General Discussion

General Discussionwhy does WR has such a low winrate

why does WR has such a low winrate in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    cmon really? She is slippery as hell(windrun evasion, phase boots, force staff and possibly eul), has decent dmg(ult and powershot), also has a stun, she can destroy trees or scout, and she can also push towers. Besides silence(which can be resolved with an orchid) she has almost everything and she is not particulary hard to play. So what is the reason?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      She is a useless hero. Good offlaner on paper, but in practice can't get anything done even against a dual lane. Not really a good mid either. Semi-good support, but needs lots of levels and a decent amount of farm. Almost not picked in pro games because she is trash.


        bad hero and heres why:

        Needs farm+levels to be useful but cannot snowball as hard as other snowball heroes who can do the same thing as her, her escape mechanism is shit, her damage doesnt scale as well as other heroes, her powershot falls off SUPER fast, her shackle is a difficult skillshot, her ulti is only good late.


          I never win with WRs and BHs in my team. They build glass cannon and deal like no damage, because they get low hp instantly and need to run away.

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            dmg output boys, legit shit boys

            ~If you don't hit shackles (which is relatively hard) you basically have sort-of a useless ability 1.
            ~Windrun isn't a reliable escape mechanism, what does it provide despite a lil' bit slow in a chase prob?
            ~Powershot damage falls of, however vision, treecutting and counterpush is graet /w it
            ~Squishy, thus getting big damage of with ult is usually hard
            ~dota is hard game, man


            I usually win with a WR in my team, however I usually lose with the hero myself. BH = instalose/afkofflanefeed

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              Because a massive amount of players will skill ult on 6 and her skill point placements are so critically important to the success of the hero, because two of her abilities are skill shots, because if you windrun at the wrong time you die, and because she is countered by Sniper of all heroes.
              To back up my initial statement;
              50.5% of them are skilling ult on 6

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              Quick maffs

                In my opinion if shackle did damage ( like 300 ) she would be a good hero.


                  - Glass cannon
                  - Shackleshot pretty much makes or break this hero, very unreliable stun
                  - Powershot falls off pretty fast, but it's good for early domination and scouting Rosh
                  - Windrun is a pretty nice spell, but you can just be kept in place while waiting for it to die out or something like that
                  - Ult is ok early, but comes into effect late game. If you didn't do good early game you're pretty screwed
                  - Glass cannon

                  Go to 4:20 (no joke)


                    @Dorkly but it's a double Beastmaster ulti on a 12 second cooldown.


                      It's very difficult to land a shackle though, especially against a person who know's what they're doing

                      casual gamer

                        u cant just list items as a reason she's powerful

                        "wow faceless void is so good, can ez kill entire team in chrono with mkb dae bfly mjol refresher travels pls nerf"


                          Trash hero. Unreliable stun, unreliable damage. Needs farm, falls off hard without it.

                          Hex Sigma

                            wow so much hate for WR :(
                            personally I really like her, but I agree that icefrog needs to buff her a bit.

                            caimán   [cHiñGe]

                              mi best Windshooter sudamerica



                                Stop calling my waifus waifu trash

                                If you (or people you play with) suck at her doesnt mean she is trash. I agree that she needs a few buffs on her shackle (add more angles,some damage etc) but she is REALLY strong in good hands. Play as position 4, get some kills because you can and buy drums and force staff into aghs then you can solo kill supports (or other squishes) in team fights or just pick offs. Buy deso and crits and you will be a priority target because you melt people at that point.

                                I just cant count how many times i won the game with a few double shackles

                                Disregard my Winrate i have over 200 matches with this moron

                                waku waku

                                  mirana arrow is easier to properly time than shackleshot


                                    It's easier to hit arrows cause there's only 1 hero to hit and not that hard to their movement often, it gets hard when u have to predict 2 heroes movement, or the trees even. Probably a mad Timbersaw breaks them you kn ow, you never know u know


                                      Lol, its not about landing the shackle... Play 1v1 Windrunner and you learn to stun without trees.
                                      Just imagine the upsides of sending her on offlane. Sure she can survive and get levels, but further that... mostly useless even if you hit your stuns. If the enemy is winning then you can just slow them, but its not a game changer that your offlaner windrunner arrives. Compare her to other offlaners...
                                      And as support, you need to get kills but without burst dmg, you will rely on your teammates even if you stun the enemy. For auto attacking you can pick other supprots aswell with better skill set.

                                      The current "teamfight or splitpush" oriented gameplay makes her useless.

                                      Hex Sigma

                                        just to clarify I was refering to pubs not the competitive enviroment

                                        Jorges Sanz

                                          ^Because Wr is a positional dependent hero and not everyone in pubs has the experience/patience to play a good Wr, likewise for other heroes that are micro-intensive.


                                            she's a useless hero. and she's my most played hero.

