General Discussion

General DiscussionCompendium points

Compendium points in General Discussion

    So, after the offering, I've received about 6 of those 25 compendium points stuff. How much is one of those worth in relation to rares or keys? Just wondering whether as I went on dota2lounge and people were trading it with rares and uncommons. Im already at lvl 102 so dont think it will do any good to level it up anymore.


      not sure if it's accurate but try comparing their value to keys on the steam community market

      keys are £1.10 for me right now and 25 points are £0.07

      110 / 7 = 15.71, so 16 x 25 points might get you a key. not a trader so that's all i can offer.


        Thanks. Yeah I did that calculation but theres another factor where you get the compendiums as drop (free) so does it worth less than it should be?