General Discussion

General DiscussionStarted playing after a week of absense...

Started playing after a week of absense... in General Discussion

    felt horrible. I couldn't move the way I wanted to and I felt so slow as Tinker. Occasionally messing up combos (dagoning first instead of eb) or just 'slow' casting.

    Does anyone else get this? Or does it not matter if you comeback after a long time.


      id say it depends on the person and amount of time since last game


        same here :D didnt played for a week

        couldnt even combo with tiny anymore haha :D

        but took me just 1 game to be in shape again

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          I envy people who retain top form all the time lol.

          I figure it'll take 4-5 games before I get back to normal.


            Well, I don't played 10 days and I just won 4 games after this break and finally got 5k MMR

            We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

              ^Gratz on the 5k, I'll get there in a year lol.

              OT: I usually try to play at least 2-3 normal matches a day to not lose that "feel" of playing Dota. No rank matches though lol, to much raging goes on and i just want to chill and have fun and improve.

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              Hex Sigma

                I also missed from dota like a week and but felt great when I came back.


                  i usually play better after some off time


                    Lost 500 MMR because of this before.
                    Tips: play unranked first to warm up

                    Hex Sigma

                      oh and btw it's absence

                      #grammar nazi


                        I hate when I have teammates that fuck up a lot and blame their inactivity on it. Just play fucking bots until you feel like yourself again, then pub.

                        Quick maffs

                          I blame the fact that i play with 20 fps




                              Same for me as Benao.

                              I play better if I take a pause for a week or so.


                                ur not good

                                Hex Sigma

                                  ^100% quality post right there

                                  Bot (Passive)

                                    keys and reactions and what not always feel slow and sticky. gonna be doing this in 4 weeks too so welp

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!