General Discussion

General DiscussionMatchmaking quality decrease during TI

Matchmaking quality decrease during TI in General Discussion

    So I noticed every game in last few days mm places 4600-4700 guys in 5k+ matches (im 5100 atm). Those guys ruin almost every time. I guess theres less players playing/more watching so there is not enough players for better matchmake. Any similar experiences??

    4600 30min bfury freefarm pa

    total trash 4600 ck feeding on 3lane vs teror lesh


      Yes, I'm 4.6k and I've been matched with players as high as 5.7k, the only difference is I've been playing better in those games as I generally have the worst trench luck in the world.


        Everybody is aware of this,


          wtf is that skill build, you are worthless in teamfights without vacuum. How can you play so many games of dark seer and not realize that some extra surge time is not worth not having vacuum


            is there really that much difference between 4.6k and 5.1k..... my mmr has varied from 4.3k - 5.4k over the time MMR has been out and i reallly havnt got any better it just goes up and down


              My usual skillbuild is 2lvl surge, max shell, vacuum, wall 10-11, but i make adjustments accordingly for game and our heroes, thats why 60+ wr

              example last game, i had dominating streak when they were crushing us, but slark mid had 0 5 vs solo puck by minute 10. Game ruining as usual, 4.6k lc didnt help as well with midas build.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                ahh i see, makes more sense. Yeah, you shouldnt be queueing during TI unless you have a stack of 4+. Ask anyone on the forum who plays with me, I won't let them queue unless we are a full stack because the regular player to retard ratio becomes very low.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  thats why im not playing dota at all


                    well guiri thats luck for your team then for sure and almost certain win, cause there will be samish rank in oponents team who wil pick carry and we know how that story ends (-25)..


                      I must agree with swag xtrue fag here.He needs me to win always ...


                        I heard imba fag power pro lvl slark, better then bogi even?? :D


                          Who is bogi?I know vaikiss slark only


                            bogi is some douchehead on the forum, you can find him getting flamed like crazy in every thread he comments in a few pages back.


                              5.1k and you complain to play wtih 4700/4800 .... what a joke

                              Victor Wembenyama - Ede

                                havent lost a game since ti started :D


                                  Every unranked I win easily
                                  Every ranked I lose

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    all that is left in the pool is scum throwers :(


                                      i cant understand why ppl always complaining about shittier pool making them lose

                                      clearly it's easier to win if the other 9 players are weaker than you?

                                      i'm 5.1 and i'm not bothered by having 4.5ks in my team because there's 4.5ks in the oppo team as well

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                      SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                                        yes there's a difference between 4.6k and 5.1k

                                        anyone who says otherwise is either < 4k or > 6k (huehue)

                                        SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                                          if ur 5k+ and u plan on playing during the ti u should just go mid, otherwise it's a crap shoot


                                            Difference especially in attitude of players. There are good games at 4.6k but there is alot more hell with intentional trowers, crappy rubick take 1 my creep i gona feed now personas (CK guy), mid or feed guys. Those guys usually stays in that range 4500-4700 tops.


                                              Swag xtrue fag best dark seer eu

                                              Ples Mercy


                                                i got matches with 6k players aswell.

                                                clock and phx

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  Well you're a 6k player yourself so when u get 6k players in your team you should stomp as your mmr is "deflated".
                                                  OR what? :)


                                                    drink vodka play dotka guy @5k as i remember from few games ago

                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                      best dark seer eu is ysyskyskyskyskyksyksykskyskyskyskyks


                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                        @SwAg xTruE GoD:
                                                        he is 6,2k MMR
                                                        clock was 6,5k


                                                          oh. you played against a friend of mine. clock
                                                          ivan is crazy good.


                                                            no its same shit as always

                                                            bunch of retards with infilated mmr ruining games