General Discussion

General Discussionlook everybody it happened again

look everybody it happened again in General Discussion

    Morphling trying to carry trench tier.

    The biggest difficulty I am having is getting the lanes pushed out by myself after I get an ultrakill. Any suggestions?


      Don't get manta after bkb eblade. Try skadi for more stats and the slow. A bfly would have been great too.

      BoTs for pushing lane works well

      Also I'm guessing you had eblade before clinkz had bkb, so you should a spent more time exploding him

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        I rushed it cause we were down two raxs at 20 mins. they pushed 3 times and I got 3 ultrakills. but I cant push against the lanes when they still have t1s. and I had manta to stop orchid.

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          Enemy had RK and Lich. You had Manta.

          Anyway as Wink said above, you could have taken some towers. Morphling is one of the most slippery split pushers. And you should have hunted Clinkz more.

          EDIT: I thought you went BKB to counter Orchid? Why the hell not Linkins then seeing how the enemy team mostly single target disable spells. Only frost nova could break linkins.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            ^"Only frost nova could break linkins."

            Seriously. Don't talk about linkens if you don't know what breaks it, when it's clearly more than what you stated.

            Also, I think you farmed a too less. If that's not the case, it's your morph picks which makes it harder for ur 4 team-mates who has to play mostly by themselves most of the early stages. Getting a lot of kills doesn't mean you contributed more to a victory.


              i assume that you were free farm and after laning phase you had nothing


                One of the hardest hero in dota2 -.-
                good luck


                  How many accounts do you have at this point Hael?


                    Who's Hael in this thread Havoc?

                    My dawg

                      eth blade sucks nvr build eth blade

                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                        wow might have to watch it


                          @flyingping The OP!

                          Last recorded game was with Storm under "H-God" (self proclaimed I would assume) Also known alias is "Sane" which (with little time spent) shows this group

                          ......who's is that second comment down :P just more out of curiosity as to how many accounts and why so many? I used to play with some kid back in the early days of smurfing who literally would remake an account after like 2-3 losses and I just don't get the reasoning.

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            Why everytime I make these threads you guys give suggestions by telling me to never go a certain item. What item would I get from you guys telling me to not get that item. Morphling Rod of atos?

                            @Havoc I like to remain anonymous, also I don't make account cause I lose, I like to make accounts cause I don't like having a history. I have different accounts for different moods and different purposes. Especially with my internet being shit I can only play at certain times when I want to play "good" dota. I had like 200 ping in that game the whole time but I still tried to pull through even though my team fed.

                            #Sanegamer4Lyfe #HGod

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              I would trade manta for linkens, Sven would just melt the illusions anyway.

                              Linkens provides you with more sustainability to push lanes and farm better.


                                Good point. I didn't need to worry about that in this trench tier but that is something to remember later. that was problably a BF game.


                                  hael seems mentally unstable, he's going to kill someone one day, we should get him help

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    Hael has some serious mental issues


                                      What has any of this have to do with this thread? ^ Do you always just pop up to say something that doesn't have any correlation to anything. you are running out of material bro.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                      OY BLYAT

                                        Only 200 cs? If you had 350-400, you could've won.


                                          Well no shit haha. If I would of won I could've won too. like I said it was hard to cs when you had two raxes down at like 16-20 mins around there. I had to move around too much.

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                            Yorum silindi

                                              I got E-blade with bottle cause I was mid and I rushed Bkb before he even got orchid cause he was trash. not to mention, I had no time frame to go linkens and then E-blade. you can argue for me to not go E-blade but I would have to say the game would be over way before that. 3k players biggest mistake is positioning and e-blade punishes that.

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                this is how u carry with morph


                                                its a low priority game but it turned out pretty good, yeah i know i did some dumb mistakes like replicating back to fountain when i had aegis, that was just cuz i panicked. my team fed zeus so fucking hard he had agh and refresher at like 25 min

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  Plus Manta helps me blow someone up with E-blade and then manta out of the Ghost Form.


                                                    @DD sama.

                                                    Are you being fucking retarded or what? Clearly I was talking about the useless spells that could be used to break Linken's so he would be affected by more useful CC like Orchid or RK's stun. Linken's sphere is clearly a very good item in this game where the enemy only had a few single target spells and had no useless spells to break linkins like say LVL DEATH or Mana Drain.

                                                    Seriously, as one of the people I like more on this forum, please don't go retard on me.

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      learn to farm


                                                        Sometimes it works in this shit tier. But I never get out of it. So either im doing something wrong, don't care enough, or ELO hell actually does exist for certain people.



