General Discussion

General Discussionwhich is the most braindead hero in dota

which is the most braindead hero in dota in General Discussion

    In short, which hero requires the LEAST skill to be played.

    To me, its Wraith King. Literally the stupidest hero in dota where all you have to do is charge in like a bloody rambo. The hero REWARDS stupidity...

    I really wish one dimensional heroes received a change of some sort.



      Miku Plays

        Sniper - camp camp camp headshot !
        Earthshaker - blink dunk stun stun


          undying, couse, you know, he is zombie, and zombies don't have brain



            builds tank items, and has magic resistance. people get slowed for fighting you, which lets you chase them down and slow them with Q/R.


              I agree on Wraith King, also Hatsune: Earth Shaker is not an easy cap hero, so you're wrong here.

              Miku Plays

                ^ how is earthskaer not easy ? ES gets blink and next thing the enemy know half of their team is dead


                  He's a support who requires enoug farm to get a blink dagger, if you want to be an effective support and not steal farm from your carry, things are noticeably harder


                    because it requires you to save 2150g on a support with poor farming capabilities, meaning you have to be active on the map and be participating in kills, whereas sand king can just sit in the jungle dududu-ing neutrals

                    Miku Plays

                      that makes sense now.. i didnt take the farming the blink in my argument.. welp


                        For me WK is kinda' hard because he has shitty attack animation. If I go jungle, then it's worse because until I get my armlet usually my team lose the game.

                        Lich is the easiest "noob friendly" hero to win with, in my opinion.

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                          This chart is planely stupid and so off.


                            The hero difficulty guide is extremely shit. Spectre/FV are not hard to play and Bounty Hunter/Bane are not easy.

                            Earthshaker also isn't easy. Quit getting dunked and thinking "omg op brainless hero" when your own positioning is horrid.

                            The easiest heroes are among the likes of Viper and Wraith King.

                            LL Poroksi

                              @Hatsune Miku
                              ES has a stun that can fuck your team up more than any skill in game but it can also make very big plays. How can you say that hero is the most braindead hero to play, you need to think everytime before you stun so you won't fuck up things.


                                Viper 100%

                                Very survivable. Virtually impossible to kite.
                                Right click, right click, ulti, right click right click.

                                So boring


                                  According to that guide Void is almost twice as hard to play as Visage :/

                                  While some people claim "click on button and your dead" a lot of heroes actually require you to be good at the hero in order to get to the point where you can "1 click" kill. This is actually my argument towards tinker that while the hero is annoying to deal with those poor suckers had to learn how to play this hero to the point where he is just rampaging around the map.

                                  Realistically the same of Viper could be said of Void where they have 1 skill and an ult one peaks early the other late. I think Wraith King isn't a braindead hero but is probably one of the easier ones but you really have to build him right to make him effective and that's where I think he's not the worst. He requires items, and the right ones, mana management and other things come into play and people forget to take all of this into account.

                                  If we're not doing it on personal skill and simply on the skills of the hero then...

                                  Wraith King, Viper, Void, Bloodseeker, Riki, Lich


                                    Wraith King is so pissy because the hero is actually really overwhelming in pubs.

                                    kanye went to uni

                                      Mechanical difficulty != overall difficulty; I'd say Sniper for instance is hard, if you're out of position by a centimetre you die.

                                      Flat is Justice!

                                        I always hear people saying void is too ez to play, then they pick it and get 3 of their team mates brutally murdered
                                        Wraith king actually does pretty well in the >5kmmr - hes a tanky initator that has high late game potential

                                        While OP uses the word "braindead", i think its more like "less punishing" heroes
                                        If you make mistakes as a lion/sniper, you are usually dead
                                        If you make mistakes as a wraith king/bb, u might live

                                        Certain heroes, require muscle memory like tinker/invoker - which are classed as "harder"
                                        But generally, all heroes require you to master your positioning and map awareness if you wanna win consistently


                                          1 year ago : Spirit Breaker and Phantom Lancer.

                                          Today: Ursa and Wraith King.


                                            Ok sorry, I know that I gave a braindead link about hero difficulty levels. I agree that in this meta, WK is probably easiest hero. I pick him whenever I feel like having easy game.

                                            WK gets my vote for most braindead hero. You can be allowed to make many mistakes and still get away with it. My own recent matches are example.

                                            @6_din_49, WK was really hard for me at start also. But if you keep playing with him, you will soon find him easiest hero ever.

                                            I'm bumping up this thread because I wanna see list of easiest hero since I'm obsessed with winrate :P

                                            Ah I just remembered now, another braindead hero is Viper. If you fight with him, you can lose your life because this dude has three massive slows. Orb, Corrosive skin and ulti. Lich should also be on the list but I just can't seem to play him well.

