General Discussion

General Discussionholy shit unranked games are awful

holy shit unranked games are awful in General Discussion

    that is all


      Holy shit this thread is useless.
      That is all.


        ^See now that is the sort of stuff that makes this forum so toxic. Completely uncalled for (at least in that mannerism).

        On Topic: I dunno, I've had some good fun in unranked games before. There was a point in which my internet router was on the fritz and I ended up in low priority a couple times. Those few games were THE most fun I've ever had in DotA2. The people were hilarious. And the games were easy :3


          Are unranked games bad because all the decent players play ranked? I haven't played unranked in a long time so my mmr must have gone way up because the people I play with in unranked are generally clueless.


            so are you, TB prenerf picker :D

            Quick maffs

              Dont you guys love OP heroes, i instapick them once i learn how to play them.


                And I still can't convince my friends to play ranked. They say they don't like to tryhard...even though they 5-man stack all the time, so they've been basically tryharding since forever and just don't want to admit it.

                King of Low Prio

                  people just hate being evaluated


                    I play unranked when i want to blow off steam or daily hero challenge. You shouldn't take it seriously

                    King of Low Prio

                      we all know why people play unranked, you can say whatever you need to say to convince yourself otherwise.


                        Dude i usually play ranked. As i said i play unranked for my daily challenge and fun. I have played over 200 ranked and achieved my milestone to be 2k higher than my friends in solo mmr.


                          Makes sense. They do claim that playing for a number takes the fun away. Still sucks.

                          King of Low Prio

                            'people just hate being evaluated'

                            everything you have said thus far has proved my point even more

                            'i said i play unranked for fun'

                            I am not judging nor do I care what modes you play I am just merely stating the point that alot of people try and avoid admitting


                              Well, what can be done? They are good friends anyway, so I just go with the flow.

                              waku waku

                                i stack unranked with my friends and too often i come upon better organized enemy stacks that kick the shit out of mine



                                  There are plenty of reasons to pick ranked or to pick unranked.

                                  Your opinion on the matter is not universal.


                                    Am i the only one in here who would like to know both his solo and team mmr in unranked, too?

                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                      If my ranked is 3.4k mmr, my unranked solo gotta be near 2.2k or 2.5k. That's just how serous the games are taken. Every now and then there's a 'first time' viper smurf who gets like 26-3 going mid in unranked.


                                        Pretty sure it's called unranked for a reason.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        Corben Dallas

                                          ranked matchmaking is awful too


                                            I've been playing mostly unranked recently because I can't stand all-pick and often don't time (read: patience) for the captains modes. Instead I just play random draft most of the time.

                                            I'd like to think that I've been getting better over the last couple of months and now it seems that I'm at the point where my unranked games are of a much higher quality than my Ranked ones.


                                              Both are equally awful at times.....


                                              > People trying so hard they throw and rage because their mind is clouded by a number
                                              > People who enter games assuming everyone is on a bought account or trash
                                              > People picking the most absurd heroes
                                              > E-peen voice over comms


                                              > You suck, that's why you don't ranked.
                                              > Why you warding? So tryhard, go ranked noob.
                                              > Using dust, tryhard shit go ranked.
                                              > People will throw hard's not ranked.

                                              I argue this with all my friends and I disagree with these mindsets. Every game no matter what mode you play should be played properly and to the best of your abilities. Pub playing does very little to actually improve your gameplay so you may as well try to glean what little you can from it or it just becomes a waste of your time.

                                              Neither is better and you will have pro's and con's in both but generally games are less stressful in unranked.


                                                +1 Havoc. Unranked is less stressful and less retards usually. As far as skill level goes, i think they are pretty close.

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  You know why i hate MMORPG´s ? Because i hate to grind, i dont even try to play ranked because EVEN if i won all my games it would take a long ass time to get a better rank so fuck that, plus its easier to stomp unranked and people cry too much in ranked


                                                    True , ever since the rank matchmaking system has been implemented , people tend to get stressed out and end up scolding/ blaming team.

                                                    Rank matchmaking
                                                    Destroying friendship ever since.

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      It is true, Wink cried like a little bitch when I threw a ranked match :P

                                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                        @ Sampson


                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          Satie, the rosh pit. NEVER FORGET


                                                            Never forgive Sate for that throw!


                                                              Have any of you ever played with someone new?

                                                              I ask because the other day I played with a guy who played dota 1 a bit back in the day, hasn't touched it in years. I invited him to my party, queued us up in unranked, and experience the joys of unranked.

                                                              Take a minute and look at the skill build orders, was really entertaining.

                                                     (haha thanks, thought I had to type commands w/ brackets like with images)

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                       how is that hard just click your profile and go to your game and copy the url :P

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                  all games are awful, havent played a decent game in months


                                                                    Unranked games are, after the ranked system was being introduced, just horrible. Not all of them, but a lot of them, especially lately when compendium challenges came along and people cant play heroes for shit. But ranked games are a lot more stressfull, cause you're being evaluated by a number and a lot of people dont like that (me included). I wouldn't mind it, if people in the team were actually legit players for they rating and the only variable would be you, but it's not like that so you're dependant a lot on other random players and i dont like that.

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      MM is done over a long period of time, each match has very little importance but alot of matches add up to the large picture. This is why you will not see great players below 3k and you will not see bad players above 6k. Keep in mind people can cheat the system through multiple methods but that does not mean the system is broken more so the community is broken and needs to be policed better.


                                                                        OK. I take back what I said earlier.

                                                                        Just had an unranked game and it was an absolute joke. Complete with not 1 person on the team who (c/w)ouldn't speak English and stealing my items from the courier and putting it in their stash.


                                                                          dont know if i'm blessed or what but recently my last ten solo queue games in both ranked/unranked have been positive experiences, even the losses - my last solo queue game was against WinteR (dark seer) and the team banded together to win the game against him despite playing from behind the entire way


                                                                          or the game where i was feeding like a dog as a solo support in a greedy lineup but no one complained because they knew how hard it is to support alone and offered to help buy wards and smokes whenever they could, although we still lost


                                                                          maybe gaben is rewarding me for buying compendiums


                                                                            I guess Valve is rewarding you for giving them much monezzz :)

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                              Damn, I must buy a compendium.


                                                                                Me 2 bro.


                                                                                  4fs can't handle my clock swag


                                                                                    i play unranked when i want to practice a hero im trash at and dont want to ruin games

                                                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                                                      so I should play ranked? because most of the time unranked matches are utterly trash.


                                                                                        When I play an unranked game after playing lots of ranked games it's just a stomp.

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          I play unranked games when trying new heros, like I did a couple Zeus mid games. I sucked badly with him and my whole team was bitching at me. I tried telling them, relax bro! It's not ranked, who cares? But apparently they did. I didn't though and that's the point. It's good practice for learning hero's abilities.

                                                                                          I have seen people random heroes they obviously don't know how to play like invoker. When you call them on it and say why didn't you just repick, this guy said well I always wanted to try invoker. Then rest of our team said try that shit on your own time in non ranked games. So both sides kind of hate the other and think their matches matter more.

                                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                            Just had the worst fuckin game in a long long time. People in normal mm, especially after compendium fuckin challenges came alone, are complete utter garbage. God help us all.

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                            Hex Sigma

                                                                                              I don't get it though how can some people play ranked ap. I am genuenly scared to go in ranked ap because at my mmr people just go 5 carries and random shit.


                                                                                                Ranked matchmaking
                                                                                                Destroying friendship every since


                                                                                                  you know whats awful? me not being a dog

                                                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!