                                                          if your rating is not going up it means that is your skill level, it doesnt mean it is elo hell.


                                                            The guy above me is 100% correct not constantly climbing doesn't mean you're in ELO hell it simply means you're not much better then where you're at.


                                                              Wrong wrong and wrong. I think that only applies to maybe 80% of everyone. MMR only shows 1 thing and that's your winrate in ranked. It doesn't, cant, and wont measure how you got there, what you used to get there etc. you guys refuse to accept when people say that some games do tear you down and others are less unfortunate than others but you will accept it easily if someone is climbing the ladder using an exploit or boosting because of someone feeding on the other team. Which buy the way will lose the game for the other 4 players on the team which may be the victims that im explaining. The not climbing bullshit is a watered-down perception that is not completely correct.

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                MM is broken because I buy accounts to try and ruin matches


                                                                  ^ See even retard has a good point. People try to get their mmr up and there is me to ruin it bring them down.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    Ban all the small dick keyboard warriors who buy accounts to solve the problem


                                                                      5k plays like 4ks,
                                                                      7ks playing like 4ks,
                                                                      2ks playing like 3ks,
                                                                      3ks playing 5ks.

                                                                      More goes into it than winrate which is all rating depicts. The best dota player in the world could not want to win every game and play casually sometimes and have a shitty rating but does that mean he has to sit through people who are mechanically retarded rather than less motivated?


                                                                        so whats my rank then :D


                                                                          I sure as hell don't think an automated system can do it justice. What are you like 4600?

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                                            Pls uninstall.


                                                                              Uninstall dotabuff?


                                                                                I am going to humor you and take the time to respond to questions.

                                                                                Hael - "Wrong wrong and wrong. I think that only applies to maybe 80% of everyone."

                                                                                Havoc - Yes you're right, the other 20% buy and smurf their way up and will continue to do so cause they are blinded by the illusion that if you're not 6K rating or at least winning 70-80% of your games, getting there at a rapid pace then something must be wrong with everyone else and not you.

                                                                                Hael - "MMR only shows 1 thing and that's your winrate in ranked"

                                                                                Havoc - For some yes but for those that didn't remake multiple accounts it accurately represents where you are as a player. Of course abusing the system can have an unprecedented outcome.

                                                                                Hael - "It doesn't, cant, and wont measure how you got there, what you used to get there etc."

                                                                                Havoc - This is a case of pot calling the kettle black.

                                                                                Hael - "you guys refuse to accept when people say that some games do tear you down"

                                                                                Havoc - No, I just refuse to get so emotional about how people perceive me and my skill in DotA2

                                                                                Hael - "but you will accept it easily if someone is climbing the ladder using an exploit or boosting because of someone feeding on the other team"

                                                                                Havoc - It's not about accepting it's about having secular thinking where I am not adversely effected by the outcome but can't really tolerate people with bought accounts, smurf accounts, bot queuing weird modes in weird regions crying about how broken things are. Do what you want, I don't give two shit about what abuse you do just don't come weeping on forums about how broken everything is when people like you are the reason it's in this state.

                                                                                ....also do you have a personal example of someone doing this? Or is this just another case of you being an arrogant shit and people not really wanting to play with you? Or are you referring to yourself, who if I remember correctly was on an all out war to ruin high level games (you were dumb enough to make a dotabuff post about this)

                                                                                Hael - "Which buy the way will lose the game for the other 4 players on the team which may be the victims that im explaining"

                                                                                Havoc - Which is odd cause I have not abused the game in anyway and I never encounter these problems. This is what happens when smurfs meet smurfs, there is bound to be some abusing or some amazingly tryhard shady thing going on. Why? Because you're both out for the same end...."get 5-6K at all costs and don't hesitate to buy, recreate, or abuse till i get there"

                                                                                This should be your moto. "I refused to accept I am to blame for any of my failings, everyone else and everything else is the issue but it honestly could never be me"

                                                                                Hael - "The not climbing bullshit is a watered-down perception that is not completely correct."

                                                                                Havoc - It's completely correct, you can climb but it will be (at times) slow hard work that will take improvement which sadly, some people are not willing to do.


                                                                                You make it really hard for people to help you. You have these really far fetched messed up mindsets that are what's costing you the most and you refuse to be helped or change. You are blindly believing that you must be a 6K player so what the hell is wrong with the game and people, and it must be broken cause I have bought numerous accounts and remade smurfs but I am still not, it can't be me thats bad.....must be the game.

