General Discussion

General DiscussionTinker Pick

Tinker Pick in General Discussion

    Yeah, i have lot of games with Tinker pick nowaday, yeah he is good hero, with nuke skill and rearm everything
    but lot of decent player just see pro player try to do same like pro and feed, then blaming for everything.
    "No wards, No support, No blah blah it sucks"
    can tinker be a good carry? i think its not because tinker have problem in mana pool, he doesn't like true carry hero (before dagon)
    anyone have good advice against tinker pick? i just think of nyx or pudge



      Are you asking to autolose mid and let tinker free-farm?
      The best tinker counter is Bh. Track makes sure he cant tp when he goes into trees with blink and unless he has a shivas/sheep bounty can shit on his face.

      Other pickoff heroes like slardar/axe/potm work too.

      As for lane counters you can pick od/razor/viper and screw him over.

      And obviously tinker has no escape skills so early ganks on him are pretty much a secured kill.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi
      Quick maffs

        If you are a sick pudge i think it can work

        but yeah get storm

          Ok, thanks for the advice, i just mad with my mates who pick tinker and feed. Any other than BH maybe? I used BH just for track and warding only

          harvard graduate

            Storm Spirit does really well against him but he needs a BKB in the lategame (which he should get anyways) because chances are that he just gets Hex'ed dagon - ebladed to death if he cant BKB.
            I guess Puck could do really well in lane against a Tinker as well and so does TA as long as you dont run into creeps with your shield up and tank them. March will destroy your Refraction so be careful. Another nice thing about TA vs Tinker is that you can use your Traps on the Ancients and snipe him there with a haste/Invis.


              Yeah, it also works, but Tinker laser? even u got no damage with refraction are its effect still on you 100% miss for many secs.
              It will be good timing for Tinker to run, i think that. Also its missile range is 2,5k almost same with Sniper ulti, but less damage

              Quick maffs

                I dont think TA is that good against tinker


                  Refraction and Melt countered by March Machine
                  Also TA is rightclick hero, it also countered w/ Laser

                  Quick maffs

                    nah i just think there are better choices

                    btw if you or your friends are playing tinker tell them to get dagon instead of hex, man i have 80 % winrate with dagon and 65 % with hex


                      storm is the best vs tinker as that guy said, you can jump with ult and sheep/orchid, he won't know it's coming and won't be able to do anything


                        storm, nyx +1, zeus+1, spec

                        Quick maffs

                          Spec alone not enough

                          Dire Wolf

                            Viper maybe? You could walk into march for one hit to proc corresive skin, then back out. Zeus seems to have no issues nuking him down early mid. Nightstalker and spirit breaker have good win rates vs him which makes sense, ganking heroes who blow him up or silence him. Pudge is also listed as quite good against him but I suspect some bad tinkers skew this.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            King of Low Prio

                              BH is not a counter to tinker (well maybe if they are too dumb to shift que their blinks)

                              Storm and batrider shit on tinker

                              Rusty Ken (retiring)


                                Quick maffs

                                  Viper doesnt let him blink but its not enough to kill him, Zeus will have to ult only to know where he is and even if you know where he is your zeus is going to need a blink or a forcestaff to kill him, i mean in team fights usually you will not be able to target him and if you want to kill him while he splitpush you will need to use your ulti + blink to catch him.

                                  Spirit breaker and nightstalker are both awful i think, nightstalker is a little bit better because of the silence but still, how can a spirit breaker kill tinker ? He spents like 5 seconds in each lane the cow will be traveling the whole map and will never be able to catch him, plus laser makes him fail atacks so no bash.

                                  While he splitpushes only some heroes are able to kill him, in fights its a little bit more easy ( depends on how good is the tinker ) but usually if you play some hero with stun + blink is easy to catch him ( lion is good on this )


                                    Blademail, EVERYONE buy blademails.

                                    Quick maffs

                                      btw tree is a bitch against tinker too, because tinker pushes slow by pushing the lanes to the enemy tower, tree will just perma heal all the towers you try to push in, plus if the tree is good you aint solo killing anyone even with dagon


                                        "The best tinker counter is Bh"
                                        please refrain yourself from posting nonsense


                                          real counters are Storm AM Nyx Clock Invoker


                                            Agreed with Sano

                                            Invoker can use so many different spells to interrupt his rearm, and tornado is a good scouter for when he blinks into the forest.

                                            Jorges Sanz

                                              You still can shift queue dagger blink after rearm going against DoT. Aside from knowing the blink spots and probable tinker tp rotations around the map, only realistic counters are Clock, invoker, SS (maybe) and Pugna (maybe) , anything that can actually stop the rearm when you have to account for bkb/ghost/dag and 4 other players than can potentially punish you for overextending/focusing on tinker.

                                              Tinker is the most undeserved abuser of the shift queue mechanic, which shouldn't even have been ported over imo.

                                              Sup m8

                                                I find mirana to be quite good at killing tinker, since he is standing still a lot of the time, and she can use arrow to hit him in the trees. Storm with an orchid or sheep is a bitch for tinker, tinker really can't do much against that. I find that mobile heroes in general are quite good against him.