General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win the Wraight King + Abbadon on my potatoe bracket?

How to win the Wraight King + Abbadon on my potatoe bracket? in General Discussion



      Pick them.


        Ancient Appartion + a diffusal carrier\invoker can do it.

        captain shibazel

          I would agree with Greatlubu. And you could pick other manaburners like nyx assasin and anti-mage.


            not anti mage, Potato bracket ;D

            Miku Plays

              Axe for abbadon ... and manaburners for wraith king, if u can Anti-mage go for it.


                idk about axe... literally if you miss the very narrow timing window of his ult triggering and then you spin while you click to ult him you look like a damned fool with your pants on the ground

                Miku Plays

                  ^ sorry i forgot to mention Axe with Aghs for abbadon


                    All you need is a Nyx for wraith king and doom for abbadon.....

                    Axe with scepter can kill abbadon but the window of time for axe to cull abbadon without scepter is so also need level 16, early levels it sucks. I can usually land 6/10 but the other times I am just wasting my ult on an abbadon so best just to disable him and focus someone else.


                      Well! Thanks a lot

                      Dire Wolf

                        Nyx messes up wraith king bad. Natural diffusal carriers like spectre, pl, riki work out pretty well too. Kotl is ok though the wraith king will just stand still that lets your team pick him off since usually the wk runs half way back to the tower before he dies, then ult pops and he ends up living under the safety of the tower.

                        Abba idk, he can't carry late so just win other lanes?

                        casual gamer

                          As a wk picker the only mana drainer that actually kills me is lion, everyone else I can pop stick and ult. AM is kinda a joke, since you usually push early anyway and can get a bkb

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            I dont know why ppl say mana burners, wk can easily farm a soul ring and laugh at your pathetic tries of getting his mana.

                            just get a team that can kite them properly

                            casual gamer

                              Soul ring is shit buy a fucking stick


                                Omniknight crushes them both

                                Dire Wolf

                                  You're going to keep a magic stick the whole game? Bkb, armlet, boots, magic stick, tp, ac? That's a really fast 6 slot without much end game items. And that's not even going blink, which is becoming popular on him.


                                    1. For Wraith King: In early game, keep a Magic Wand or Soul Ring depending on enemies (Magic Wand if enemy has a lot of spells, otherwise Soul Ring). Mid game and onwards, if you start dying before being drained of mana, you can get rid of Magic Wand/Soul Ring.

                                    2. Skip Vladmir's Offering on Abaddon and make him stick with Wraith King from mid-game onwards.

                                    3. In fights, give more importance to survival of WK than to Abaddon.

                                    4. Buy a Heaven's Halberd on Wraith King as a core after Armlet. And use it on highest damage dealing enemy in teamfights (since potato bracket loves heavy right click damage dealing heroes).


                                      WK weakness:
                                      Reliant on mana
                                      no magical attack

                                      Abaddon weakness:
                                      Reliant on mana and most of them build phase boots even as support, so easier target
                                      Weak to eul scepter, soon he used borrowed time cast eul on him so your teammate won't him him and rape him later

                                      In conclusion:

                                      Anti mage for obvious reason
                                      Axe ( ulti with aghanim at lv 16 can finish hero at 650 HP, use this advantage and kill abaddon before he autocast his borrowed time )
                                      Death Prophet ( both WK and Abaddon are not antipush hero use this advantage to push and also DP is notable Eul user )
                                      Invoker ( can make a good use of eul and has EMP early if QW)
                                      KOTL ( Mana Leak and has Eul as his default core item )
                                      Necrolyte ulti with aghanim
                                      Nyx ( Can also build eul and blink dagger to escape from gank also have mana burn )
                                      OD ( astral imprisonment Abaddon when he entered borrowed time and OD rape any meele carry such as WK or void late game )
                                      Omniknight ( immune to any carry who rely on physical damage, just use guardian angel ez game )
                                      PL with diffusal

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