                                                                                I would offer to coach you and actually help you improve but I believe the last good player that tried to do that (Zenoth) was met with disdain and racism and I am sure in your world (actually I have proof of this) you were right and Zenoth (who is actually fucking good at the game) was wrong.

                                                                                Grow up, stop posting, accept you're the problem, give it time and work and you will get a little bit better over time.

                                                                                The Entire Dotabuff Community


                                                                                  I would totally listen to what you said but

                                                                                  A) you did it in an organized manner only to make it seem that what you are saying has more merit than what I'm saying hence (Sincerely,
                                                                                  The Entire Dotabuff Community) as an example.

                                                                                  B) You refuse to come at me in a non bias manner. you once again, just like zenoth, approach me about account buying when I didn't buy an account. Which has nothing to do with the topic at hand anyways.

                                                                                  C) I never said, insinuated, hinted, or had an inkling about being a 5k or 6k player, never ever ever. You have some correctness to your claims but its all a mentality stuck in a cubicle. you think everything is black and white. This guy is good, this guy is bad, This mmr is this, this mmr is that, he did this, he did that. That's not how the world works. We all know how well automated systems work out in our personal life.

                                                                                  D) I don't forcefully ruin games for the hell of it. Though I have because it was fun and I have pretentious, superiority complex, fuckers like yourself, it brings me pleasure to see your plan fail. Not only that, We have all ruined a handful of games no matter who you are. Professionals have left pub games before, your internet could of gone out, you played at a time when you shouldn't have.

                                                                                  In a nutshell, Every single one of you that 100% disagree with everything that I say have 0 and I mean 0 humility. Your ego guides all these mentalities which is the main reason why Sampson, Wink, Wave, and Blunt don't like me the most, because they are the most egotistical people on the forum.

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                    Wow, just wow. The sheer blindness in the post above me is astonishing. You do realized that you just described yourself to a T!

                                                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                                                      No, we simply don't like you because you're a shit player who buys multiple accounts and try to act like a pro yet you are nothing but 2-3k trenchtier player who only posts shit.

                                                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                                                        havoc he's a lost cause srsly

                                                                                        u should have seen when he played with arteezy, picked treant and remained useless and called "gg" at 10 minutes just because someone died


                                                                                          "D) I don't forcefully ruin games for the hell of it. Though I have because it was fun and I have pretentious, superiority complex, fuckers like yourself, it brings me pleasure to see your plan fail. Not only that, We have all ruined a handful of games no matter who you are. Professionals have left pub games before, your internet could of gone out, you played at a time when you shouldn't have. "

                                                                                          hael confirmed future serial killer


                                                                                            Like do you ever just stop and think "man I am full of shit, I should stop posting"? You just keep going and going because you refuse to accept what you feel is true is total and utter bullshit. People are telling you things (I have made polite suggestions in the past) and still they are met with this unrelenting bullshit from you every 2-3 hours in the form of some new post either slamming the game in some way or boosting your ego in others.


                                                                                              @Havoc I described myself to the T, but I think you refuse to realize that I know what I do and you think you know what I do cause you're not me.

                                                                                              @Blunt You don't have to justify your egotistical intentions again Blunt. I already figured you out.

                                                                                              @Wave its was because of more than that, but we still lost so I was right in calling GG.

                                                                                              BTW Havoc, The biggest reason zenoth and I didn't agree is I think his English comprehension was lacking and he would completely misinterpret things that I was trying to explain. Like the fucking attack animation canceling. So I called him a chink so he would remove me and leave me alone.

                                                                                              See you are nice, but the truth of being nice is to adapt your self around someone else's comfort zone. Not bombard them with cheesy benevolent sayings and gifts. For that you ruin your niceness, but that may come from you being naïve. I hope you get scammed again.

                                                                                              ICE SKULL

                                                                                                hael is most likely the next elliot rodger

                                                                                                he's a supreme high mmr dota 2 player gentleman


                                                                                                  WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DOES THAT MEAN???!!!

                                                                                                  "I described myself to the T, but I think you refuse to realize that I know what I do and you think you know what I do cause you're not me."


                                                                                                    5650 dude... i thought winrate shows the mmr


                                                                                                      It means every fucking response you make of me comes from preemptive knowledge of account buying. Right when you said that In your first point, you were already wrong because you are going off gossip rather than talking about my claim. You should of started over at that point. Your point was invalid cause it was 80% dissing me and 20% constructive.

                                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                                                                        take bogi's dick out of your mouth and start thinking before you write.

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!