General Discussion

General DiscussionSupporting at low MMR is just a completely thankless task.

Supporting at low MMR is just a completely thankless task. in General Discussion

    The default moronic response from clowns in low MMR games that cant carry or farm is "I had no support".

    They will never be happy with your ward placement and expect the entire map to be lit-up at all times.

    They think that only supports should build a mek and carry dust; not only carry dust, but also always be in the front lines to use it when needed. If not, "carry dust fuking noob!" Even If the carry has two slots free, its still your fault for not having a 7th slot for dust. He is right to keep those slots free because he doens't have any core items yet. He's fuking sh1t at last hitting and buying dust will only delay his 45 minute battlefury.

    If they die often, its your fault for not being there to save there pathetic lives or for not calling missing on heroes that were never even in your lane. Even if your wards showed where they were coming from 20 seconds in advance and everyone else in the team saw what was coming, its still your fault when the carry dies, not his.

    If the creeps get pushed up under the enemy tower, its not the fault of the carry that's an autoattacking fuktard. It's your fault that you weren't able to pull the creep waves more efficiently. If they die while you're pulling or ganking mid, its your fault that they died in lane, becuase you weren't there to compensate for the fact that their positioning is beyond fuking diabolical.

    If you build the correct support items like a force staff or ghost sceptre you're a fuking noob that should uninstall dota because everyone knows that supports should always rush aghanim scepters and dagons to provide more dps to compensate for the fact that the carries don't have any because they are fuking useless.

    You have no right to question the carry's item build. Luna has every right to go shadow blade and ag sceptre instead of BKB and Manta. BKB is for pussies and everyone knows shadow blade and ags are core, not just on that hero, but basically every hard carry in the game and you're a fuking retarded noob for thinking otherwise.

    You must always carry sentries and deward every single enemy ward on the map, so you should be psychic too and know where they all are. Even if venturing into the river alone to deward will lead to certain death, getting rid of the ward is more important than your life. Except don't die, because if you feed even a fraction of the kills your hard carry feeds you need to be reported for being a fuking noob.

    All of your abilities need to be off cool-down permanently. Its not a fuking excuse that disruption was still in CD because you used it to set up the kill on Sven and end his beyond godlike streak, that he got from killing your useless carries repeatedly. You should make sure disruption is always off cooldown in order to save the sad disgusting life of your carry riki that has already died 9 times and hasn't realised yet that the other team has had a gem for 15 minutes.

    If the other team has a gem it is the supports fuking fault that we're getting dewarded and losing map control. No one gives a fuk that wards are out of stock. Buy them anyway. the fact that the other team bought an early gem is also most certainly not the fault of the two invis heroes that were drafted or the other two heroes that decided to rush shadow blades. Shadow Balde and Ags are core on Witch Doctor and he doesn't need to buy any fuking support items. You are the the fuking support ward bitch, not him you fuking noob, bliyat cyka!

    If your team needs a gem, you are the ONLY hero that should buy it, because you're the fuking scrub support and it doesn't matter a fuk that you couldn't get any jungle gold because you were in a dual lane with a feeding idiot Void that couldn't carry a shopping bag or land a chronosphere on crystal maiden that was disconnected and not moving. You can get the gold from the magical money tree in the fountain so that these items can be bought for the team immediately when required.

    You should also carry the gem, because only supports that are made of paper, with the least farm on the map should carry the gem. Carries don't carry gem you fuking noob. Even if they're only using 4 slots, they can't carry gem because they are certainly more likely to die and lose it. You should also be in the front line at all times to give sight of enemy invis heroes with your gem.

    If the carry loses sight of an invis hero because you had the gem and were the only player on your team with the sense to carry a TP and go back to defend your Tier 3 tower, you're a fuking noob. Everyone knows killing one enemy hero is more important that defending the barracks.

    Losing the gem is an immediate report. Upon losing the gem , you should buy another one immediately. If there is an invis hero on your team or one with a shadow blade, its now entirely your fault that they've been countered and your fuking fault every single time that they die, even if they died making a ridiculous solo split push while their shadow blade was on cooldown.


    Muted, Reported.

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      You sure have a lot of time to write things.




          What mmr are you in, -3.5k or -3k?


            This sounds a lot like 3k - 4k, since no one has thanked you on these forums yet, let me be the first to say "Thank you for your support"


              Lol 2 of your past 4 games u have an urn and only healed allies with it once or twice in 30+ mins


                i usually go support and i am a 3k mmr boy because i'm not focusing increasing it just carrying each game but i usually meet people with brain


                  TL DR Why do you need thanks for being support?


                    Who the fuck gonna read all of these..


                      last game you were lich, first item tranquil boots, second item agha

                      didn't read anything since u are trash


                        THIS, IS FUCKING AWESOME.

                        PIN THIS POST, make it bold, italic, underline, couse this is greatest thread on db.


                          Shit! I just read every word of the article. FML

                          Hex Sigma

                            As a 2k bracket support player i agree with OP

                            OY BLYAT

                              Nice blog dude. We all really care about your supporting habits.

                              Go back to reddit to whine about supporting and bad carries and GIT GUD, FAGOT!

                              If you actually want to win, don't pick shitty worthless heroes and pick something to win the game with. Don't try SO hard to win, trying to be the "perfect support" with 0 networth it's useless in pubs. Just farm yourself and win.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                Read two paragraphs, but I am completely sure I agree with everything you wrote down.