                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                              I will never not say Furion to this even the most brain dead of player can play 1 vs jungle where they rarely are hit and their issues are mana.

                                              Sure the difficulty to be a great Furion is high but the difficulty to be effective Furion is not even remotely.

                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                DevilsCry I think you answered your own question look at your most played heroes all time. The only one your above 3 KDA with is WK and your at 4 KDA +.


                                                  is too short (minimum is 6 characters)


                                                    WK, dat stun, dat critical, dat lifesteal, dat reincarnation


                                                      why isnt everyone saying doom

                                                      nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                        wk, bloodseeker, drow, sniper, riki

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Doom is pretty easy as well. Wk is very easy. Any melee that doesn't have to bother with a ton of positioning or skill timing is pretty easy. This eliminates blink heroes since that requires at least some cooridination so eliminates es and void and spec cus spec needs to use his ult effectively for ganks. Lifestealer is pretty easy to play also, sven too.

                                                          Viper is an easier ranged carry cus if out of position it's not as crucial as like drow or sniper but he's not quite in the same realm as wk imo.

                                                          Lich is definitely the easiest support/int hero. Just deny and spam frost novas, ult during team fights. Warlock is probably second easiest, ranged hero with one combo.


                                                            @Last picking is 4 pussies,

                                                            It is just hard not to get high KDA with WK but winrate isn't that great. Only ~58%. With other easy heroes like Viper, Silencer and Huskar, I've over 60% winrate. And I like winrate more than KDA :D

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Hmm I've got over 60% on wk, I find him pretty easy to win with. Usually just farm an armlet and then fight like a badass all day.


                                                                ogre magi the most braindead hero dude. at least for wk you gotta calc your mana cap before throwing your OP stun


                                                                  I think Warlock is really easy to use but requires SOME sort of 'skill'. When to ulti is important but the most critical thing is some Warlocks don't know how to use Upheavel correctly.

                                                                  That shit is insane, imagine being stuck in WK's ult slow forever but even slower!


                                                                    wraith king





                                                                      after countless games I concluded, am / riki the most braindead hero cuz the dudes who picks it literally do not think while they play. A very good throw hero indeed

                                                                      nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                        ^^ huskar is so bad, that you have to be good in order to actually do something with him

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                                                                            Centaur Warunner.
                                                                            Spirit Breaker right after he was massively buffed.


                                                                              I disagree about Sniper and Huskar. lolwut already explained accurately about Sniper that if you are out of position by 1 cm then you die.

                                                                              Huskar doesn't have any kind of disable and the slow by Burning Spears is not great enough, making him very reliant on team to be effective. Only in hands of a good team, a braindead Huskar can be good. As I climbed up in skills, I found Huskar to be really bad hero just as Vasile Lopataru is saying.

                                                                              Below 2k MMR, Sniper and Huskar super easy to use, I agree.

                                                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                Not sure I would say Win Rate > KDA in this case. Either way your KDA is by far highest on your most played as WK and your Win Rate is still almost your highest both factors for you WK is your easiest hero.

                                                                                Of course you don't have Furion on there and I think anyone after 2-3 games can be considered average at that mouth breathing hero.


                                                                                  To properly play wraith actually takes skill. Most braindead hero is riki, because if you play riki (and not trolling around), you are braindead.


                                                                                    ^beeecuuuuuz wiiink hates invis heroes=)))

                                                                                    Owell, so do I.

                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      Wink zenoth plays riki at 5k mmr and he still stomps

                                                                                      Necro is pretty braindead too

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        I don't think centuar is easy at all. I find him difficult, his stun has a long animation, getting all his stuff in position I find kind of hard. I usually die a lot with him.

                                                                                        Sniper isn't that easy either. It seems like you just sit back and snipe people endlessly but keeping up in farm and kills requires some pretty tight positioning.


                                                                                          Necro turns your teammates braindead too, making them think he's a support.

                                                                                          Viper is hands down, the most braindead and easiest hero to use. No skills required, just balls...which a lot of people lack so they still manage to fail somehow with him.

                                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                          harvard graduate

                                                                                            bad ES players actually hurt your team more than any other bad support does.
                                                                                            The most braindead hero would be somewhere between Wraith King and Centaur.

                                                                                            Hex Sigma

                                                                                              wk and viper

                                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                Probably something between Bristleback, Axe, WK and Centaur.


                                                                                                  Abbadon, bristleback, necrophos.


                                                                                                    viper and WK

                                                                                                    axe, centaur and bristleback take a bit of finese and positioning.

                                                                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                                      finesse and position?

                                                                                                      once you get blink with axe and centaur you really cant screw that up.

                                                                                                      BB maybe solo offlane takes some position against tri lanes?

                                                                                                      How in the world do ppl not mention Furion more ;)

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!