General Discussion

General DiscussionDagon 5

Dagon 5 in General Discussion

    is an absolutely retarded item when you're behind or breaking even.

    I find it ridiculous that some people still try to increase their dagon level past the 40 min mark. What the hell is an additional 76 dmg (after reduction) burst going to do for you?


      range increases cooldown decreases


        everyone who buys dagon without maxing it is a fucktarded moron


          Doesn't matter if the range increases of cooldown decreases.

          Item is shit lategame when it barely takes away like 30% of a SUPPORT's life. A force staff + dagon 3 is far more game breaking than a dagon 5.



            core when your safelane carry sucks and isnt doing shit the entire game

            game was actually quite close because the safe lane free farming SA didnt rotate, didnt farm, and didnt contribute to much the entire game

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              But thats cause you guys were snowballing. Both you and Timber.

              Buying more Dagon recipes does little to help if you're behind. I always prefer to get Dagon 5 when I get Dagon myself but I don't when I think other items might be more effective.

              salt enjoyer

                Prophet was farming dagon when I first went into his jungle so I was like "imma do dis better" and I did.



                  Anyone who plays Lone Druid must buy Dagon 5 for himself and another Dagon 5 for his bear.

                  Tempest Bloom

                    Dagon has a mana cost so unless you give the bear arcane boots or something he ain't gonna be using it

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      The only way I can see how people would upgrade dagon pass 40 minute mark and losing is.. they already have 5 dagons. They have warlock or wd in steam. That link & maledict still revlevent.


                        i mean there are still heroes that can be instagibbed with dagon 5 at the 40 minute mark (with some other spells obviously)

                        but u usually get it when ur ahead so im not really sure what ur trying to say here


                          Team Dagon viable strategy?


                            yes and no. If you can get the money for it yes, but the reality is there isn't enough farm on the map for that. You have to be killing the enemy team a lot for the whole team to get dagons, and in that case it doesn't matter what you get cause you won.




                              Game is more or less even, Mouz has a small advantage, then at 20 minutes...suddenly dagons, dagons everywhere.


                                iG played mass dagon once (with a bh) and they raped xD... it was last year befire ti3 and before they started going downhill that year


                                  was that the game after they lost to iceiceice/zenith's no ban strat


                                    i dont remember...