                                            Hex Sigma

                                              welp as they say jack of all trades master of none.

                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                One thing I noticed in pubs, is 99% of players who play WR, suffer from the mirana diease. The one where mirana uses ult only on herself. WR players suffer same thing, they never seldom shackle for team or if they do it stacked on top of already a stun or it's for KS.

                                                We've all seen those games, when whole team wipe, then you ask the team, "what did WR do?"... nothing cuz she stacked her shackleshot with sven's stun or used powershot to KS etc...

                                                ICE SKULL

                                                  so much 3k-4k mmr garbage in this thread

                                                  shes one of the best offlaners who dont need a lot of farm and can basically imitate, sick stun, great 'nuke' that can pick off almost anyone in a team fight etc i dont want to go through why shes fucking good since everyone here is around 3k-4k and when they begin to focus on improving they will see how great she is

                                                  a lot of shitters dont know how to play the offlane role (even in 5k+ these people exist, in almost every match) so they farm > end up dead and they give up. since this is a 3k-4k rated forum, i wouldn't be surprised if this was the case in all of their matches. personally wr mid is better and she can be played as a support (if ur confident with shackles/powershots then go for it, if not, kill urself since u wont be able to shackle once)

                                                  the most common build for wr is some fucking null talisman + salve and they're like "XD IM GONNA DENY ALL FARM AND GET MYSELF GOOD ITEMS", buy 3 branches + rop + tango + salve + ask for 1 ward and get experience/farm if you dont see their supports waiting for you toget out of position. thats the offlane role, for mid, i'd go for 2 branches + 1 salve because its impractical for a windrunner to die mid with the greatest escape mechanism in the game and with 3-4 last hits, u got a bottle

                                                  there u go, i could go into more advanced details like creep position in fog and where the enemy would be and shit but nobody would understand it except maybe for sam since i know he is 5.7k or something

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                    oh ok i looked at some of the dotabuff profiles in this thread, dare i say 2k mmr


                                                      because he is flat


                                                        i think that potm is just a better choice than windrunner. even with potm being more popular than wr, that means there's more bad players playing her compared to wr and therefore dragging potm's winrate down, and she still manages a higher winrate.

                                                        arrow is arguably easier to land than shackle, sometimes even with a setup stun there might not be any trees or other units to land shackle, plus arrow does damage.

                                                        leap disjoints other projectiles besides auto attacks, is cheaper in mana cost, and positioning abilities are generally seen as superior to movement speed ones as escapes e.g. compare blink / force / pounce / leap / timber chain etc, to shadow blade / wind run / surge / spectral dagger, since you can still be in the range of a disabling ability if your escape doesn't alter your position.

                                                        as a support i'd prefer potm over wr, arrow > shackle, leap > windrun, and moonlight shadow > focus fire from a support viewpoint.
                                                        as offlane still the same, you can have good damage + disable time with potm early on, with wr it's one or the other.

                                                        e.g. if you're level 5 as either of these heroes. if you're a wr, points into shackle means less powershot damage, points into powershot means less shackle duration.

                                                        on potm, points into Q and W add damage, so it's not as important as a choice to make, since you're not really forgoing damage or stun duration by picking one ability over the other.

                                                        I could be talking out of my ass for all we know, so don't take this as fact.

                                                        Hex Sigma

                                                          well even though I am in tge trench bracket(2k) I still like playing wr and I am not going to discard playing on her just because she is underpowered. On the other hand in 2k almost anything can work.(yesterday I was against a riki with dagon 5 that went on monster kill just because nobody bought detection)

                                                          completely unrelated: isn't beastmaster also kind of underpowered at the moment? or does he just not fit in the current meta?

                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            Beastmaster is actually even more trash. Magnus has an AoE roar, why wouldn't you pick him? Axes are composite damage of all types, which is generally the worst. Aura is arguably one of the worst in the game. Only really good thing about this hero is his pets but even then this hero needs a really good team to work out because you can't solo kill heroes like Storm and shit.


                                                              "well even though I am in tge trench bracket(2k) I still like playing wr and I am not going to discard playing on her just because she is underpowered."

                                                              no one said that. play what you want, we don't care. you asked why her winrate sucked, i offered my thoughts on why. db winrate doesn't really matter, since all winrates are dragged down by people who play the hero badly. just because the majority of people play a hero wrong/badly, doesn't mean you're guaranteed to do so as well.

                                                              like I have a 52% winrate on tinker compared to like the 40% average on db. am i good at tinker? no. am i better than the average retard who plays him once? maybe/yes. unless you're one of the people dragging down winrates on a hero, db winrate shouldn't affect your hero choice.

                                                              Flat is Justice!

