discussion

General DiscussionUltra top secret TI5 strat, the new void skywrath.

Ultra top secret TI5 strat, the new void skywrath. in General Discussion
[DFG] Whale King

    HAHAHAH that's amazing


      Not bad, 10/10 would bang.

      Spinach Rag

        Can't you just do that with Techies or Pudge? It seems more efficient.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          No it doesn't because Techies mines have stupid cooldown.


            but 2 techies mines would be better than 3 storm remnants.
            anyhow nothing special.


              Better do it with arc warden. The bombs deal more damage, lasts for a lot longer time, similar cooldown and with a double you get waaay more. :)