General Discussion

General DiscussionC'mon guys, 1 more million

C'mon guys, 1 more million in General Discussion

    I want a fucking meepo statue in my base, LETS GET THIS DONE!


      Don't worry, sales probably jump right back up when the immortals are coming out


        oh hell yeah.


          At this rate i think we'll reach 7-6.5m by july 25 because evantually we run out of people to buy

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            Nope. it all depends on how many points ppl want to buy. remember sales includes ppl spending money on points too :)


              So much potential for a prize pool raise, in every game I've played since the compendium came out, mine (level 62) has been highest in the game, and only a couple of others appear to have actually bought points


                In one week the International has already gotten over 3 million dollars. I wouldn't be surprised if the prize pool reached 10 million by the time the International is actually over


                  wait wat? meepo statue? can some1 send me link on info of the building customization?


           its not like the ones shown here surely..... because they r lame as fuck :D

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