                                                                if you are a carry and u need to pick a support that support,
                                                                would you pick:
                                                                1. Lion
                                                                2. SS
                                                                3. WR

                                                                Trick question! The answer is, fuck support. 5 carries ggftwwtfqquit


                                                                  'Cause niggaz ain't getting blink dagger + force staff on her. And treads !! You heard it here 1st folks.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                    Anybody know if Wave is actually 5k?

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      I just find everything on her to be difficult, her nuke has a long charge time so difficult to land for full dmg, her shackleshot is difficult to land and unreliable, she is squishy. She's not a 3 star support, nuker, nor disabler, she's like a 1 star in all those. Heroes who specialize in dota usually do a bit better.


                                                                        "isn't beastmaster also kind of underpowered at the moment?"
                                                                        He's actually very strong at the moment, I feel, it is hard to lose with the guy. I love how you can just build whatever item suits the game, having two boars and birds out at the same time is really good, he can get his farm anywhere he wants to get it be it ancients, lane, jungle...
                                                                        He can be useful from a huge range if he's behind, and he can do a lot of damage in melee range if he's ahead. He can push towers easily. He has the rare combination of always useful ultimate + short cooldown.


                                                                          I honestly think WR isn't that good. I've seen her in a few pro games but she was never the one that won the game (IF her team won it)

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            I also think good beastmasters are quite strong. Proper creep placement means your team has a huge vision advantage, that alone is invaluable. His ult in a teamfight is insane, goes through bkb.

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                              She has 2 skillshot meaning that she is the offlaner of choice among 360 no scope pudge/invoker/mirana pickers.
                                                                              Not only, however, she is not that good of an offlaner with pretty small impact, but, also, the people that pick her tend to have no clue how to play properly on offlane and how to use the hero.
                                                                              Sort of the same situation with Rubick and the support role. It's not that Rubick is bad hero, just that the people he often attracts don't know how to support properly nor how to use the hero.
                                                                              Here are some typical examples of the aforementioned people.


                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                I personally think she offers too little reward for the amount of skill it takes to play her properly in comparison to other high skill heroes.


                                                                                  ^^Rubick has terrible cooldowns!!! You need plenty of patience to play him properly. Most people use their skills on nearest target then they are kinda' useless.

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    Does anyone else feel like windrunner should be an agi hero?


                                                                                      ^Considering her BAT, yes !


                                                                                        On one instance i have to agree with wave. When you are trash and cant play a hero doesn't mean the hero is bad. When i started at 3.6k mmr NO ONE knew how to play a proper windrunner now im at 4.6 still 80% dont know how the hero works. Hell i bet 70% of pros cant play her properly.

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          Ew her agi gain sucks, never noticed that. But what I'm saying is if she could go agi items like aquila, maybe a yasha, and get dmg out of them, she might be better.



                                                                                            Example of my previous statement

                                                                                            When 80% of players plain SUCK at WR doesnt mean she is a bad hero

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                              ^ But it does contribute to an abyssal winrate, which is what the OP asked what the reason for that was anyway.


                                                                                                Well alot of people are saying she is a bad hero so it has a bad winrate. Thats just bs because people think 3.5k mmr is average in this game while the real average is around 2k. People in dbuff or any other website related to dota are usually the tryharder ones. You can do as many pools as you like but does the group of 1k mmr players that think they are god vote on it? No

                                                                                                If a heroes winrate in average pub is low doent mean the hero is bad

                                                                                                Ffs wisp is a top tier support with a 38% winrate. How many people can play it under 4k? Maybe the occasional tryhard but not more.

                                                                                                When i stack with my irl friends that average around 2k i see the other side of the community. Bunch of morons who dont know wtf is going on and dont care . And they SUCK on every single hero.

                                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                                Hex Sigma

                                                                                                  isnt it funny that I actually care(even though I am 2k)? but I guess its just my personality cuz from what I've seen many 2k players are trash but besides that they also don't give a flying fuck about their mistakes. As I've said before: ok you're bad but did you even try to get any better? and from what I saw most of them don't care about their performance.

                                                                                                  Despite the negative feedback on her as I said I still really enjoy playing on wr although I agree she needs a buff.


                                                                                                    You're one in a million!

                                                                                                    I have friends that play daily and did not play 10 ranked games yet.


                                                                                                      abyssal winrate? you mean abysmal?

                                                                                                      I guess Windrunner's skillshot component does contribute a lot to her lower winrate. but still the fact that shackle is pretty unreliable and powershot needs 1 hour charging time which allows easy dodging like hook kind of makes it :/


                                                                                                        I believe powershot achieves 100% dmg output between the 1/2 or 3/4 point of channelling.

                                                                                                        WR is the kind of hard to master but high potential supports. Her shackle shot is gamebreaking if used correctly. She's received multiple buffs as well which add to her carry/snowballing potential as well. I imagine she would do better in the professional scene if someone would pick her up as his signature support.

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!