General Discussion

General Discussionstory based action games

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story based action games in General Discussion

    play terraria, the story is op

    the realm's delight

      holy shiet so many gamez
      ill prob start with mass effect and ac
      and probs more tomb raider lara is op

      Low Expectations

        Epsi I lost all respect for you saying skyrim is bad honestly best RPG besides The witcher series and Baldurs Gate past 10 years

        Low Expectations

          Btw dusa sucks


            yup start mass effect,


              Lol, I actually have Skyrim and enjoyed it for about a month, while I was creating a character who one-shots everything.
              But you should face the facts, Skyrim is:
              1) Overrated;
              2) Repetitive;
              3) Unbalanced;
              4) Poorly designed;
              5) Worse then Oblivion.
              This game had tons of potential, but Bethesda ruined it by releasing the game at least one year too soon.

              And I can't count any of Elder Scrolls games as "best RPG" because all of them greatly lack strong story line that actually makes you role-play and not do some fantasy GTA stuff.

              btw, Medusa is sexy.

              Ples Mercy

                L.A Noire

                it's cool

                Dire Wolf

                  LA Noire is hardly an action game. It's more like an interactive comic book. And I liked it, quite a bit actually, I'm just saying it doesn't fit the request genre at all.

                  I play a ton of games other than Dota, just not all action games. I play all the civilization series, tons of indie titles (bastion, faster than light, defense grid, SPAZ to name a few), lots of old school stuff of gog like master of orion series, lords of the realm, rts gems like total annihilation and supreme commander, and a lot of newer ish titles, rpgs/action/whatever like dragon age series, mass effect series, batman arhkham asylum, dead space series, sleeping dogs, gta4 and so on and so on.

                  I liked space marine quite a bit actually, just wish there was a cover system for it like mass effect.