General Discussion

General DiscussionPugna builds

Pugna builds in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Holy hellfire this guy is fun, but I never play him. First ranked game yesterday. Obviously get aghs. What else? I did 4/1/1 build, then maxed nether ward. I went mana boots and it worked out well for out team but I think phase might be better if you aren't forced into hard support. Get some better positioning.


      i get dagon bkb/dagger and necro 3


        I like tranquils and soulring.


          mana boots are only for your team, you'll get more out of a sage's mask if you only want mana regen. if your team doesn't need arcanes, treads can also be good because of his shit strength gain, and the attack speed makes his right clicks pretty good considering his really high int gain. phase are just for the movement speed really.

          mek's useful on him as a pusher. someone else gets mek, pipe could prove useful - creeps live longer, you get an extra nether blast on the tower. veil gives you stats + HP regen of the mek, but you obviously lack the 250 HP heal though.

          personally not a fan of the aghs rush, i'd much rather get a smaller item first before going for aghs.


            Depends on your lane, team comp, etc.

            But I like to grab arcanes, aghs, dagon.

            I vary my build too often to give you a default. If they're spammy I max nether ward fast or split between it and blast and ward. Usually throw in a level of decrepify if I need it. Again, depends. If my lane partner has high magic burst (lina), decripfy will help more.

            Mek is good if your team needs it. Sometimes rod of atos is nice.


              y better grab some % mana regen since best int gain in game ?

              Dire Wolf

                I didn't have any mana issues outside of the first ~10 mins in lane. Maybe cus I died 7 times, that's a lot of respawning with full mana.

                Surprised no one is mentioning one of the three big int items- scythe, shiva's, bloodstone. Too much for a guy that needs aghs core?


                  you dont need bloodstone on him, shiva's is good cos shit agi gain and starting armour, hex is good on any hero


                    Personally I think that Treads > Aghs > Necrobook > BKB > Shiva's > Hex is a pretty decent build on him.

                    Edit: You know, it might just be better to leave them as brown boots and upgrade them to BoTs as soon as you can. Kinda like Merlini's Skywrath Mage build. Blow all your mana and TP home.

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                      Aghs is difficult to justify since you do more damage just rotating your cooldowns of nether blast. You kind of have to sit there with your thumb up your ass with nothing happening to ult someone for very long. Items like Atos and Halberd can let this happen. Aghs just gives you a little extra range and ups the damage


                        Aghs also gives you 0 CD on your ult.

                        Dire Wolf

                          Yeah it's super powerful. Pugna can pretty much 1v1 any hero that can't stun his ult with aghs.


                            If sole support I go meka and force staff, may be hex later if u have enuf gold.

                            If enemy team has lots of magic damage... Refresher build pugna is seriously insane. My last Pugna game - . Od and silencer in particular become pretty much useless.

                            Or u can just go necro and watch towers fall. I am not a big fan of aghanims on this guy. Pugna is a support/pusher. Ultimate upgrade doesn't make much sense.

                            Boots... Phase mostly always. Drums and or urn will solve all mana issues.

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                              You can't open that link with the "." at the end.

                              I would say that aghs is good if the enemy team has lots of stuns and keeps interrupting your ultimate, which might be the main thing keeping you alive. But then again you could just get a bkb to prevent that as well. But I rarely ever play Pugna so I don't know if that's effective

                              EDIT: just checked and bkb is somewhat common for him. Has a higher winrate than an aghs as well.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                ^ thanks. Edited

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