General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy you get -mmr if there is leaver in game?!?

Why you get -mmr if there is leaver in game?!? in General Discussion

    Only fair way to handle game with leaver and make system be slightly less broken and retarded than it is atm is to give winning team + mmr that team usually gets (24-26) and give -5x that to leaver (-120 to -130), and -0 mmr to rest of losing team.
    That way you still keep same global sum of all ratings and its much more fair.
    That way players that leave games often would be punished harder.
    And last consider how many games you lost because of leaver in your team, and how many you left?! Idont have exact count but i think i left like 3/1000 games since mmr started, and i am pretty sure out of 500 or so defeats there were surely 40+ that had leaver in my team!
    I am sure some of you played at, witch had similar system, only it didnt keep sum of rating changes on 0, so why not implement something like that in Dota2?




        but we aren't valve? I thought we were valve.


          Well you obviously didnt understand my intention...
          I know none of you know anything about this, but i want some opinions about this, since if players try to pressure valve they might change something, like when mmr was hidden and pressure was to show it...


            Most will agree but what can you do.

            The only downside would be abuse from teammates harassing the feeder to leave. Might get nasty.

            ICE SKULL

              why i get -mmr when i get autist sin my team?

              Quick maffs

                Dude look at my last necro game

                we take the enemy mid rax and viper says that he needs to leave

                so we need to play 4 vs 5 and we ended up losing

                I know that changing something would probably make people start abandoning to not lose MMR but i dont see how its fair for me to lose MMR because someone had to leave

                Oh well .............


                  The problem is this:

                  You don't want to have the abandon penalty be ridiculous, because emergencies and bad connections happen. It's not really fair if somebody loses power, or The Worst Cable/Comcrap decide to cut out for twenty minutes, and that person gets heavily penalized. It's very frustrating and demoralizing as a player.

                  You also don't want people who play with the abandoner to get off without any penalties; that's a system that abusers (famously Vroksnak, but there are many others) can take advantage of.


                    Maybe something like that: Wining team gets + normal mmr, losing team get half of the mmr lost cause of a leaver and leaver gets double the loss of mmr + lqp for few games. I think this way everything would be a lot more fair.


                      Well, if you aren't a leaver, then there is a 56% chance the leaver is on the enemy team. Therefore, you BENEFIT from the +mmr/-mmr from leavers.

                      Quick maffs

                        I do not want that benefit thanks

                        I just want a normal game or at least to not lose as much points.


                          ^"not lose as much points."
                          youre gaining points overall, shush

                          Quick maffs

                            and what ? that benefits me but no the other 4 players in the enemy team if a enemy leaves

                            Quick maffs

                              its not like i am going to have fun winning because there was a leaver on the enemy team


                                while I am one to advocate "There is more chance on the enemy team" winning 56% of games is not fast enough for me >:(


                                  ^You have 1452 games according to dotabuff and *insert winks shitty math forumla here*

                                  If you left 9 games, we can assume (and this could be super innacurate, but im guessing here) that that is 6% of all games you played with leavers in them which means that you benefited from 76 games at the cost of 69 games (including your own abandons).