General Discussion

General DiscussionClockwerk Guide?

Clockwerk Guide? in General Discussion

    Ive been playing clockwerk recently and got some inspiration from professional gamers. I was just wondering if anyone could give me a complete guide about clockwerk. I know he's a potential ganker who is highly dependent on his skills. I normally put my skill point on rocket flare first but cogs when situational( laning with ranged stunners). So what are some great tactics?It'll be great if you include friends and foes of clockwerk as well as counters , item builds , roles , laning phases, combos and what not.

    Oh Shit Waddup

      Skill build: 4-1-1 is great in a melee vs melee situation where you can trap them in cogs and it provides a substantial amount of damage
      never max cogs first, you generally want to go 4-1-1 or 1-1-4. i think max rocket flare isnt necessary unless you are really struggling in lane to cs. rocket flare at level 1 is generally what i do just to get some cs for bottle

      Items: stout + tango + salve + branches if you want. normally build a bottle after that (even if mid has one) just cause it lets you stay in lane longer etc. Boots wise i normally get phase, gives you extra chase potential, which synergises with your q on single targets, and lets you move through creeps to make it easier to set up hook shots. after phase i normally go drums > blademail > aghs, but if there is no other mek carrier on your team it isnt a horrible item for him to get, but it does cause mana issues early game. After aghs things like shivas, AC, Mjollinor and heart can be considered. If you get a mek id probably go for shivas, if you need AOE clearing abilities and noone else is building on your team, mjollinor is great, and if you need more physical damage then AC is what you need.

      a fun build i used to do if you can get it quick enough is dagon but its a bit of a troll build.

      i think the friends are pretty obvious; anyone who can use cogs to set up any other ability, e.g. mirana, WR, veno, AA(cold feet), however in the lower brackets we used to do clockwerk + riki and that was always funny. If you see any other sort of global damage on your team clock is always good, as if you have vision/ a fair idea of where their team is you can hook in, and have your team use global shit to get the kill, as if you dont snowball/get a level advantage its sometimes difficult to land solo pick offs later in the game.


        Thanks man! I've seen some players buying armlet for him for some odd reasons. Who does he counters best and when should I not pick him.

        Oh Shit Waddup

          armlet isnt an odd pick up i think if you need some more DPS, it gives him decent tankability, and works good with either vanguard or mek or if you were planning on picking up a heart later.

          he can counter people who have relatively long cast times like ogre magi, earth shaker, jakiro, if you can get them solo in cogs with battery assault. works decent vs SF pre BKB too. TBH i dont think their is many times when he is an awful pick, but you just need to make sure with your team that they know when you're going in, ping the shit out of stuff before you hook it. i say he isnt an awful pick because he is decent at initiating, counter initiation, splitting up fights with cogs, can be used for solo pick offs, and works well in 5 man comps where you have alot of dive potential and can/want to fight behind their towers. if they have alot of burst blademail works well, and in that case you might want to build treads just for the extra tankability.

          Early he also works well against melee carries, and battery assualt is extremely annoying when playing slardar etc.

          another item which is situational is orchid, works good vsing stuff like antimage pre-manta, qop, other blink/escape heros.