General Discussion

General DiscussionSignatures

Signatures in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    I saw the new gift thingie and wanted to say gj, looks gud. It prolly won't change the fact that noone wants to gift another user but w/e, still nice to have the option :D

    Will it be possible to maek signatures possible like on other forums? I think being able to put down ur own signatures makes the forum look a lot more colorful :3


      +1 for signatures :3


        +1 for signatures and a wall on players profile to flane the fuck out of them

        Ples Mercy

          steam wall getting cramped? :'D


            it has to be public to flame and even if it is public it wouldnt be satisfying enough unless i could flame all the ones i wanted to and not a couple few ones


              besides people check dotabuff more and not steam profile... they should know the trash they're playing with

              kanye went to uni

                +1 for signatures


                  if the signature appears only on the person's first post in each topic/page, then ok.


                    and a small signature pls... very small


                      with a system that can make it big while browsing if wanted xD


                        ^ +1

                        Like really mini sigs but if you hover over them with your mouse, they enlarge. Like that we won't waste pointless space and it wouldn't affect people who hate big sigs.

                        Hex Sigma



                            -15 for signatures.

                            They are pointless as fuck and clutter the forum. pls no

                            ICE SKULL

                              pretty useless features, but i'd like signatures since i'd just paste every dumb fucks post in it even if it'd require a resolution of infinite width

                              Jay Ashborne

                                +1 for sigs.


                                  Sigs are nice, but they do clutter stuff. Maybe like 3 lines of text max and no images?


                                    Would much rather have a searchable forum or at least categorised posts before sigs.

                                    Also the ability to include a persons name / profile in your post so when everyone changes either name you can actually see who was talking to who!

                                    Something like there being a reply button next to a post which will add [player]7930987[/player] to the text box. Then when the page is rendered you just see the name maybe highlighted and as a link to the profile