General Discussion

General Discussionafter seeing another C9 game

after seeing another C9 game in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    Support bounty hunter, thoughts?



      Do not try advance next level pro strats in pub games.


        no, in pub you dont have loads of people roaming with you.


          do whatever the fuck u wanna do :rage:



            S-God ✔

              it is a pocket strat that the other team fell for. I forget which C9 member said in a interview that all they do with the pocket BH is distract the other team from the real threats. This is why you see him go blink dagger into force staff so he can roam around the the enemy side being annoying

              S-God ✔

                I would insta report any retard who tries this shit in a pub


                  Well C9 use it well because its able to give loads of vision and info which is actually useful since they're a team and communicate well. Also C9 love split push strategies and so having half the enemy team tracked constantly and being able to scout where they are allows them to split push safely.