General Discussion

General DiscussionExtra stretch goals

Extra stretch goals in General Discussion

    So it's been less than a week since the compendium launched at as a community we've nearly finished all the stretch goals. As the prize pool is still in creasing by a few hundred thousand dollars a day, do you think Valve would extra stretch goals, and if so, what ones would you like?

    Personally I'd like another arcana vote, maybe after the next one gets voted for, and removing already arcana-heroes from the possible voting options.

    Maybe the option for voting on the next hero ported to the game too? (Even though it would probably be techies would still be a nice goal to aim for)

    Also maybe introduce another line of genuine items, like the ones from the valve store last year, and you maybe get one for every 20/50? Levels of your compendium

    Just my thoughts, what about anyone else?


      Giff Arc Warden pls !!


        ^Yes bring new heroes

        I Love Frank Ocean Gay Fo...

          It wont continue to increase if they dont, so im sure they will put some up. I think valve underestimated peoples love of having the biggest e-peen.


            We failed to acheive Techies last time because the amount of donations slowed down dramatically by the end of the international.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              This level thing was pretty clever from valve. I'm sure exp boosters got them more money than comps. Also just because there is not limit for levels, the prize pool might as well just increase forever.


                No techies please


                  Yeah a line of Genuine items would be great, and to let compendium owners receive one genuine item gift. Hopefully they dont screw over the people like they did when the lockless luckboxes came out last year and it was only limited @ the time. And let the community pick what they want for workshop items to be ported every month (i.e. Yi's CM set <.<)

                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                    giff techies & pitloard! Also fix the 'gg' bullshit like liqiud vs. NAR game... force losers to privately type '-ff'. Give us Pudge wars, Only mid mode. Sheep tag & NOTD and pyramid esscape mini-games!


                      If we break the goal Valve will teat us
                      Remember tho they did make a FREE documentary for us

                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                        7 Million stretch goal: Buy Peru & Brazil their own Dota 2 servers, like SOUTH AFRICA. Buy a firewall that blocks Peru, Brazil & Russians from joining American servers unless they have over 4k MMR and 0% abandon. and MOAR SERVERS. Fix dota TV with the echo and glitches. Buy BTS better producers and increase their PRODUCTION VALUE.


                          3v3 mm


                            i know i know.
                            give fucking decent server that doesnt crash at most random times for no fucking reason at all but to update hats.

                            GIVE SERVER

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              If they put "20M - Techies" shit would get crazy.


                                20 M - Half Life 3, that's when the whole world unites, stops wars and starts throwing money at Valve.

                                casual gamer

                                  I wish they could implement that vanguard upgrade from the year beast mode into normal gameplay, although balancing something like that would probably be kinda iffy

                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                    1 billion - end world hunger
                                    2 billion - free housing
                                    5 billion - free medicare


                                      i wish drow had that splitshot dmg like in wraith night.... fun stuff