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General DiscussionPersonal Discussion Thread - Captain's Mode - Assess and criticize/an...

Personal Discussion Thread - Captain's Mode - Assess and criticize/analyze along. in General Discussion

    So, I decided I'm going to pick Captain more often when queuing for CM. This may or may not continue for long, it's mostly a self-blog thing. Whoever tags along with good intentions, has my full appreciation.

    I read a somewhat decent guide which gave me a mini-epiphany, so I want to see if there's any results or improvements.


    I'll just keep posting certain matches, but the main point of this is to potentially gain a little bit more insight in terms of knowing how to draft/pick. I myself don't find it an easy thing to do, there's a lot of variables to think about so yeah..
    Another way of putting it: Need more input from others that truly consider themselves A+++ in terms of game knowledge. Let me know what you think of my bans/picks, whether or not I made the right calls and to offer advice on some better alternative choices wherever need be. Would be great if you could help me take note of where I flunked and more importantly, where I excelled. I feel the latter is just as valuable.


    Matches: (I'll probably do some editing and make it fancy for myself to look at, and I'll probably leave any notable mentions in parenthesis beside the match-url) - Win (I am a huge fan of AA/BS, and then I threw in Axe to put in pressure on top against their first-picked spectre as well as intending to counter SD) - Win (Again with the AA/BS. I picked up LoA against PotM/SD as usual, puck for our follow-up initiation or initiation, and slark as our main carry. We actually started off extremely poorly, 0-7 I believe, but I tried to keep positive and we ended up pulling through. Could it have been easier with different picks? Did I deserve compliments from one/both teams about the draft?). - Loss (I feel as though I should've put treant in the offlane solo instead of lich, but I was skeptical of him being able to survive the safe tri-lane. Didn't matter though, the lane lost due to several factors. Obviously I'm wondering if my draft was the biggest problem, or if item/ability/lane choices mattered more). - Win (I saw them ban Voke/DP which led me to believe they might try for a midish-late carry, and I went ahead and chose spectre as my second ban. Picked up Dazzle/AA as I feel they're pretty safe solid choices, as well as the fact that they chose Mirana and had an SD player on the opposing side. I chose to aggro tri-lane those two with a Viper, and that made me think it made the lane fairly durable against most lanes. I put Axe in the safelane vs their solo offlane since I was planning to surprise them with Husk. I remembered playing as Ember vs Husk and not having fun at all... his E pretty much nullifies your bolas/guard once he drops to low HP. Lifebreak + Axe hammer seemed quite lovely on top of our "triple-damage-over-time"). - Loss (The other team banned Ember/Naga, which I thought was quite odd, so I looked at their captain's dota profile and saw some nice squishy carries as his most successful, SF being the 1st. So I banned SF. They picked up Dazzle/SD... again... so I banned Mirana.... again... I picked Centaur + Lich for some less obvious lane intentions, and then I threw in Axe again once I saw the timber pick. Plus they had grave anyways! I figured Cent could solo the safelane instead, and we could aggro tri with Axe/Lich/___. I don't think rubick was the right choice here, but I'm still not sure what would've been. Perhaps the entire draft was wonky from the beginning. They went with Sniper, and my teammate wanted to play Voke, so I thought Q/W would work well as our main initiation, then following through with Axe/Cent/Lich. In retrospect, I suppose Voke was too weak for the draft I was planning for and should've gone LD or BS instead? Idk.).


      In both losses you didn't pick enough carries/semi-carries. Especially the first one... bro what. Totally outmatched lategame and your early game wasn't exactly primed to crush them.

      In CM mode, it is definitely possible to win without a proper hard carry when your heroes outlane them or have a high chance of winning midgame and snowballing. However, that is with a fully coordinated team. These are pubs, you have to account for people and not just the drafts. It is always safer to put safety nets for late game. Not to mention it is popular for pubbers to feel the lost was due to their draft, so whenever you build a funky lineup you have to keep it mind if things start going bad, people play like idiots because they genuinely believe its the draft.

      "Wtf, we no carry its noob captain."

      Bu yorum düzenlendi


        Yeah that happened with a couple teammates, but surprisingly there have been people on both teams that still made good light of my draft despite the fact that we lost.

        In this game - - I was hoping for DP/Viper but they had already banned those two, and in retrospect, I'm now thinking I could've chosen Husk/BS/Razor as our mid instead of Necrophos.

        In this one - - I assumed Sniper wasn't going to get big until mid-late, but I forgot invoker can have trouble zoning out sniper. Again, I wanted Viper but it was banned :/ I'm still trying to decide which carry would've been viable.


          Yeah Necrophos didn't really synergise well with any hero on that team.

          For game 2, your goal shouldn't have been to shutdown Sniper simply because like you said, he isn't really a hero to get big till mid-late even with decent starting farm. I think what you could have done was make use of the fact they had a static mid and gone for a more ganky type. You would have gotten free runes and wouldn't have to worry much about their mid counterganking.

          But eh, its honestly a coin flip. You weren't really outdrafted nor were they and I honestly feel that game would have been decided by player skill.