General Discussion

General DiscussionBumping into horrible high 4k teammates today

Bumping into horrible high 4k teammates today in General Discussion

    Sky was 4.9k, barely managed to win mid against Bone with the help of BS. Proceeded to be toxic because we started losing and he thought it was over against a fat BB, starting to get fat Tinker and Bone who started to do well.

    His party partner Lina (4.5k) was fucking me over by Dragon Slaving every wave at bottom and finally abandoning me when I said to let me farm. Both of them played shittily.

    Meepo was 4.8k (claimed to be 5.1k solo). He told me vlads was core. He fed like an idiot. I get that if you don't know how to use Meepo, it can be really hard but seriously no map awareness and stupid item logic?? 5k?!


    4.9k crystal maiden who spent first 10 mins running around. Not roaming, just running into lanes staying awhile and then leaving. Massively underlevelled at start. Saved me 0 times with force staffs... Game was hell since I was the only core so Viper and Doom just camped me. Tinker was new and suicided twice by accident while farming.

    Bunch of other games recently with high 4ks and even raw 5ks where they didn't perform that well, making me surprised whenever I saw their end game rating (most of these were bad Tinkers).

    Been getting high MMR games as of late too (+45 mmr last game party stack of 3)

    is there something going out with MMR right now

      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

        B L O G B O Y S


          horrible 4k teammates 14 deaths masterrace

          gg matchmaking (nah jk they're my friends)

          Quick maffs

            I would just like to say that solo mmr is way easier than party mmr

            Carrying my friend everygame is so fucking hard

            King of Low Prio

              glad u shared

              Quick maffs

                No problem i know that you care about my life

                Thanks man <3


                  some people just aren't famiilar with certain roles and heroes I have seen 5.8ks play like a 3k player dying every minute at mid.


                    Cool story bro,
                    I can pretend that I care if you want

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      Well if you respond, it shows you actually care. Otherwise you'd ignore the thread. Unless you have no life and commenting on threads you have 0 interest in is what you do.


                      Its just a rant thread anyway, not like its uncommon here in db.