General Discussion

General DiscussionALS Ice Bucket Challange

ALS Ice Bucket Challange in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...

    Does anyone have a complete archieve of Dota-related people doing it?

    la the yeezy

      awww you beat me to it


        sheever black t-shirt T_T


          damn sheever gained some weight man. :P

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Ty. Also Universe dunking Fear like a boss.



              King of Low Prio

                people love doing it for the attention they get. Call me old fashion but every month when I sent my check out to my charities I dont make a video to get likes on facebook.........

                Quick maffs

                  Well i am pretty sure that some viewers of those videos ends up donating too man, so all this attention whoring results in more money to charity. They do it for the attention but hey, more money to charity so whatever.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    They do it because they were challenged wtf. If they didn't everyone would think they are pussies.


                      What kind of retarded challenge is this omg..

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        the real question is, is someone going to challenge the frog of ice?

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          If anyone does that their favorite hero is getting the nerf hammer, so I don't think so.


                            dumbest thing I've seen lately that mankind has gone nuts about.
                            dumb, dumb people.


                              ofc its dumb thats why its funny

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                I still don't get it, if people wanted to donate they would do it anyway. But still it's funny.


                                  most people wouldn't take their time to donate because they get nothing in return, by doing this at least they get some attention so its a win win for everybody

                                  Low Expectations

                                    Would not say its dumb, raises awareness of one of the most horrible diseases and ways to die for humans and there is (probably) a way to cure it the problem is that developing drugs is by far the most expensive process to "invent" something. (You can check out how long/much money it takes to get a drug on a market its insane also hence why drugs are so expensive). Even if you have to do something fairly stupid to get the money its for a good cause.


                                      raises awareness really? efficiently? I would bet more than half of them taking the 'challenge' have no clue about the aforementioned disease.
                                      amount of time and effort spent into doing something so stupid as ducking a whole bucket of ice onto your head could be used infinitely more times productive if they only wanted so.

                                      then people are surprised we have Jersey/geordie shore type of programs where we enjoy watching others acting stupid. but if it's for charity its ok? it's never ok.

                                      Quick maffs

                                        xan i have some friends that had no idea about how awful this disease was, thanks to this whole challenge me and more than 2 of my friends already donated some money.

                                        Its a win-win for everyone man i dont know what you dont like about it.


                                          here's the whole process in one sentence: get a bucket, fill it with ice cold water (ice is optional), pour it on your head

                                          wow so much effort and time, we could have been curing ebola guys

                                          you're playing fucking dota and saying this shit lmao

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                          King of Low Prio

                                            the issue is people are not doing it for charity they are doing it for likes on facebook, which means once the phase is gone those people with the disease will just go back to dying


                                            I can go on


                                              "But the ALS Association has since said that it has raised $15.6 million as a result of the challenge, nine times what it normally raises in the same time frame. Another ALS charity, Project ALS, told the Washington Post that its donations were 50 times normal. ALS TDI, another ALS charity, says that has raised $580,000 since the beginning of August, 10 times what it normally receives."

                                              (from )

                                              most people are donating AND doing the challenge, as well as providing the attention required to allow the movement to take off in the first place, i doubt Bill gates, George Bush etc did it for facebook likes

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                              Quick maffs

                                                But the money is already going to charity, even if its stops later this money would NEVER got to charity to start with.

                                                It might stop later, but at least some money is already delivered, without this whole challenge this people would never donate a shit to this organization.

                                                This challenge IS a good thing in every posible way.

                                                Low Expectations

                                                  As Dorkly said, its not exactly hurting anyone, obviously not everyone will know what ALS is but SOME still might and therefore its worth it. They are doing the ALS challence and getting the likes on FB whatever. Its a win win situation.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    no these 'campaigns' are short term when they need long term projects. This is why you dont attach gimmicks to real issues because once the gimmick is gone the issue is swept back under the rug.

                                                    You think it is a good thing because it makes u feel better about yourself but in reality you are just looking at the short term

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      Without this stupid shit, this money would never, NEVER, gone to charity.

                                                      Better little than nothing, are you going to deny that ?

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        I think its a good thing because some money went to charity, money that would probably be wasted to start with without this challenge.

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          Yes I can because it makes people believe that they are actually doing something to prevent these issues. They are not doing shit except put a band aid on a severed limb

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            The thing is that without this challenge there woudnt be even a simple band aid.

                                                            I understand what are you saying and yeah its sad that this people is going to forget about charity when this thing is over, but blame that on those people, not in the challenge.

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              these gimmicks are the problem though, it creates a sense of achievement when there was nothing achieved. The people will still die because nothing long term was achieved through tossing water on the summer......

