General Discussion

General DiscussionSandboxie abusers

Sandboxie abusers in General Discussion

    What actually happens to these players using sandboxie? Cuz i've seen a lot of complains lately about MM being filled with bots and abusers. Even nr.1 guy with highest MMR is abusing the game with sandboxie.
    Are these accounts actually being banned to prevent sandbox abuse or they can do it freely?


      Note: I'm not being mean.

      Why the fuck do you care about people on the leaderboards with their fake mmr?
      You're not even among the leaderboard, so why does this even bother you?

      Just fucking play your game and enjoy it.

      These questions won't change people sandboxing or whatever its called. :-)



        my friend is in the leaderboard and he plays legit but he always tells me about how pissed he gets that people above him all cheat


          Well then tell your friend to shut up and nut up. No need to be jealous because people work smarter and not harder. You can think that them going back down is your justice for them "exploiting" the system. But thats just incentive to keep doing it in their eyes. Lets all get mad at a vicious cycle.


            It's not a vicious cycle if you just ban abusers from leaderboards.


              @b u t t e r b o y s

              Why the fuck you think i care about people on the leaderboards with their fake mmr? Because i mentioned that abuser with 7,2k mmr? I'm at 3,9k and dropping, so that doesn't affect me.
              My question was about those smurf abusers being punished. To me it seems like nobody gets banned for anything in this shitty broken game Valve can't handle.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                1. Some get recalibrated
                2. They get shadow banned and put into queues with other retards so it keeps them out of the main queues that you and I use.
                3. Some get VAC banned altogether or have their accounts locked due to scripts that are now currently banned.

                Still there will always be something you can exploit. People will just jump onto the next one.

                  Yorum silindi

                    Why do you care about him caring if its dumb that he cares isnt it more dumb that you care that he cares? Se how ignorant this is? =D I almost could not even reply on this becuase of how idiotic it sounded but i kind of had to becuase of the humor in it ;D

                    Ontopic: i recently placed vs that 7200 guy and he was good and so was his stack as i know those people and they are pure 6k+ players even if they did abuse some time.

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                      Yorum silindi

                        Some of them get put into the "Chris queue" where they can continue to exploit vs bots if they so desire.


                          Its technical term is the "Chris effect" and you can see this effect reflected on some profiles :)

                          Example of the Chris Effect.

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            People who are funny in my experience do so accidentally :) We all slip up now and again it matters not no worries son. <3


                              Oh ok so those who get shadow banned can't play normal matches ever again on that acc? At least something.


                                I dunno the in's and out's and can check with my sources but I think that they are confined there for a period of time or indefinitely, it still counts towards the stats but its similar to a LP pool most people suffer whereas the good ones thrive there.


                                  shadow ban is 3 months


                                    I think the queue is not actually intended abusers bot account but a place where farming bots get placed as they farm items and have been banned from the normal queue. Getting yourself into that queue basically means your will be playing against item farming bots who will do fuck all and give you free wins.

                                    The abuse is getting into that pool and not the bots themselves, the bots in those games aren't (for the most part) controlled by the players in those games its just a queue where there are literal hundreds of farm bots who you can play against in real matches.

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                                      Originally Posted by fletcher View Post
                                      Players who repeatedly engage in activities significantly harmful to the community are put into a separate matchmaking pool for two months. Players who run multiple instances are only segregated as long as they continue to run multiple instances. If you think you have been segregated merely for running multiple instances, then stop running multiple instances for a day or two, and then try to find a match again. You should find that you are back in the ordinary matchmaking pool with the rest of the community.

                                      Running multiple instances of Dota 2 on the same computer is not supported. We certainly regret misidentifying adorable married couples playing together or fans watching multiple games as bad actors. We can try to tune our detection heuristics to better discriminate between malicious players and ordinary players. However, please don't interpret anything I've said in this post as sanctioning any particular use case for running multiple instances, or as a description of our policy that you can depend on us to follow in the future. While we will try to exercise judgement, we cannot promise any player who runs multiple instances that they will be free from negative consequence.



                                        Ok i see whats the point. You run multiple instances of dota2, feed your smurf with wins and stats, wait 2 days - profit. Sneeky