General Discussion

General DiscussionMorp in pub useleless?

Morp in pub useleless? in General Discussion

    I don`t know but seems like Morp so fucking useless in pubs as a 1 position. You need to farm linkens etheral its similar to Anti mage if you dont have free farm you lost game. I dont know I feel like morp so fucking useless or i m just so fucking bad with him I dont know but tryed to play him a bit more and 4 loss in a row with morp.


      High skill cap, low skilled players shouldn't play Morph, BoGi.

      Just joking, but idno. I don't have succes with him either and I'm neither good with him.


        ezy hero ezy game.

        Morph doesn't really net freefarm lol. Its ideal but you could make do with less farm and join more teamfights to last hit kills for g. Guy is an absolute beast <25min mark. Use replicate to increase farm.

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          ^ Hero is shit. Its good in some cases with picks only I insta picked him 4 game in a row and lost all.


            "morph is shit" - only on dotabuff


              i guess earth spirit is the shittiest hero in dota then



                you ask if morph is shit

                i tell you its not

                you refute my answer

                why ask question then bogi

                morph is extremely strong post lvl 8 till the start of end game 16, past this point then yes he becomes heavily item dependent. if you waste this time to farm slowly or die because you overextend like a tard then duh game is hard.


                  ^ I still think hero is shit, and very hard to play effective. There are much stronger carrys like almost any carry > morp.


                    Most likely, you're making the fatal flaw of building Morph entirely for lategame. Almost any carry > Morph lategame.

                    But Morph can start big ass fights early on and snowball. He shouldn't be split pushing/ff-ing while your team is fighting. He should be in that fight. He should be in ALL fights that are not heavily gank based.

                    So he should be pushing or def with team but not smoke ganking around (situational).

                    Plus idk why most people use replicate purely defensively. Awesome bait for spells and huge dps boost if you replicate an enemy carry or great tank for towers. With some micro, you could use it in a fight whilst using it as an escape tool as well.


                      imo morphling is best going mid and not safe lane
                      watch arteezy replays to see how good mid morphling is
                      also 60% win rate in competitive dota so hes obviously a strong hero

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                      MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                        At low skill, you can get eb and not bother with linkens most of the time, provided that you are halfway decent with the hero


                          So much wrong info here : D

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!