General Discussion

General DiscussionLina's role

Lina's role in General Discussion

    What is it? I mean, she's amazing and I like her, but it kinda confuses me - which way should she be played?

    She has quite good burst damage, so she could be a support. But, on the other hand, her burst has quite a big mana cost. Without items you won't be able to sustain it. Also, she loses a lot of her combat potential without items.
    She has one of the best right-click steroids in the game, so she could be a carry. But she's very fragile, even with some HP/Armor items she'll die extremely fast if focused.
    She could be mid, because of good ganking potential and powerful ulti, but her starting HP/Damage and attack speed are so awful, I not sure she can compete with other mid heroes.
    She has both long-range attack and nuke, so given her need for levels and items, she could go solo-off. But, again, she's very fragile and doesn't has reliable escape - she'll probably die to any strong duo/tri-lane.

    For example, I went solo-off last time, and that was not bad. But I had Brew and Mirana as my opponents, so there was no instant initiation and I managed to dodge dem arrows.
    Few other times I went as lane support there were good cases where I managed to get few kills and level advantage. Start roaming then, snowballing and stuff. And there were bad cases, where I didn't managed to get these kills, was forced to spend money on wards, fell off in level and net worth very bad and couldn't contribute much in fights.
    I once played one-vs-one mid with Lina against Bane and lost miserably. Managed to get one kill, but only due to enemy's mistake.

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    Flat is Justice!

      lina's role is in the kitchen cooking food

      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

        ^ So true! they need the maid & apron set still!


          I don't think these hellfire burnt muffins will give you enough nutrition to sustain all the sexual desire.

          Hm... One more role off then.


            which way should she be played?

            sounds so wrong

            Miku Plays

              on top .. it prevents burns


                she is someone lacking one and thus rarely ever playing in the pro scene.

                She is in theory a support or a semi-carry caster, but she lacks a reliable stun. With her new aghs we may see her as an Anti-bkb aggressive-tri lane carry. She can be great in pubs as a mid lane hero, but in pro games are attack animation is too awful to be reliable for last hits.

                King of Low Prio

                  Lina is only good as a carry

                  Quick maffs

                    My friend plays her in any lane basically, you actually just need mana boots and blink

                    King of Low Prio

                      Dorkly no offense to your friend but he should prob kill himself




                        King of Low Prio

                          smh to u


                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                            I usually pick LIna after enemy picks liion. So when he fingers me I laguna blade him.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Lane support early, nuker/carry late. You do not want her in a 4 or 5 spot (buying wards, courier n shit). Like if you have a carry mid she goes to get farm in one of the other lanes, another carry in last lane. If you have a non hard carry mid like a puck she can lane support but needs to farm after.


                                I always go mid with Lina and last hit with stun and most of the time if the enemy is melee I end up stomping my lane cause I get to 1) Get assured last hit
                                2) Damage the hero
                                3) Stop him from getting a cs at times

                                Flat is Justice!

                                  GUIDE: WHEN TO PICK LINA

                                  1. WHEN U HAVE A KITCHEN
                                  2. WHEN U NEED SOMEONE TO COOK FOOD
                                  3. AT A BIRTHDAY WHEN U CANT FIND THE LIGHTER FOR THE CANDLES

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  Quick maffs


                                    Chill i flame him too


                                      I'd say 1, 2 and 4





                                          lina should be number pi role

                                          when you take 3.1416 out of your sexist opinion about women making sandwiches you just have a raw onion you should stuff in your face before posting again


                                            fap material


                                              She's a 3/4 hero. Carries harder than Mirana at least.


                                                @ sampson


                                                  I've lost almost every match whenever there was Lina in my team.

                                                  A Lina player always refuses to play Support and tries to go mid, steals kills from main carries. I will agree with the Batman dude that she belongs in kitchen.

                                                  At least Lina players are not as bad as Skywraith players. I dunno why but every Skywraith player seems to be a total asshole.

                                                  Quick maffs


                                                    I support, for once in all my life i actually zone out the offlane in a way that i am 3 lvls ahead of wind, i gank with LC, i am 5-1 or some shit like that 15 min into the game.

                                                    Nightstalker flames me for being bad and lose the game

                                                    I dont know what to do


                                                      ^ Snap! That loss streak!

                                                      Just play your autowin/I-always-get-carried-when-I-pick-this-chum hero dud.

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        Fuck you

                                                        Fuck everyone

                                                        I just lost 11 games in a row

                                                        That fuckign nightstalker bought a fucking vanguard having free farm

                                                        and qop goes 3-11

                                                        and after that that fucking NS is playing PA on the enemy team, and we lose because i am playing rubick and i never win with rubick.

                                                        Anyway see you guys i am droping this game

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          and all started when i got matched in low priority for abandoning one game


                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            Ok serious talk, can someone teach me how to play ? i am fucking tired of being a 3k scrub and lose to awful players

                                                            That its what hurts the most, being so bad that you lose to AWFUL players

                                                            game is bad

                                                              I feed if someone picks Lina and wants mid. Every fucking game I have had with a Lina mid ends up with mid lost.


                                                                I know that feel Dorkly. My loss record...It was like I didn't even know how to play the game.

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  No problem guys i jsut needed to play tinker


                                                                  Now everything is alright