General Discussion

General DiscussionSomeone Help Me Please!

Someone Help Me Please! in General Discussion
[DFG] Whale King

    What am I supposed to fucking do! I'm tired of losing as my favorite hero! I've had to buy dusts, gems, observers, but I can't seem to WIN!!

    My MMR has dropped 300 since I got back to dota... I don't think I deserve it. Someone give me advice?

    I don't know what to do, and it's really frustrating...

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      Bloodstone is a bad choice in my opinnion, go for orchid instead maybe?

      King of Low Prio

        you are building selfish items that help yourself but not your team


          Do you go bloodstone every game? Although I don't really play storm (only really played in bots etc), in my experience with storm in my games (not necessarily me playing), you really only get bloodstone if you are already snowballing really hard (and if you are sure that you can continue to snowball). Otherwise, it's not going to do that much for you.

          Rushing orchid allows you to be able to go in and solo kill practically anybody. It also gives you better teamfight vs heroes like that Invoker or Dazzle which will disrupt you fighting capabilities. After that, it depends on the situation. Linkens is probably for those single spell lock downs such as Roar or Fiend's Grip (or general single target stuns/disables). Hex is never bad idea. An extra disable is always welcome. BKB is for when you have too many nukes/spells that can disrupt you in fights.

          You may be a good storm player (Idk really), but you have to fix the way you build your items and stop sticking to a single build. Sometimes going for these greedy items actually hinders you more rather than helping you out


            I agree with ImChillYeee. Orchid could have probably save you both games.


              eh sampson said it right.

              sort of how i hate scumbags who buy blademail in a game where its meh over mek. or bkb instead of pipe on heroes that don't need bkb. no guinsoo no orchid basically being a tard who kda farms and is dependent on team for disables.


                Why you cry when you dont even know right item choices for a Storm?

                [DFG] Whale King

                  I'm not crying, I'm just really frustrated. I do often go orchid first if the opponent has heroes that need to be silenced (qop, mirana, antimage, good prophets, morphling, Magnus) I just tend to go bloodstone if I think I can get away with it because it's more fun... And both games did seem like I could. Early side lane feeds, me getting a bloodstone and a godlike spree, and then I get greedy and die to stuns so I get a bkb.

                  You're right that I don't often end up getting sheep, when should I buy it? After bkb/linkenz?

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    orchid rush would have been great both games. and i dont really see the need to explain... invoker sf furion od dazzle blablabla.

                    i feel for storm most big item choices go like this:

                    1. dmg>def>dmg>def
                    2. def>dmg>dmg>def

                    so basically most of the time you want to get your 2 core dmg items as fast as possible. they are orchid+guinsoo. unless you don't intend to take the game seriously. one survivability item is more than enough in the early phases in the game. you only really want extra survivability end game where the probability of being instakilled is much higher. early bkb/linkins is more than enough because chances are that even if you get caught out, you'll be able to ball out and live. unless you bloody overextended into 5 alone.

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