General Discussion

General DiscussionItems you go when building a bigger item.

Items you go when building a bigger item. in General Discussion

    I was wondering what you guys go in terms of bigger items like

    Butterfly -EagleHorn, I've seen some pople get the talisman, but I think its dumb when you can buy both in the side shop.

    Orchid- I usually get two robes and then finish one oblivion staff

    Assault Cuirass- do you guys get the platemail first or save up for it?

    Shadow Blade- claymore or shadow Amulet?

    Helm of the Dom- iron will or morbid?

    Skadi- Do you get the point booster or 1 ultimate orb?

    Skullbasher- Do you hold on to the javelin or buy it in one piece same with MKB? Javelin, demon edge or buy all at once.

    Meknasm- Buckler first the best?

    Bloodstone- Soul booster? don't know about perseverance. Playing storm I get void Pointbooster first.


      it all depends on which part of the item you think you need more
      which depends on which hero you have... etc

      but idk

      bfly - if im an agi carry, ill usually get eagle as my first piece
      if im a str carry goin bfly for some reason, i might or might not pick up talisman first, if i think it'll add a good amount of EHP

      orchid - too many different situations

      ac - if im a tank, platemail, but if i need AS a lot more, hyper

      sb - usually amulet, especially on slark

      hotd - generally iron will, since im pretty certain lifesteal reduces ur dmg by 10% since it's going towards healing ur own HP
      unless i really need the lifesteal... like on huskar

      skadi - almost always Oov and p-booster

      mek - too many different situations

      bloodstone - generally e-booster into mana boots, persy, p-booster, v-booster, and disassemble ur boots after u get the last piece


        There is no fixed order... u buy what u need first

        "lifesteal reduces ur dmg by 10% "


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          Any item that doesn't let me lose my unreliable gold when im about to die
          I don't usually care about the step to be honest.
          But to answer your question

          Butterfly - EagleHorn
          Orchid - each rod
          Assault Cuirass - Hyperstone
          Shadow Blade - Shadow Amulet
          Helm of the Dom - Morbid
          Skadi - Point Booster
          Skullbasher - Javelin
          Meknasm - Buckler
          Bloodstone - Point Booster


            It really depends on the game.

            Some general priority:
            1. The ones I need the most.
            2. The expensive ones.
            3. The ones with no parts.

            The goal is to save as much gold on death. Unless you really need some item much more than the other.

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