General Discussion

General DiscussionBloodseeker Middle?

Bloodseeker Middle? in General Discussion

    How do u kill this .... With burst? Lina? Coz Stout shield tango quel, easy to survive on lane with bs unless the bs is a complete retard, so easy to last hit with high base and quel sooooooo easy to stay alive.

    S-God ✔

      viper and skywath can zone him fairly easy


        [Insert Any Hero Here] > BloodCyka

        Teleport scroll > BloodCyka

        Bu yorum düzenlendi
        S-God ✔

          not really bloodseeker can win the lane really easy vs alot of heroes. Lane presence is not why he is a weak hero


            no hes obviously weak because he has super silence and everything goes through bkb and he gives great map vision/control Kappa


              his laning is total ass lol gank him with any hero at all and he dies great he can farm 1v1 but what hero is allowed to farm 1v1 all laning phase .... he may be good 4 - 1k mmr


                just zone him out, viper can do the trick, TA also

                S-God ✔

                  ^^ you are so clueless its sad

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    nice 0% winrate lol bloodseeker is terrible laning phase terrible single target only dmg terrible in team fights just a terrible hero only pck him vs slark

                    S-God ✔


                      400 gpm on a 3k smurf

                      fucking epic


                        my main account 5.2k mmr dont be mad kid <3 u cant even beat new players lol and that game i was support because we didnt have any lol your 0-2 and new players literally could be beaten with 1 hand >.<

                        U have 0 legs to stand on not wasting my time with u :D

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        S-God ✔

                          'my main account 5.2k mmr '

                          HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA 400 gpm on tinker on a 3k smurf


                          the match was 14secs long I only played it to update my profile

                          then I trolled around one game in normal since it does not update from 1v1s

                          5.2k HAHAHAHAAHAH


                            you seem a bit butthurt :O

                            S-God ✔

                              I find it hilarious these smurfs coming out of the shadows


                       < --- my main :) go check Top 200 in Sea server whilsts your busy being butthurt lol Atleast i can back my talk up all we see from u is ur 0% winrate :P


                                  "Teleport scroll > BloodCyka"
                                  You know, this is getting old. No one makes this argument for Razor, Drow Ranger, Clinkz, Pugna, Terrorblade. Why does only Bloodcyka get the TP scroll argument? Buy an MKB dammit, it's a good item.
                                  As for beating him in lane, get good at last hitting.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  Quick maffs

                                    What are you guys talking about ? he is a good hero, look at how waga plays him, he plays with 4k peruvians against 5 k players and still wins with bloodseeker


                                      ^^ also if blood Is ganking he almost always has at least one friend ganking with him or sitting in the lane he is ganking and if they have some type of stun or mini stun then TPing out wont work.
                                      I think the whole TP out advice was originally given by some one who was saying how to not die when laneing against a lvl 6+ blood seeker, and it just got adopted by any one who wants to call some one else a noob for loosing to blood seeker.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        I swear people who think blood is weak in lane are retards

                                        blood is a questionable pick for many reasons but a lackluster laning phase is not one of them

                                        its just some stupid crowd mentality that says stuff like "oh riki is shit once you buy sentries and dust", stupidest shit ever

                                        on topic - blood is rarely going to lose a 1v1 matchup of equal skill and isnt an easy gank target due to his bulk and that he will be full most of the time. Just get what you can from the lane and group up to push later, he cant handle big teamfights.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        S-God ✔

                                          riki literally becomes a creep once you buy a sentry


                                            Funny, I have 72% win rate in ranked as a creep

                                            S-God ✔

                                              Zenoth nobody cares about the 2k bracket


                                                BS is great in lane, are you guys high?

                                                He is literally immortal unless you have SERIOUS slow or burst. Being forced to gank him isn't exactly what you want, plus he is fairly tanky with his high armor and usually with a PMS, so ganks arent guaranteed kills either, especially if you get silenced before casting a spell on him.

                                                Overall, he has really high damage, he is very tanky, has natural health regen, and is capable of killing his lane opponent at level 6. Not a bad laner at all.


                                                  multiply that by 3 to get my bracket rofl

                                                  S-God ✔

                                                    so approximately 3.2k


                                                      someone failed math class

                                                      S T U P I D B O Y S


                                                        M A T H B O Y S


                                                          Zone him or ignore him.

                                                          Bloodseeker is one of those heroes that has very little impact compare to how much farm he gets as long as your team knows to carry tp, and has lockdown.

                                                          you lose to bloodseeker when you let him kill you, not when you let him farm.

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                          S-God ✔

                                                            I dont get how someone who thinks riki isnt a creep calls someone else stupid


                                                              ^clearly has never seen a 5k pub before

                                                              makes sense though, since hes 0-1 on a smurf that picks skywrath

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                Randommed BS in last game, Tinker was really painful in mid with his Laser+March :D

                                                                S-God ✔

                                                                  my smurf is 5.9k with 93% winrate on zues


                                                                    riki the creep easily owns 5-6k mmr players

                                                                    you are the biggest joke here, or you dont understand what a creep is

                                                                    maybe mega creep

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                      Why noone build eul on this guy -.-

                                                                      Flat is Justice!

                                                                        bloodseeker sucks, dont play him


                                                                        S-God ✔



                                                                            so S-God = Sampson LOL


                                                                              OH FUCKING SHIT

                                                                              i didnt realize ._.



                                                                                sampson you win

                                                                                I am troll bait retard

                                                                                you blend in too well with the uneducated masses

                                                                                its my loss today

                                                                                put that fucking bh avatar you cheater

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                S-God ✔


                                                                                  Flat is Justice!

                                                                                    how can u not know its him?
                                                                                    0% winrate should expose him


                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      Blood is the 6th most played this month with a 53% win rate, good for top 20. He is by no means weak, he's super strong mid as he regens so easily with a stout shield to block your harass. I think you basically want to get a farming mid and try to out farm him cus he's not very good at denying, then push the tower. Basically pay attention and don't let him get ganks on sidelanes and he won't snowball enough to win late. But he is strong early, try not to fight him or get some serious disables going to kill him.

                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!