General Discussion

General Discussionpaying 10$ for a wc3 map that i cant find

paying 10$ for a wc3 map that i cant find in General Discussion

    I am looking for Green TD Pros V 7.2b I believe. I used to play this around 8 years ago. I have downloaded every copy I could find online and none of them are the version I played. The one I played had no fire traps and or physical immune levels (requires fire traps to kill).

    If anyone still has WC3 installed and the same computer from years ago, and has this map, please post here. I will gladly pay you for it.


      If it's not here, I have no idea where it can be:

      Maybe it's under other name?

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        wow i remember this mod


        JUICY J

          is there anyway to specify a search on there, I try to do "7.2" in quotes and it returns nothing. I've downloaded a green td 7.2 pros from there but it was not the same version i played in the past.

          JUICY J

            I've been asking all my friends I used to play with but it seems everyone has updated their PC's by now.. the 7.2b seems to be lost forever :(


              if its not on epicwar then you're probably not finding it

              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                did u try that other website:

                I remember there used to be a League of Legends map before LoL. Was fun. Dota even took a few heroes from it like axe, sniper and zues?

                Jorges Sanz

                  Why do you want 7.2b? I have other versions of green TD, if you want to find 7.2b would be better to do a search on the map creator.


                    I maybe have that map, somewhere, on some dvd ( i was a guy who collected wc3 maps ). Will try to find and share, but dont have much feith


                      Are you sure it is Green TD Pros V 7.2,
                      if not there is no hope because there are over 9000 versions of Green TD

                      JUICY J

                        @dendi - no i didnt try it yet, got work today, ill look later. thank you

                        @scrubby - my friends and I used to play 7.2b when we were young, thats the version we want to play.

                        @shiba - i would greatly appreciate it if you took a look for me. the 10$ still stands if its the right map. it should have 2 aura towers (speed and damage) the ones i download have 3 (speed, armor, and damage) + fire traps and that is not the version we played.

                        @wit - yes i am sure it is green td pros v7.2 or green td pros v7.2b - i believe its 7.2b

                        Rust in Peace

                          I have green td 7.0 (pros) if that means anything to you