General Discussion

General DiscussionWorst throw of August 18, 2014

Worst throw of August 18, 2014 in General Discussion
Last picking is 4 pussies

    Can anyone top this one? In summary:

    1. I wasn't paying attention start out 585g

    2. Furion wants to offlane for no reason check.

    3. I have to upgrade couriers and get runes because mid won't check.

    4. Manage to go up kick the crap out of other team because well they speak Spanish and are terrible on easy heroes.

    5. Alch seems to be going squishy build, Omni buys orb of venom does no support, I pick up all ward support and upgrade courier.

    6. Still winning but oh wait invoker goes afk in well and abandons.

    7. Alch still building crap squishy build buys blink to add to the stupidity. Omni working for eye of skadi.

    8. One last time they finally push, I tell furion to just split push which he doesn't we lose team fight 2 rax and invoker comes back in time to feed.

    9. A guy with the name Babypunter threatens to report me for stating the obvious.


    Ok who else had some obvious throws and retards. Oh yeah if you get Pewpewpew on your team give up dude is bad thrashed him last night too in a game and remembered his name.


      The biggest throw is the Dire team in this game


        People buying dumb items isn't throwing if they do it without realizing.

        It's more just playing poorly generally.

        If you mean you should have lost (and this goes for 2nd post too) 10k exp difference is hardly throwing.

        Last picking is 4 pussies

          ? Uh he realized what he was doing buying a skadi.

          Hell if the invoker didn't abandon and afk forever we probably still win.

          ICE SKULL

            wow i pity the sub 5k autists who worry about losing gold, must be pretty hard to keep up with cs huh


              I'm 5017 atm I think I shouldn't play dota for a while so wave-sama won't think i'm autist

              Last picking is 4 pussies


                I worry about the people who win less than 50% ranked ;(

                ICE SKULL

                  alright compare me with you

                  i have an account close to 6.1k with less than 120 solo ranked matches played from 5.1k after calibration and this one is now soon at 5.2k which calibrated at 4850, since its my alt acc, i grief games if there are players like you, acc buyers or generally shitty players who dont deserve mmr points.

                  on the other side, we have an es picker who is shocked at "offlane furion" and can't maintain a winrate higher than 51% in ranked while taking the game seriously and playing broken shitty heroes.

                  lolz i think i just obliterated u ?? LOL

                  ICE SKULL

                    let me add some cream to all of this, your solo mmr is probably 3.5k? so not only do you pick broken shitty heroes such as es, you also inflated your mmr to 3k mmr L O L

                    pls do kill urself

                    Hex Sigma

                      because thinking that dota(a videogame that is) has even one slight connection to real life makes you less autistic wave. Nice logic there

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        this thread seems like a certain

                        Solway Firth

                          this is the worst throw i guess.. look at the graph and hero kills. we still managed to win :)

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            Hardly a throw. For it to be a throw, you'd have to be at least up 2 lanes of rax and lose the match.


                              One of my favourite throws recently