General Discussion

General DiscussionChinese people on EU

Chinese people on EU in General Discussion
Ples Mercy


    srsly what the fuck is up with that shit? They cry they have highping all the fucking game and talk chinese all the god damn time, WHY?


    Pa went bot, despite everyone in our team spamming that he should go safelane and get farm, the ES wasn't aware that he was playing a fucking support, that's why we didn't have a courier. They spoke chinese over the god damn mic the whole time, lost bot fucking hard, couldn't even def properly and were useless the whole god damn game.

    That match was literally the worst 4k match, i've ever had in my entire fucking life.

    On a sidenote, srsly i don't even want to know, what fucked up shit is going on on asian servers. Those guys were 4k players, meaning that 2k on china must be a living hell.

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      If they are talking Chinese all the time, how do you know they are complaining about high ping?

      Ples Mercy

        they write on english 'omg highping' everytime they die, then proceed to talk chinese over mic. It's a sick joke from volvo.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          You were TB I guess, right? And so if he didn't go to safelane, why didn't you go there and carry the team then?


            most US players that have come to sea suffer from the skill level being higher for their inflated solo mmr with games being more tryhard on average and resorted to playing back on US west with high ping where the games are easier for them

            see: Zephyr, Febby, etc

            Bu yorum düzenlendi
            Ples Mercy

              @Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah:
              look at the matchlink? Look at the Tower damage and look who won the game.

              Seems like it works like this:
              EU > ASIA > US

              Bu yorum düzenlendi
              Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

                His build is very much like matrice's jungle build, so I'm assuming he was jungling.

                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                  Nver que on EU west, u never know if u get buritos, sushi or vodka.

                  Ples Mercy

                    well where do i queue then?

                    Can't select moon

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      I wanted to say why didn't you go safelane instead of jungle.

                      Ples Mercy

                        bh and tb duallane, would be weird wouldn't it?

                        also TB is a really shitty laning hero. He is easy to shutdown bcause he's so squishy and has no escape mekanism.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          i hate fucking racists


                            how do you know they are Chinese...

                            Ples Mercy

                              translate program told me that, the ES wrote something chinese and the program translated it and told me which language it was.