General Discussion

General Discussionwhy does dark seer have such a low winrate?

why does dark seer have such a low winrate? in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    I went through my most played heroes and i accidentally clicked on ds. And i saw that he has a 47% win rate. Why is that? I mean is the hero that hard to play? Or what could be the reason?


      Just means that it isn't as noob friendly. Search for Meepo, antimage, invoker and you'll see even lower winrates.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        cause someone like me who play him as position 5 solo offlaner and thinking i can cope with it


          cuz trench


            solo offlane is position 3. there's no way you should be as poor as a hard support if you're DS. creep skip with ion shell. 8+ last hits per minute guaranteed.

            the hero is fairly easy to get the hang of, his abilities are easy to understand, the problem may lie with his ultimate, people might not be good at landing wall + vaccuum combos.

            Hex Sigma

              ^sometimes i face the same problem. Should i consider a blink, or a force staff?

              Also imo he fails due to ppl not microing the illusions

              Dire Wolf

                I think he's reliant on the team setup. He's a decent offlaner for any team but to be really good he needs to stack some sort of wombo combo with his vacuum ult combo. He needs farm too to get really powerful (aghs, maybe refresher?) and I think he gets forced into a support role too often when he should really be a semi carry but people see oh hey someone didn't pick a hard carry, let's pick 3 more.