General Discussion

General DiscussionFavorite safelane carry?

Favorite safelane carry? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    Mine is spectre. Shes pretty easy to snowball with if you make sure to haunt for kills and use dagger defensively. Her item build is also variable, you can go straight rad or cheap vanguard + diffusal or manfight manta -> basher/butterfly. Only complaint is that her laning is balls and she has no recovery mechanism if her lane fails.

    Who do you guys like the most? All I see every game is faceless void and wraith/sven


      none cuz they all get roflstomped by centaurs liches phoenixes and other shit that is picked in every single pub

      casual gamer

        god i fucking hate phoenix


          mine is faceless void
          i pick him most of time if opponent picks annoying hero

          just throw chronosphere and annoying invoker, storm spirit, tinker fanboyz are gone

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            Void by far


              "Look me in the eye"


                Carry? Hmm. TB. Because I quite like illusion-based heroes and tb is the most fun one.


                  Meepo, fast BoT and your farming/ganking potential is limitless

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    Luna's booty

                    SMIMUEL HYDENKO

                      Guilty, when I 5 stack I'll gladly run a spectre, farm as hard as you can untill relic and then radiance, you almost never lose games. when you get it b4 20 unless some scrub feeds, or you get fucked by blinkers or getting pussy fingered by that ugly fuck Lion.

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                        Void is by far my favourite carry, although i dont play him that often (i have no clue why). I also like Sven and Jugger a lot, sometimes Spetre and Luna and lately i'm starting to like PA and her big crits, as long with Wraith King :)


                          kunkka, lone druid, invoker

                          Sugar Show

                            Ursa, hard to miss lasthits using his passive.


                              Juggernaut. EZ kills EZ life ever since dota1 (even though I've only used him 5 times here). Even in pubs, he's one of the carrys which attracts the least amount of retards to play him.






                                    SLARK SAFE LANE.

                                    Fuck Phoenix i have my q
                                    Centaur gets raped if he uses double edge and cant run
                                    Lich low hp ez kill


                                      lately every time i pick this guy is a stomp


                                        I like Anti-Mage. The gold sound is addicting.



                                          KING OF DENIES


                                            anti mage.


                                              Speak of the devil... I got trilaned against, but somehow I still got 40+ lasthits in 10 minutes. Too bad Riki got fed. Fed Riki = AM's worst nightmare.



                                                I don't usually safelane but I think the majority of the time I do I play Luna, so probably her.

                                                Hex Sigma

                                                  Weaver mainly because his early is not as bad as other's laning phase.

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