General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you deal with RAGE!

how do you deal with RAGE! in General Discussion

    Had some awful games today and I just want to smash something
    game 1: 0 -15 pudge
    game 2: retarded picks and bs goes 6 - 14
    game 3: We where in the lead until void traps 3 of us in a chrono and we got raped by wd's ult, invoker and drow. he did this twice
    Game 4: 2 guys feed and abandon

    how do you guys deal with it? Any tips or tricks that do not involve snorting, sniffing, shooting etc.

    Oh wait, i got 6 games of lp because I abandoned a game. Thanks valve!


      Dont play dota?

      Srsly just playing dota only is really bad. Try some other games.

      There are shitloads of f2ps out there. Or just pirate some games.


        + "dota_tip_beginner_24" "Remain calm. Remember: it's only a game."


          you make a blog


            Why you heff to be mad? Itz only agame!

            Seriously though, Dota 2 is a fucking computer game, perspective. It's useful. losing a computer game or two on the bounce really isn't important. Seriously.


              you random every game dont you?


                Don't be mad. I made huge mistake, and now i pay for it. Just chill and literally don't give fuck about others.

                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  IF you figure it out let me know in the past 5 games I have had:

                  -A Rikki get carried only to never help out the team and wander around the map like its a Disney game farming 2 ethereal blades and dagon 5 only to only use it on ppl almost dead in team fights and wander off. Lost game with mega creeps to eventual superior late game farm since our rikki didn't carry.

                  -Furion who never left one spot all game farming cliff spawn on radiant bought nothing but gem and fed our courier. Were winning 4v5 until a guy on our team brood mother who was late pick countered by BH rage quit finally.

                  ....its only a game probably shocking there isn't more newb,troll griefers in it.


                    I just love this game, I love it when two team actually try and play the game. And you win or lose by skill. that makes Dota awesome, you get those games sometimes, when you just work together as a team. That's why I play Dota.

                    I hate losing because someone feeds or someone randoms a hero they can't play.

                    @ Allison, it's not because I random that pudge who wanted too offlane went 0 - 15.


                      Found the answer! Play Slark and win!


                        embrace the lost. you will enjoy dota more when you learn to do it.


                          You hate losing because someone feeds in your team, but you love winning because someone feeds in opposing team.

                          Very smart...


                            I never said that, I like winning when two teams are both trying to win and one wins by team work or skill. That is what I love about Dota.


                              @Soultrap, i would take any win over any loss any day. I just don't like to lose even if the game was very close. But a game is more fun when i win after 1h and 20 minutes of skill showcase.


                                Agreed, if everyone plays there best. THAT is a memorable and EPIC game. WIN or LOSE

                                Last picking is 4 pussies


                                  Add this to your list. Just had a BB saying im throwing I hope you lose and afk wander jungle.

                                  Of course we still almost win game turned when we got caught smoking for a gank and well instagibbed by jug ult.


                                    play with your friends, so you can enjoy the game


                                      get a brain moran