General Discussion

General Discussion[video] how to win at captains draft #vroksnakstrat

[video] how to win at captains draft #vroksnakstrat in General Discussion




        What beautiful beautiful evilness. unfortunately if this video gets popular no one will ever fall for it again.


          ROFL that fucking song what is it
          fkn swedes man d;d;D:

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            LOL, gotta use this strat xDD


              So what if their team is polite and waits the pause?

              bum farto

                Jimi Hendrix song, this is the best version...


                  "So what if their team is polite and waits the pause?"

                  you call gg

                  Ples Mercy

                    gotta admit, that was #evilstratofd00m


                      "So what if their team is polite and waits the pause?"

                      one of your teammates unpauses then you say on all chat "fuck this noob *insert hero* won't wait for undying"

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                          seems legit


                            i felt a little bit bad when we were running to lanes since enemies were actually pausing haha.
                            btw i got a better strat video inc !:DD


                              ^ put song names in description boy




                                  genius but we did it 2 years ago
                                  instead of "one afk pls w8" we said something like "pls report %heroname% double mid"
                                  %heroname% in all chat: "я мид"


                                    In a team with ursa and lone druid enemy don't check rosh lvl 1 ?

                                    Wow like in 1k mmr


                                      fucking genius lol gotta try this out

                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                        2k mmr? LD & ursa and no one checked roshan...

                                        Hafla Enjoyer

                                          I googled you profile pic (for research) and all it found was links to dotabuff threads, halp me plox


                                            Its my 'new' girl, you can have rihanna ^

                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                              for every level 1 rosh, there's 2 that fails.

                                              Ion Kjell

                                                so this is based on the enemy team being asshats and not being polite? What happens if they actually ARE polite and wait? You unpause and call your team idiots? :D oh I don't know, the cat's out of the bag now, I guess. Strat unviable after post here. It is like in the golden days; Pick(Ursa + Skeleton King + RoshLvl1) === true; Now it's ursa + whoever..


                                                  @Ion, if the other team is polite ask one guy from your stack to unpause and start blaming him


                                                    '2k mmr? LD & ursa and no one checked roshan...'
                                                    'In a team with ursa and lone druid enemy don't check rosh lvl 1 ?'

                                                    are you guys serious? LOL
                                                    the whole strat is to prevent guys from checking rosh.. they say theres one guy afk and the other team keeps unpausing, no one will assume the guys will do rosh anyways, thats why vroks recorded it, to show a "strat"


                                                      there are several things you can do.. Chris smokes and waits in roshan pit with the whole team, usually its like 1 guy checking rosh and another 1 near him just in case, the guy go check and BAM, dead.

                                                      RTZ does that sometimes in pubs aswell.. OR you wait in the ancients highground smoked, ward the rune spot and wait for the guys to check, after they check you go in and make rosh


                                                        The Fuck