General Discussion

General DiscussionCan people just stop please!

Can people just stop please! in General Discussion

    Honestly, you guys are taking winning too seriously. At the end of the day, dota 2 is just a game. If the guy wants to try PA mid, let him, it's not like you're going to convince him not to anyway. You're just going to stress yourself out, and in the end, you'll play worse because of it and not enjoy the match.

    I'd say a very good way to get better at something is trying something completely new you're not capable of doing. At least that's how it works for me. Besides, it's not like PA mid is rocket science.


      ^ You can try and test anything you want, yes. Not in ranked. You shouldnt in ranked.

      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

        I've played doom support before it was popular also jungle doom, now everybody & their mother does it. Also that split push tinker so dang annoying, ever 12 year old without arthritis is doing it.

        King of Low Prio

          @Swag Jesus

          Some people enjoy the competition, why exactly are you trying to impose your way of thinking on other people yet bashing others for trying to impose their way of thinking on other people.

          It is like if someone walks thru the middle of the map and continuously feeds over and over it will annoy be not because I am going to lose but more so the fact that I cant enjoy a competitive match


            I'm not trying to impose my way of thinking nor am i bashing others for their way of thinking. What i'm trying to say is, that the guy that picked PA mid probably won't listen to you, and by fighting him, you create a tension in the game that most likely leads to a loss, even more so than him going mid. Not to mention you won't enjoy the match, and you'll get pissed off.

            Edit: Also, what's the chance of you changing the mind of a random player in dota 2? And even more so, what are the chances of you meeting up with that same player again? Is it worth your time to try to convince him he's wrong?

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            Dire Wolf

              Nope you're right, you won't change his mind. Hopefully he picks it early and announces his intention and you can draft around it (IE don't draft another mid, get some lane supports).

              The problem is half the time some retard won't pay attention and will draft a pudge or invoker anyway then bitch about how PA can't possibly mid regardless. Then 2 peeps go mid, lanes fucked, gg. That's the issue with trying weird stuff in pubs is people who don't know each other or what you're trying to do pre match are slow to catch on and operate as a team. Even a dual lane mid with lich, it's extremely effective but your other lanes will be fucked cus 1. People assume lich is their lane support and thus won't draft suitable other lane supports, 2. someone will draft a solo mid and fight you for it, 3. no one will get a solo offlaner. You'll end up with like void all alone safe lane, a pudge trying to mid, now it's a tri lane mid and an offlane lion or some bs.

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              Von Darkmoor

                Actually pro skillbuilds/item builds are worth copying for example blinkdagger drow is fucking epic!!! Then again on some heros you should just adapt to the team for instance yesterday i was wardbitch with SB (its a very effective hero vs NP ) i did take some cs to get a few items /levels to be able to gank but gave most to my retard Jugg carry who actually did carry a little at the end. POTM is another of thoses adapt heros but atlesat there you can either go for Silent or Chuan depending on the team.

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                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!