General Discussion

General Discussionis offlane batrider viable in pubs

is offlane batrider viable in pubs in General Discussion

    considering that its less likely you have supports helping you stack the jungle, compared to undisturbed batrider jungle which can get 7-9min blink


      I tried it once and it worked to a huge success.
      BUT I am in the low 3k shitbracket.


        same boat as salza with the 3k MMR, butt i got a 9 min blink.

        The thing you are forgetting is, even though the supports will not stack for you, the fact that the other team isn't doing a trilane (because pubs) means it is hard to zone you out.

        Girl with beautiful face

          I would rather play him mid and not off in pubs. Way too easy to beat enemy mid heroes

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            When I see bat and I have support, I instantly start stacking big camp.


              mmr bracket?
              3k just stack napalm and kill enemies
              4k just play safe ppl still dont know how to zone out in a dual or trilane
              above that i dont know but i guess you can rely more on your team after 4k


                batrider is not very viable in pubs (specially lower lvl ones) because your team simply dont have any coordination so you are most likely going to waste your ultis

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