General Discussion

General DiscussionSkill Build on Anti Mage

Skill Build on Anti Mage in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    I personally like 1-1-1 at lvl 3, maxing blink first. Then I will max out of spell shield, because Anti-Mage doesn't have the attack speed to justify more levels in mana break, and he's super squishy. Of course, I will level my ultimate whenever it's available.

    What is your skill build?


      have blink maxed when you get battlefury
      if enemy ganks a lot/high mobile heroes might want to put more levels in blink early
      if you against melee 1v1 solo, might want to put some more levels in mana break
      always have blink maxed when you get your battlefury

      that's things to think about, now adapt to your game.

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        Situational, of course.
        Are you on a trilane where you can easily kill the offlaner(s)? Max mana break.
        Are you rushing battlefury? Max blink.
        Are they going aggresive on you and/or have great magical damage? Max shield.

        You gotta be stupid to stick to one build for every single game.


          Shield is not worth lvling above lvl1 (unless heavy heal support), cause you have too few hp, similar to how vanguard is better at tanking magical damage than hood in early game

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          harvard graduate

            1-1-1 at 3, then 2 level into stats. 1-1-1-1 at 6, then max blink -> then mana burn (not if against Shadow Demon or anything like that). If the enemy team has really low magic damage, skip spellshield until level 22 and just level stats otherwise max it.
            Thats pretty much it...


              AM's build is pretty simple. You need to have blink maxed by the time you finish battlefury with treads.
              Opening up with 1 level in each skill is the best choice.

              If you're being pressured, i'd consider going two levels into stats then getting ult, then max blink, max mana break and max shield. Otherwise, just max mana break, blink then shield.