                                                              Low Expectations

                                                                @Knight actually as of yesterday they gotten more than 30 milion dollars, at least they say that on their website
                                                                Its not like "hey we got money now we will have a drug with you within a week", as I said its a long drawnout process that can take up to 20 years to get a drug on the market and throughtout all that time there has to be done shitload of tests/clinical trials/ animal testing/ human testing/dosage testing/bieffects testing etc etc. Now the reason we still dont have a drug for diseases is that often people do develop the drug but the amount of money you have to put in to get it threw all the trials exceeds their funds AND potential benefits thus the projects go on a shelf. "Gimmicks" like this allow reaserchers to get money without any strings attached and if some(even majority) do it fora publicity stunt so be it in the end they got 30 million dollars more than we started with and obviously it wont solve a problem but its a start

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  w.e you keep believing that and toss water on yourself thinking that you are actually helping the problem.....


                                                                    so instead of pouring a bucket of ice on my head and donating $10 for ALS i should just play dota instead? thx dotabuff


                                                                      you can still play dota and donate 10 bucks. what you dont need tho is to be an attention whore and act like a moron.

                                                                      to each his own.

                                                                      its kind of sad that they "had" to resort to these gimmicks in order to raise awarness. and it works. 2 things are infinite idd.

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                        it just sounds like you're mad that people are getting attention and you're not, time to pour dat ice bro


                                                                          I enjoy watching people pour ice-cold water/icebuckets onto their heads, so why not. It also goes to charity, so it's even better.

                                                                          I don't understand why people are so butthurt because people makes videos like this. Feels more like people who doesn't get enough attention or people with social problems dislike other people getting attention.


                                                                            how the fuck do you take out of all of that, that people that hate others acting like idiots is that they are somehow, on some level, jealous of them.

                                                                            just wow.


                                                                              it doesnt affect you in any way, are they coming to your house and pouring ice on your carpet? no, its on the internet, so the only reason remains is that you're jealous


                                                                                everybody relax and watch this


                                                                                  I'm OK with or without this whole thing.

                                                                                  However, it's very difficult to impossible to know if the money raised is not zero sum. In other words, are people donating money to ALS that they would have donated to something else rather than increasing their overall donations. If it's zero sum, something is losing while ALS wins.

                                                                                  It's kind of lame that we need something like this to draw attention to something important and to get us to take action.

                                                                                  There are a lot more people in the world effected by water issues - no access to clean water and related diseases, drought, etc - than by ALS. And this is wasting a lot of water. Buying twenty $5 personal water filters will save lives immediately. We may never be able to cure ALS. Not that we shouldn't also donate to and work on long term issues like ALS. Both are important.

                                                                                  I think things like these are what's on the minds of those leaning against the Ice Bucket challenge.


                                                                                    so if it doesn't affect me personally I should be ok with this? are you seriously that daft?
                                                                                    someone may get raped or murdered in the street, a total stranger, that won't affect or impact my life at large does that mean I should condone that type of action/behavior?

                                                                                    I happen to think people are doing incredibly stupid thing, noble as it may be when I see how people behave and what entertains them it makes me sick to my stomach. it's just sad we as society find something like this acceptable.

                                                                                    yet you Sherlock deduced that I'm jealous of such behavior. hats off.

                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      xan any other idea that might raise more money to charity and is not as stupid ?

                                                                                      Please man everyone would like to hear

                                                                                      btw, what are you saying is " people is dumb " WOW man, so shocking.

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                        getting raped in the street = pouring ice on your head for charity

                                                                                        yep this guy's retarded move on


                                                                                          where did i equal the two? you made a stupid suggestion that i should be ok with it if it doesnt happen at my doorstep. i purposely exaggerated to prove a point its not my fault you dont think before you post.

                                                                                          and dorkly thats my point. people have to resort to silly stuff and gimmicks to attract attention.

                                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                                            Yeah dude but this is nothing new, its sad but its the reality man.

                                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                              Can you guys take your pointless discussion somewhere else wtf?


                                                                                                you got your answer already.


                                                                                                  Has any of these people thought of nominating IceFrog yet?

                                                                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                                                                    well i might get banned but i totally agree with sampson. This thing became viral very soon cause some popular people did it. I don't have any type of problem with donating money to charity, in fact the ALS is not a joke BUT spilling an ice bucket over your head just to raise awarness seems beyond stupid.

                                                                                                    You can raise awarness on a terminal disease through other means rather than a stupid challenge.

                                                                                                    If i wouldve gone into the public and throw aa bucket full of water and ice over my head saying it's for charity people would've thought that im batshit insane. But when a celebrity or someone famous does it it's ok and all of you need to copy it. You can donate for ALS, cancer, ebola or whatever disease without being an attention whore about it: " LOOK PEOPLE I DONATED NOW GIVE ME MORE ATTENTION"

                                                                                                    This again proves how much of a sheep mind the humanity has. It's the same thing like with harlem shake or gangam style or whatever.

                                                                                                    Again i don't have a problem with donating, but awarness can be spread through more mature things rather than an ice bucket(after all it's a terminal disease, not so funny eh?)

                                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                                      Gauss I highly doubt the majority of people are cancelling other donations to donate to als research. Most of these people probably weren't going to donate to anything.