                                  Just play supports which you can play (cm, lion) and don't play ones you suck with (bane, visage, wd) and stop whining.


                                    Nobody should thank you for supporting, you support because you want to not because someone is forcing you.

                                    I watched the first 10 mins of this match:

                                    Your carry gives away first blood, but that wasn't your fault, he overextended. You have the money to buy him a tp but you dont do it, so he walks all the way up to the lane, missing a lot of xp. After that gank attempt, Axe is scared as fuck so he doesn't go aggro on jug, but he's still able to stay in xp range and somehow you're fine with it. Now you use a smoke on a common ward spot and try to tank mid. You missclick and you fail the gank. You go back to lane and Axe is being really passive, but he's on xp range. Here you have two options: Either you zone him out or you tell your carry to push his lane so you can pull safely and mantain lane equilibrium while denying xp to Axe, but you decide to do nothing. You decide to sit behind your carry stealing xp for no reason, not even trying to deny creeps, for good three minutes. By 9 mins in you buy your first tp and decide to join a fight that's already over and where you weren't needed at all. Not only you don't contribute anything to the fight but you decide to re-engage knowing that the enemy team has respawned.
                                    In 9 minutes you never had a tp, you never looked a lane that you weren't in, you never zoned out the enemy offlaner nor pulled to deny him xp, never stacked - not even a single camp. And your team won that match.

                                    Based on what I saw I can say you get carried most of the times you win, while your contribution is very minimal. Sorry, but you're bad at supporting and your map awareness and desition making is trash.

                                    Edit: If you're so mad about getting retarded carry players, then carry yourself. I've been doing that for a while and games are much better for me now.

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                                    casual gamer

                                      It's way easier to run around the map and murder people with a hero like venomancer or cm, if you honestly think supporting is tough at 2-3k mmr you're fucking garbage


                                        lol epic post

                                        Flat is Justice!

                                          cyka post too long to read


                                            generally all mmr brackets (below 5k at least) are like that
                                            whenever i get put as solo support, meaning we have an afk jungler, the team happens to be more angst than usual, and nothing anyone does will satisfy them

                                            unless you win

                                            i extremely dislike solo supporting with weak lane setups vs defensive setups that have more late game potential
                                            but nothing pisses me off more than buying every single ward, (especially counter warding, i.e. tinker, luna), doing everything i know how to do... only to have someone point the finger at you as the source of their loss.

                                            other mentions, i.e. i play treant, im spamming living armor by lvl 4-5 as much as possible, due to other lanes "losing" on the harder end.
                                            ill notify 3-4 times whenever armor is on cd, but i'll still get this asshole who says, "omg fkin noob tree never heals".
                                            keeping in mind that this has happened countless times to other people .__.

                                            ICE SKULL



                                                i didnt read this shit


                                                  Zannis, I'd be pretty confident you're being more than a little disingenuous on your analysis of that game, but fucked if I'm going to respond in detail to it. :)

                                                  You probably should have watched more of it as I distinctly remember saving that jugger with disruptions on about 4 occasions when he was one right-click from death, but whatever.

                                                  In any case, this is a humour thread. No need to take it so seriously. I don't pretend to be particularly good at dota.


                                                    Even if you saved Jug a thousand times, your map awareness, desition making, game sense and efficiency were really bad on that game.
                                                    Before you talk shit about other's people role -even in a "humorous" way-, please make sure you do a decent job at your role.


                                                      I can sign under your post, it's all true.

                                                      P.S. Glad to see another Crystal Maiden player. =)

                                                      P.P.S. My abilities need to be not only off-down permanently, but also my teammates expect that all my abilities have global range and I have unlimited mana to spam them all the time.

                                                      P.P.P.S. It is also my fault for not having TP scroll in first 3 minutes of match.

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                        As a support player, i have to disagree.
                                                        Sure, you get one of those games where carries go there rambo style and flame supports for not being there.
                                                        But, i cant care less about carries, The good thing about supporting is they don't rely on carries to improve their game.
                                                        So i just play to get better


                                                          Oh Zanis, you're so serious! :D

                                                          It is a satirical post. Stop being a party pooper, when I'm trying to have fun.

                                                          The KDA on your second most played hero (Crystal) is 1.88 with a WR of 47.8%. Mine: 3.07 with 61.3% WR!

                                                          Looking comparatively at all the support heroes, my KDA (in particular) and the WR (generally but not always) is higher than yours.

                                                          Also your Rubick after 34 games has 26.5% WR and a 1.34 KDA which makes me very sad.

                                                          So please......Ssshhhhhhh.......calm down.......its ok. its ok...... its o.....k.....

                                                          .....nobody is perfect......we all have our flaws.


                                                            I play a lot with Karma and often as a carry and I can confirm everything he says is true.

                                                            He NEVER has the whole map warded at once
                                                            ALWAYS drops the gem (That he bought instead of dagon)
                                                            NEVER saves me when I'm diving T2s at lvl 1
                                                            ALWAYS abandons me while trying to get the kill on the solo CM in the middle of the map. Who the hell cares about our Rax. Jeeze they're just buildings. We could always build more.

                                                            TLDR: Learn to support you noob
                                                            P.S. Cyka

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              TLDR. Just because you are playing supports mostly doesn't automatically mean you are good.


                                                                Fuck you Dreads! Your Brewmaster isn't worth a wank without me wiping its shitty ass and putting a new nappy on every two minutes.

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                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!